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Everything posted by Misslindsey

  1. French Onion seems to mumble a lot when he speaks. Khloe and him get along well, but it feels more like friends and less like boyfriend/girlfriend. I concur. Khloe wants someone to party with since she is just so miserable in the Hamptons. I do not think Kourtney is intentionally trying to be a buzzkill, but I do think she has a right to be wary of Scott's club appearances. Doesn't Khloe remember Scott's previous drunken ways and get why Kourtney does not want to deal with that again? No, she just wants someone to party with. While Scott has mellowed a bit, he is dealing with a lot with the loss of his parents, so yeah I do think Kourtney is justified in not wanting him to be that way or in a situation where that could happen. I do hope Scott has a therapist ( a non-televised one ) to talk to, because he is dealing with a lot.
  2. I was at a wedding where they had a unity cocktail. They mixed a cocktail on the alter. I thought it was hilarious and delicious at the same time.
  3. I agree. I thought the Roloff was very nicely done and I enjoyed watching it. I did not think I was going to, but I did. I thought that wedding was very Jeremy and Audrey. That it fit their personalities. Jill and Derick's wedding seemed very generic with some Pinterest ideas thrown in. When Jim Bob was informing Michele about Derick's mother, did she have a Coach bag in her hand? Or was it one that looks like a Coach bag but really isn't? Of course I was half watching so I probably did not see it clearly at all.
  4. This. I enjoyed Charlie and Alex, but the Alex and Joel, Charlie and Dawn relationships do not make me want to watch when it returns. I did enjoy the snarky, sarcastic banter between Joel and Maggie this season.
  5. I knew going in that it would come down to Amanda and Sean, just from the way the were raved over by the judges for most of the season. I think Sean is fine, but I am so over all the fringe. It is like an overplayed song where you hear it too much and get sick of it. That is what I feel like with Sean and fringe. I have never been a fan of Amanda's aesthetic, so I wasn't wowed by her collection. A lot of the pieces she made I felt I have seen them before by her on the show. I liked Kini's the best with all the adjustments he made, but my favorites rarely win. I liked the moment at the end with his aunt doing a chant. Gee, such a shock that Alexander one fan favorite. Korina, see how Char, Kini, and Amanda took their being auf'd? Take note.
  6. Last year, I had a gray dress that I sewed some grey tulle around, and Put a toy shark on a headband, so I was Sharknado. In college my friends and I went as sorority girls with the letters HOZ on our shirts. That one was kind of bitchy, but my sorority and others thought it was funny.
  7. I never saw Jennice as being a stalker. I thought she was trying to figure out where they stood when they get off the boat. I had no problem with Kelly saying he wanted to live by himself. That's fine, but he never mentioned her at all, or say that they can live nearby and see what happens. She wasn't mentioned. I would like to think she got the message, but then they kissed when she left. Hell, their whole "relationship" has been full of mixed signals, so why stop now? I loved that it just seemed to dawn on Kat and Kate that Amy felt excluded. So nice of them to realize it during the last charter. I do admit that if there is another season, I wouldn't mind seeing most of these people back. Mostly Eddie though. Reading Captain Lee's blog it seemed that he had nice relationships with Eddie and Jennice. I figured he had a good relationship with Eddie, but either way would have liked to see more of that onscreen than some of the other drama.
  8. So if Jac is around next season, is she going to whine about how Tre is not answering her texts while she is "away"? Her favorite topic of conversation "Teresa" will be gone. What is she going to do with all that time? Constantly text Joe as a Teresa substitute? I thought Nicole looked liked she really did not care about whatever feud she was suppose to have with Tre. In the car and even at the party she looked disinterested. It seemed like it was mostly Twin Teresa that kept going on and on about it. Hell even Rino looked disinterested and the rumor was supposedly about and started from him.
  9. I always liked Richard Blais from Top Chef and do not mind at all that he is a judge this season. When he is commenting on the cheftestant's food, I do not think he is anymore dickish or mean than the rest of the judging panel. I always thought during his time as a cheftestant on Top Chef that he was harder on himself, and that he was mad at himself when things did not work out the way he wanted.
  10. I was surprised that Ben did not think about Bianca wanting basic food with the romantic dinner or at any of the meal times. It was mentioned a lot. I feel like he just heard the primary say "molecular gastronomy" and did not hear anything else. Ben did mention that he did not know how to combine the two, so I wonder if he thought he was somewhat combining their tastes with his menu for the romantic dinner. I do not remember what was served before the quesadillas though. Small voice......I love molecular gastronomy. I eat at Alinea, Next, and Moto way too much. I adore Grant Achatz, Homaru Cantu, Ferran Adria, Jose Andres, and so many other chefs that specialize in molecular gastronomy. Grant Achatz is my favorite chef. Love him.......small voice.
