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Everything posted by Misslindsey

  1. I watched. I FF pretty much everything Jenny related. I think she is so irritating. Nice to see the NKOTB guys and a glimpse of Donnie's son. I thought Donnie and his mom dancing was sweet.
  2. I assumed she did it on purpose. I do not think she was carried into the warehouse. I also assumed it was either a combination of Mills/Gun Guy, Mills/Brett or Brett/Gun Guy carrying the injured guy to the warehouse. In my head I went with the Mills/Gun Guy route, so Brett could conspicuously throw alcohol packs on the ground. Was it mentioned or shown how they all ended up at the warehouse? A throwaway line or something? I wasn't watching that closely.
  3. FI Tom almost forgot his flat iron. James needs to realize that Kristen is way too concerned with Tom and Ariana. I do not know what James would really text Kristen. I thought everyone pretty much knew about Jax and the random girl in San Diego, even if he did not admit it, and there really wasn't any damning evidence at the table in front of James that Tom cheated on Ariana. He did not hear Jax and Tom talking at the bar. James, if Tom and Ariana break up, I am sure Kristen is going to ditch you to get him back. Jax is the worst. I do not get why all these girls fall for his shit.
  4. I was distracted after Elliot mentioned trying to make ( or did he make it already? ) Capote into an opera.
  5. Me too. I liked her too. I liked that she was a bit different and not a 2.0 version of old characters like some of the new characters were. My UO is that I hated the idea that they were going to do all NYC for the half of a season. I never minded the NYC/McKinley split. I also, hated the idea that a show about a glee club would completely abandon that whole premise. I do wish the writing was better all around, especially if it was consistent to the characters, but for so much of Glee it was like TPTB were throwing ideas at a wall to see what sticks.
  6. I did too. I thought they had chemistry. I knew they would never let them last though, because of the whole Ross and Rachel thing.
  7. They did seem far more relaxed than the Duggars, which was easier to watch than Jim Bob and Michelle. That car accident looked bad, I am surprised Trace got out of it without a scratch. I only really know what I have seen on the Duggar's show about the Bates family. So were Zach, Erin, and Alyssa's spouses all fundie too? Also, did Alyssa move to Florida for her husband's job or something?
  8. I can, because Hattie is not Max. Hattie and Nora were afterthoughts to Max.
  9. Sports Night did a good episode about women in the locker room called "Mary Pat Shelby", where during a pre-interview a football player exposed himself to the woman doing the pre-interview. The following episode had more of the aftermath of the whole ordeal as well. Plus, the pressing question whether Dan should grow a goatee. I think any sitcom that deals with an actor's death. John Ritter's from 8 Simple Rules is one that popped into my mind first, but I know there are more that I am not remembering offhand.
  10. Does The Colbert Report qualify? It would be a best for me. I thought it was perfect. The group sing, the throwing it back to Jon like it had been one long report for the Daily Show, and the adorable not used toss at the end for MOZ. Perfect.
  11. No worries. I do not think I got off their mailing list until I moved. The poor person who has my old place probably still receives their catalogs.
  12. The American Girl Store, preferably the restaurant where he can eat with a doll. Are they any Ichabod era dolls? I should ask my niece she would know.
  13. I completely agree with you ( I also love your screen name! ). So many people have had to clean out homes of loved ones. It is sad and it sucks to do, but it has to be done. Most people do not get to check out for a long duration of time when loved ones die, they still have to go to work, take care of kids, and other day to day activities. Though Scott's work does involve him going to clubs. I am so sick of Khloe sort of enabling Scott's not dealing with painful situations. Everyone does grieve in their own way, but Scott's way was self destructive. I actually thought it might be good for Scott to go through his parent's house and the stuff that is there. Maybe it would help him deal with the whole situation better, because I am not sure he is. He seems to be trying to avoid everything. I hope he is talking to a therapist or something, because earlier in this Hampton's season he seemed to be using alcohol, prescription meds, and partying to deal. I was also fine with Kourtney's disapproval of Khloe going out with the Dash Dolls ( I hate typing Dash Doll ). It is a fine line.
