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Everything posted by Misslindsey

  1. I thought both parties looked lame. I have the extremely unpopular opinion that I do not mind Gina or Emily. I would rather watch Gina, Emily, or Kelly than the Shannon, Tamra, or Vicki. I find their schtick so tired. Vicki will never be redeemed for me. I do not care that Shannon, Tamra and Vicki are friends again. I only somewhat liked Shannon and Tamra when they were on the outs with Vicki. I am barely hanging on this season. It was so dull. I probably will not tune in next season unless there is some major overhaul with the cast. Though I doubt Vicki, Shannon, or Tamra will go anywhere.
  2. The 75% Porsha is why it is so awful for me. I have never been a Porsha fan, so I do not know if I can take a whole season of this. I was not too wild about Kenya, but loved her whenever she went up against Porsha.
  3. I admit I tend to root for LeeAnne. I do not know why, but it could be that I probably would not watch this franchise if she was not in it. I just do not find the rest of the women that interesting. I have never liked Brandi. I do not mind Stephanie when she is not around Brandi. I did not mind last season D'Andra, but this season she is annoying me. Cary and Kam are just there for me. I also, do not mind Kam. I think she is fairly harmless compared to the rest of the ladies. I think this fight between she and D'Andra is incredibly stupid. It felt like something minor that was blown way out of proportion. I do not think the "why didn't you call her" comment was innocent, but D'Andra seemed to be looking for a fight. I did like Xanax Kam. Brandi, if you are so worried about being labeled an alcoholic when the adoption is not finalized yet, you may want to limit your on camera drinking. Her whole plan of drinking everything in sight just so LeeAnne would call her an alcoholic to her face was so stupid.
  4. I really do not want another season of the Gorga/Giudice drama. I hated it the first go around. I prefer it when that family is on decent terms.
  5. This. I just do not care about Reznik at all. I wish Jared still had his place on the team and Reznik was gone.
  6. Hee! JillRod would probably write a blog post with random capitalized words saying that since her children love her so much and think she is the best mama ever that they gave all their candy to her.
  7. I kind of like it. I like how her hair is styled in the photo as well. I think it looks better than how she normally wears her hair.
  8. I assume that since the wedding is televised that TLC or Jim Bob have the most say in how big the wedding is. That is why I never expect any of these Duggar weddings to be all that different. Also, it is possible that Abbie did not care about how many people were invited or she may have wanted a big wedding. It is the same shit, but different season. How many similar weddings and births must we all endure?
  9. Is there even a point to that video? It is not like it is a kids being/doing something cute or funny video that people tend to post. It is just the Dillard family playing a board game. Nothing is actually happening besides Izzy trying to figure out who is winning while his parents talk to each other. Oh Derick is winning just in case anyone missed him saying that. Congrats Derick you are winning at Candy Land!
  10. Since I am a Dear Evan Hansen fan it was nice to see Michael Park (Larry Murphy) appear.
  11. Nora cannot return to the future soon enough for me as well. I am so tired of Nora, which does not bode well for me since this was only episode four.
  12. They remind me of the babies from the My Fake Baby documentary. I just wanted an American Girl Doll when I was younger, not some nightmare inducing baby doll.
  13. Can I get Today's Take back, please? Sometimes I get annoyed by some of the hosts, but overall it was mindless entertainment for me in the morning.
  14. Faith is at AMDA (The American Musical and Dramatic Academy) in New York.
  15. This. I hate the fakery that goes on with how these trips come about. If this was not a Bravo sanctioned trip, I keep thinking while Cary goes on and on about how this trip to Copenhagen will bring her closer to her dad, is that maybe she should bring her dad and not these women.
  16. I was just glad there was limited Brandi this episode.
  17. Oooh I got one to add! e. Then they kill him off (bonus points if he dies heroically).
  18. I think Bravo just pre-empted it, because they are airing the show that took Flipping Out's place all week in that time slot. I do not know what the show is called, but I think it is only four or five episodes.
  19. This. I have a hard time believing she is suppose to be in her mid-twenties who holds a job as a CSI, because she acts like a teenager. The first two episodes I let it slide, but now I am finding Nora annoying. Maybe they will ease up on it in future episodes.
  20. I really do not think Vicki or Tamra have to do much or anything at all to secure their oranges. I doubt that TPTB would ever get rid of them. Hell if they did not get rid of Vicki after cancer gate than I doubt they ever will. I feel like I need therapy after seeing Vicki twerk. The outfit was bad enough, but then she added the twerking. I have been liking Kelly this season. I also, enjoy both Emily and Gina. I like them better than the endless circle of the same old Vicki, Tamra, and Shannon drama. TPTB will never redeem Vicki for me. The only time I liked Shannon is when she did not like Vicki because of cancer gate. I would love for them to bring Heather back, but doubt that will happen.
  21. Uh.....small voice.....I may have picked up a cookie off the floor and ate it. Only my floor though, because I know how clean it is. I definitely would not it a cut up banana off the floor, because it seems like a type of food that can collect a lot of debris. Then again, I am one of the few people who do not like bananas so I really would not eat it on or off the floor.
  22. Yup, that was Finn. A Life and Death Brigade comment would have made me laugh. I have the unpopular opinion of not caring about Nic and Conrad as a couple. This. I cannot stand Austin. I know they are leading up to some kind of romance between them, but it just is not working for me. It is too bad because I like Mina.
  23. Jill's videos seem to be her (or Derick) trying to get the kids to perform for the camera. It does not ever feel like she is catching her kids doing something cute or funny. I have not watched all the videos she puts out, but it is like she turns the camera on and expects them to perform. Also, her videos feel so long. Jessa's videos of her kids work better for me because it seems like she is capturing her kids just being kids.
  24. I love him, because he is played by Aasif Mandvi. I am that easy. I have to admit that I tend to root for the people who go up against the Reagan's, especially Frank and Danny.
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