  11. Good point about the different shifts. A throwaway line would have been nice or something. I am not loving Gabby on 81. I wish the separate houses thing stuck at least for awhile. I too am glad she failed at first, mainly because I grew tired of her being Super!Awesome!Paramedic, and was worried we would get more of that with her being Super!Awesome!Firefighter.
  12. Kate seems jealous of all the compliments and praise that Amy receives. Amy is pleasant and does her job with very little complaints. I can see why people like her. I loved that Ben asked Amy to serve the primary, because it pissed Kate off so much. Though I did think Amy misheard Jennice. I thought Jennice said that Kelly was just going to be moving near where she lived, not that they were going to move in together. I did like that Jennice mentioned that she felt useless with Logan around. The primary was a douche, the whole bit with showing the tip to Captain Lee than taking some of it back was such a douche move. His complaining about the internet. I might understand doing a bit of work while on vacation or checking in, but he was so over the top with it all. Having them all wear shirts with his name on it. Sigh. No words. Has anyone looked him up yet?
  13. It is sad that I know this, but it was Colby from Numb3rs, because the whole episode I just wanted him to run or have Don and Charlie show up. Thanks for the Nell in combat recap, because I forgot the details of them.
  14. This. They have been doing this for a few seasons now, but this episode it was so over the top. Can't they make Nell her own person instead of another Hetty? As much as I enjoy Hetty, one of her is enough. I wish Eric would get to be super awesome, like Nell does almost all the time. I feel like since Nell came onboard in season two they have dumbed Eric down a bit and made him more awkward.
  15. Me too. Though the two younger children do not bother me during their minimal screen time. It is the oldest daughter that irritates me. If she could find her calling somewhere far away I would be perfectly fine with this fluffy show. Don't give them any ideas. I do not want to see Tea Leoni and the POTUS reminiscing about jam.
  16. I still want to be CJ Cregg from The West Wing. A well-written and a total bad ass in her own right. Leslie Knope from Parks and Recreation. She is nice, competent, likes waffles, and gives the best presents. What's not to love?
  17. My Arrow UO is that I do not care for Laurel or Felicity. I can usually take them both in small doses, but Felicity is getting more and more screen time, along with Laurel getting a more prominent storyline. I dread the Felicity origin story, because I do not care that much. I actually prefer Thea, and think she is more interesting than both Felicity and Laurel, but she doesn't get that much to do, or whatever she does is over in a few episodes.
  18. I always loved Everwood's season one opening credits. It just fit the show perfectly.
  19. I saw Josh Jackson in some interview where he said that the creator designed it to be a three season show. That was pretty much all that was said and it wasn't really elaborated on. So who knows.
  20. I know. Didn't he have a whole storyline about not making/making Squad? It is like the are pulling a Gabby with him. She wanted to be a doctor, nope her real dream is wanting to be a firefighter. I really hope it is the income thing with Mills.
  21. I watched America's Next Top Model many many seasons ago, and not everyone can "walk" well, or even take a photo well. So I do think there is a certain talent and skill involved, or even the willingness to learn and improve.
  22. Char did say ( I think off camera ) that Amanda did not have the right to be there again, but I think after she got saved she realized the error of her ways and talked to Amanda about it. Even though if I was ever on a reality show I would have a hard time keeping my mouth shut to the judges, which is exactly why I am not on a reality show, I do know that you shouldn't talk back or get bitchy with the judges. It rarely ever ends in your favor. As much as you want to defend yourself, it is best to be polite and take the criticism, even if you think it is not deserved. Korina needs to know that if she thinks about doing this again.
  23. This. While I haven't loved a lot of Emily's designs ( though I think a lot were well constructed, which I like), I liked her comments tonight regarding Korina and even Korina's model. I liked her the other week with Sandhya during Sandhya's pity party. Oh Korina, you could not even have a graceful exit from the show. Bitching about Char and then when she stands up for her self continues on with the whole "it is not about her" remark. Seriously? Seriously if Korina got the save she would be all for it. Honestly, I really do not care who knocked Korina out of the competition, just glad someone finally did before fashion week. I was glad Char stood up for herself with Korina. It isn't her fault that Tim saved her. I do think Char does have self-awareness. I forgot what she said this episode (too much merlot), but it made me take note that she knows she is very lucky in regards to being saved. I loved Kini's soccer ball dress. I am glad he won, because for awhile there I thought Sean was running away with this competition. I do think Sean or Amanda will win, but I love Kini best.
  24. It was a shot by shot remake of Broadchurch, but I still liked it. It was like a double dose of Broadchurch, which I am totally fine with. I liked the casting so far, so I do not mind that it is basically Broadchurch. Maybe, if it sticks around long enough it will come into it's own and be different. I love love love David Tennent, so while he has success in the UK, I would love to see him have success in the states.
  25. From what I understood Kat moved into Jennice's room, and somewhere it sounded like it was expected of Jennice to move in with Amy. I have no idea why she could not stay in her room. Maybe I misheard it though.
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