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Everything posted by Misslindsey

  1. So much has already been covered, but I did get a kick out of Yolanda calling her inner tube a bagel, and kept yelling how her bagel wasn't working while tubing with Kyle.
  2. Did the filming of the new season stop? I feel like Khloe and French are together when they are filming and break up when they are not. I have no idea.
  3. I agree, and I do not like Laurel and think Cassidy is way better at playing the bitch than a Laurel like character. Though the writing for Laurel never was too great. I do not visit the Arrow forum that much either (sometimes I do read the spoilers), but I got tired of, major UO here, all the Felicity love. I like the character well enough, but do not think everything she does or says is so great. Nor do I care about Olicity moments. My UO is that I think "jump the shark" get thrown out entirely too much. Just because a show has a bad episode or story line does not mean it jumped the shark. Also, what might be perceived shark jumping to one person, probably isn't to another.
  4. These live productions get NBC a lot of press, but who knows. I wonder how Peter Pan will do with DVD/BluRay sales/Soundtrack sales. I think that more people know the songs to The Sound of Music as opposed to Peter Pan. Though I would say that people know the Peter Pan story about as well as TSOM. I would think NBC would try to pick something that the public is already familiar with, not just theater goers, especially with the songs. I was going to throw Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat or Matilda into the mix, but even I know they are not popular enough with the general public.
  5. The Music Man is the next one? Really? I am not a big fan of TMM, but I wasn't a big fan of Peter Pan either. I am bit surprised they would not go with a more kid friendly musical like Annie, Mary Poppins, or something else. Though, either way I will be tuning into the next train wreck.
  6. I thought Allison Williams was fine with the singing, but something about her version of Peter was very bland and not very fun. That probably isn't all her fault though.
  7. What kind of mother wishes her child would go with a child predator? Wendy is just enabling Peter.
  8. Peter is still obsessed with pockets. Yes, because only women can do the cleaning.
  9. Wendy get over Peter already! He isn't worth it. Since your parents adopted the Lost Men, you cannot get with them either. Wendy wasn't thinking clearly.
  10. Maybe Mrs. Darling should have put out an Amber Alert, though Wendy is probably too old for that. Sheepdog!
  11. "Peter is the sun, moon, and stars," Tiger Lily is channeling Khaleesi. Why are all the females obsessed with Peter? The Lost Men and the Indians are pretty nice to look at.
  12. You know how they say don't run with scissors. I think flying with a sword might be in the same category. What? You could not tell they were getting their Matrix on?
  13. It is just so warm and fuzzy. "Too young to die". Hahahahahaha!
  14. I think the pirates should team up with the Indians for one waltz-y, high kicking, tap number.
  15. You described Christopher Walken in this role perfectly. That said, I am enjoying Captain Hook's glittery hat. So when does the sheepdog come back?
  16. You typed what I was thinking. How long has Peter kept the Lost Men in Neverland?
  17. Should Wendy be sexing up her "son"? Someone should tell Wendy that some of the Lost Men are better looking than Peter and not as dickish.
  18. The Indians had some impressive high kicks. Wendy is smothering Peter.
  19. Allison Williams just does not have any spark or charisma like I think Peter should, especially if he is kidnapping or convincing these Lost Boys (Men) to go with him to "Neverland".
  20. Please Captain Hook do another tap number and incorporate your mad tambourine skills. This Captain Hook could not kill anything. He is so slow and half assed. He could have killed Peter many times during this song.
  21. I might be a bit more receptive of this if they did not go for a name actor/actress in the lead role and go with a more Broadway actor, but that will never happen. Then again, I am not sure I want that to happen because I do enjoy snarking on it all. These Lost Men have already grown up Peter. Can't you see that?
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