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Everything posted by Misslindsey

  1. I agree. I vastly prefer the NYC ladies, but then again, I am one of the very few Bethenny fans. Tamra, Vicki, and Shannon getting drunk just felt to me like TPTB are trying to recreate their drunken shenanigans from past seasons. It just will not work for me. No amount of drunken antics is going to make me like Vicki or want to watch these three as friends again.
  2. Jill's recipes are unintentional comedy. They always seem to make me laugh. So if like Jill said, one substitutes frozen vegetables in place of canned, shouldn't she specify that those people may need to use some stock/broth to make up for not having any canned liquid? Oh why am I asking, it is Jill logic.
  3. I always thought in the pilot that Alex was meant as a love interest for Jane. At the time I was down for it, but now I do not want to saddle Alex with Jane. I would love if Sutton got together with Pinstripe, but of course Pinstripe is probably going to be with Jane soon. I am going to miss Ben when that happens.
  4. I do not think Sandy is doing it out of spite. I think Joao is a dick, but seems like a hard worker. I think Sandy sees that. I do not think she has seen Joao be a dick during downtime. I think Sandy might have doted on Conrad more if he had his head in the game. She did compliment him after the Hannah-less day.
  5. I just want someone who does not need a glam squad or have a fashion moment every time they are filming. The women in other franchises do not need a glam squad on call. RHONY is the one that comes to mind right now, because it is currently airing. I enjoy seeing the women dressing casually and not wearing a face full of makeup all of the time.
  6. Everyone here has articulated so well all the reasons I hate Vicki. I am not sure how to describe it, but during this episode the strange, sort of baby talk that Vicki used during her Eddie apology drove me crazy.
  7. I do not care if and when people have vow renewal ceremonies. If they want to, then go for it. If not, then do not bother. It just does not matter to me either way.
  8. Jane will then proceed to write an article about all this and win an award.
  9. I am one of the very few who liked Heather, so I would welcome her back.
  10. I do not know how long I am going to last watching this season. I do not really care for any of these ladies, so unless the new women really bring it I am out. I hate that it seems like everyone loves Vicki again. TPTB can keep showing lighthearted Vicki scenes, but she will never be redeemed for me. I will love Eddie forever if he keeps up his Vicki hate. I do hope everything is well with him regarding his health. I love a good ropes course. I did not live the screeching and hysterics that mainly Vicki and Shannon were doing. I will be at my table for one for not really wanting to watch Shannon or Kelly date. So many of these dates seem so awkward. Hell, first dates can be awkward in general, so adding a camera crew makes it more so. I could watch the montage of Vicki's various accidents on a loop.
  11. She probably had to write that fascinating blog post in a hurry or type up her cinnamon toast recipe before she forgot it. It is so detailed.
  12. There was a code of anonymity at my Big Ten university as well, but after they graduated it did not matter. When the people who played the mascot graduated they would wear Sparty's boots while walking in the graduation ceremony. My university had several different people be the mascot, because the mascot did everything from sporting events, weddings, philanthropy, and other various events or activities. Sparty was busy, so there needed to be many Spartys.
  13. I was wondering this as well. In one of the linked articles above Jeff says they were in communication with her for months after the birth. Jeff's comment was in poor taste, but stereotypically Jeff. I would imagine whatever contract Alexandra signed gave Bravo the right to film her during the birth, because that was a major storyline last season. I have not seen the birth episode since it aired, but I do not remember much of Alexandra shown during it. I feel like it was mostly Jeff and Gage reaction shots. I am probably misremembering though.
  14. There is so much wrong with the GFM text, but Jill, we all know you wrote it.
  15. Yes! I think it was last season where Carole was having lunch/dinner/drinks/whatever with Ramona, where Ramona was talking a lot so Carole told her to "talk less, smile more." That is from Hamilton. It could be from other places as well, but it was during the peak Hamilton popularity.