  14. I thought Kourtney had more personality prior to when she had Mason. I saw some reruns of the Miami season before she knew she was pregnant and she seemed more open and had more of a personality. I just assumed that she has her guard up during most of the filming, because there seem to be moments here and there where she does show more personality and does not have the flat affect. I am okay with her cashing in the reality show paycheck while not being as open as the majority of her family is. Though I am probably wrong.
  15. I was in West Michigan for Christmas and the commercial that I saw so much was the Charter Triple Play, where it was an office setting and they start singing/rapping about the Charter Triple Play. There was an incessant amount of repeating the telephone number. I wanted to hurt people every time I saw that commercial.
  16. If you are an adult female there is a good chance that the gift you always wanted for Christmas, but never got, was an Easy-Bake Oven. Your significant other will proceed to get this for you. If it is a comedy some wacky hijinks will be involved.
  17. I like Kitty on Elementary. I am very indifferent to Joan. I do not love nor hate her, but I prefer Kitty. I would love if she stuck around, but I doubt that she will.
  18. I loathe Amy too. I didn't like Amy from pretty much the start when she was somewhat leading Rory on for what seemed like forever, and when she tried to sex up the Doctor on the night before her wedding (was it the night before? I do not re-watch the Amy Pond years that often). She took off with the Doctor a night before her wedding. I know. I know. They were in a time machine, where she can come back at the same time, but it just felt off too me. Not a way to make me like a character. Sigh....I did like Rory though, but I hated that Amy and Rory were referred to as the Pond's so often. I loathe River Song as well. I hate how smug and know-it-all she was. Also, it felt weird that The Doctor got with Amy and Rory's daughter. I will echo the Twelve hate. I could never imagine Nine, Ten, or Eleven treating their companions the way Twelve treated Clara. Also, I liked Nine, Ten, and Eleven pretty equally. I did not have a favorite among them. I liked them all for different reasons, so I was disappointed that I was really not liking Twelve.
  19. Clara from Doctor Who is probably one of my favorite companions. I enjoyed her from the start. Though, I did not love a lot about season 8 with the storyline, the Doctor, and Clara. One thing I like about her (and Martha) was that they had lives and careers outside of the Doctor.
  20. This. I loathe It's a Wonderful Life. I cannot express how much I hate it, so I did not get FJ. When Alex said the movie played a lot in December, I knew the answer, but pretty much all I know about the movie is how much I hate it.
  21. Green Day has been my favorite band for what seems like forever and Billie Joe is a great frontman. They are great live. I am thrilled that they are being inducted. If they end up playing Paper Lanterns I will love them even more.
  22. Heh. I pretty much forgot about it at the end, because I was bored by it. You are right it was so ridiculous. Can Jamie get more to do than eat dinner with his family? Please?
  23. I was wondering also. I wonder how early Brooke and Misti get up to do their makeup and hair? I wish Misti would lay off the heavy, black eyeliner. It makes her look older.
  24. True. In the other Sudden Death QF's didn't the person that had the least liked dish get to pick who they went up against? So in a non-twist Sudden Death QF, Katie would have gotten to pick who she went up against, but with this twist the eliminated chefs chose for her. If I was Katie that would irritate me. She should have been able to choose from the eliminated chefs herself, than have them pick for her. Not sure who she would have picked or if the outcome would have changed, but it would not have felt so hinky to me.
  25. I was worried they were going for a constant runner-up never the winner storyline for Adam, because I have seen that play out way too many times on reality shows. Then he got sent home. I thought they were going to send Melissa home. I could do without both someone who got sent packing coming back into the competition now and Last Chance Kitchen. Do we really need both? So George gets to come back and we have someone else from LCK coming back. I am so over LCK. I would also nix these Sudden Death QF's. Can we go back to the usual format? My favorites are Gregory and Doug, so they will not win. My favorites rarely win. When the judges asked the fans their favorite season I would have said season one and Harold. Small voice.....I like Richard.
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