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Everything posted by Misslindsey

  1. I really enjoy Ben Whishaw. I have not seen A Very English Scandal, but I loved him in The Hour years ago.
  2. I concur. I love Founders. My hometown is in West Michigan on Lake Michigan, though now I am on the other side of the lake.
  3. I am so glad for The Americans getting some love. I would have loved Matthew to win best actor, but I am glad he got the Emmy last year. So I am fine with a Richard Madden win.
  4. Yes Richard Madden! I enjoyed Bodyguard. I applaud you for drinking a Michigan beer.
  5. I dread a Lady Gaga win, because she tends to ramble on.
  6. I am sad because I remember him when he was on All My Children.
  7. I found the opening amusing. I was hoping for a Bill Hader or Donald Glover win. I like the color of Gaga's dress but do not like the dress or the blue hair. Someone commented upthread about how this is going to be a long award season with Gaga and I so agree.
  8. I agree very much with Sandra and Andy's assessment of Michael B. Jordan.
  9. Yeah, it looks like everyone has the same thing on each of their plates, one slice of pizza and some veggies/pickles. The blob of red stuff (possibly ketchup, marinara, hot sauce or something else) looks to be finished on what little we can see of David's plate. Is everyone at the table, because it seems a bit odd that everyone's plates look so untouched and David has already finished part of his portion. It is quite possible I am overthinking it all though.
  10. I kept thinking that this was one of the times Nurie and Tim were fasting. Most likely fasting for godly, chaste mates.
  11. Thanks. I knew I missed something, just wasn't sure what it was.
  12. I did hear Cynthia say something about Noelle not having a roommate when they entered her dorm room. I missed what Cynthia said to Noelle in the elevator prior to that about pulling strings for something. Did anyone catch that? At my university just because your roommate was a no show did not mean that you would not get one. Sometimes there were students who got housing late, switched dorm rooms (mostly do to roommate trouble), transferred during the semester, or other circumstances. There was a possibility that one might get a roommate unless they paid for a private room from the start, which was pretty rare at my university.
  13. I usually think when some other family member besides JillRod is claiming to post on the Rodriguii social media that it is actually Jill. Obviously the photo is Tim's, but maybe he sent it to Jill. Then again, Jill would probably write something that tells how much Tim wants to get home to her or how he spent what little money he has buying something ridiculous for her. So it could be Tim that actually posted, but I am always very cynical when it comes to Jill.
  14. I gave up on Bull during the first season, but I loved Christopher Jackson since his "In The Heights" days so I was glad he had a regular gig. He is very talented, though I never thought Bull showcased it much when I watched. Keeping up with the Chris Jackson theme, anyone catch the last Hamildrop of One Last Time with Christopher Jackson, Barack Obama and Bebe Winans? It is pretty awesome.
  15. Hee! A friend gave me one of the state where I am originally from which is a very recognizable state (Michigan). I live in Chicago since I graduated college, so if someone gave me one of Illinois it probably would take them a second to figure it out as well.
  16. Shouldn't there be some chicken/Vegetable broth or stock in the soup? So the liquid in the recipe to make this a soup is tomato sauce and what I am assuming are undrained diced tomatoes? I would think she would need some cumin or chili powder as well. I do not know why I am thinking logically, this is Jill we are talking about. This recipe is basically throwing beans and corn into a jar of tomato sauce and then exclaiming in a Jill voice "Yay soup!" After everyone is done eating then you must ask "Are you happy?" over and over.
  17. JillRod's two pictures of Tim look like he is in the witness protection program. They are so blurry.
  18. Isn't beer cheese somewhat the equivalent to pub cheese? I know Trader Joe's sells pub cheese. I have seen pub cheese and beer cheese at grocery stores in the Chicago area. I have seen both in my West Michigan hometown Meijer store, since I have been here for the holidays. I do not think it is that obscure.
  19. I was with Nene about drawing numbers for room selection, but then she added drawing someone else's name to determine their room. Seriously? It just reeked of trying to start some sort of drama, which did not seem to work.
  20. I missed the previous episode and have not watched it yet, but could anyone tell me who Tanya is? Is she a new cast member or friend of one of them?
  21. This. I was not feeling her ultimatum to her boss. I feel like most of the cast has thrown out horrible insults at each other at one time or another, depending on who they a feuding with each season or who is on the outs with a chunk of the cast. I just do not care anymore. I will be at my table for one for not really minding Scheana. She is incredibly self-absorbed, but overall I think she is harmless.
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