  16. Hahahaha! This cracked me up so much! Good thing Craig does not go by a nickname, because if he asked her to call him by his real name I would laugh so hard. Hell, maybe Craig can ask his life coach to call him Jason just to amuse me. I thought Thomas seemed to be high or something when Ashley was talking to him. I was drinking wine so I probably perceived the whole scene wrong. Though either way, I will always hate Thomas. Ashley seems to be stealing from RHOC Brooks' playbook with all the cheesy, romantic comedy/Hallmark card sayings.
  17. Heh. Now I want to see Jill try to attempt the Alinea cookbook instead of her mama's recipes from the 1950's.
  18. This. I find that I do not hate anyone on this series. Tamica annoys me and the others do have their faults, but I do not hate any of them. There are moments where I like them and moments where I do not. It varies from episode or even scenes. It is probably the reason why I enjoy this version so much. This cast seems to genuinely have fun together and not everything is drunken shenanigans. Also, I may like it more because the drama seems fairly light. This group seems more adult than the SC cast, if that makes any sense. I may have had too much wine. I did love the adult Easter egg hunt and the croquet game complete with more laughing at Jon not being good at it, like golf. I liked Jeff's TH with bear Justin. Oh and the editors version of horror movie clips when Justin was talking about seeing wedding stuff everywhere made me laugh.
  19. I am with you. I honestly think that this whole fight between Carole and Bethenny is making a big deal out of very little. I did not think either Bethenny and Carole were mad at each other. They knew their relationship was off, but that can happen with friendships, especially since they both seem to be doing different things. I did not think Bethenny was talking shit about Carole to Dorinda in the last episode. She mentioned what happened with Adam and calling Adam an opportunist. I believe Bethenny said she told Carole the opportunist part already and said she knew she probably should have not said it. The whole thing seems like unnecessary drama that probably could have been avoided if they spoke one on one. I am one of the few Bethenny fans, so I am probably biased. Bethenny says the things that I am thinking in most episodes. I was enjoying the episode up until the end. I laughed at Ramona trying to figure out "snowmies". I enjoyed the murder mystery, especially all things fritter.
  20. I thought Sandy handled the situation pretty well, by that point the whole thing was getting very ridiculous. The other charter guests were even chiming in asking blonde woman what she does like to eat. I do agree that Captain Sandy is socially awkward. I thought that last season.
  21. I do the sit in the sink thing, but I am a millennial. I started doing it in college and stuck with it. I prefer it to makeup mirrors. Everyone here already summed up my feelings of Tamica and the Tamica/Barry relationship quite well for this episode. I enjoyed watching the guys golf, or more like watching them laugh at Jon's golfing skills. Justin leaving the haunted plantation to go to hotel amused me also. Also that he did not deny being scared the next day to the group. I forgot who was outside Barry and Tamica's room knocking on he windows and making noises, but it made me laugh. It reminded me of silly stuff that my friends and I do.
  22. The three times I saw Hamilton with the original cast it was a given Christopher Jackson could make me cry during "One Last Time" every time.
  23. This. I usually only state my opinion once and move on, but I think your rule of five times is good as well. I tend to stop reading certain show threads when they get into repetitive circular arguments. I tend to bow out of certain threads (mostly Real Housewives episode threads) a couple days after the show aired because it can get very repetitive very quickly.
  24. What time do the sweeper buses come out for the NYC marathon? In Chicago they start opening the streets to traffic after six and a half hours. Good for her for participating, but I almost think she should have started smaller with some 5Ks or even a half marathon. Then again what do I know, maybe she did. So while Carole was in that Dunkin Donut carriage was she ordering her donuts seven different ways and not touching?
  25. I must not have any class, because I do eat out of bowls when the occasion/meal calls for it. I am the worst. I could not stop laughing at these women contradicting themselves constantly. One does not eat bread then she orders a grilled cheese. Another claims they do not eat starchy foods then asks for spaghetti. Their behavior was so ridiculous.
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