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Everything posted by Misslindsey

  1. Anne of Green Gables would love it. Puff sleeves. I thought Miles Teller was not going to stop talking to Ryan.
  2. Terrance pick Adam Lasher for Empire, even though I do not know if he will fit. So are Ross, Eddie Redmayne, and Ansel Elgort wearing the same tux?
  3. Naomi Watts' dress looks kind of Grammy-ish. It isn't bad. My question is where is her husband? I always like more eye candy.
  4. I am not a fan of Felicity Jone's halter dress. I do like the color. Sadly, I watched this cheesy snowboarding movie with her and Chuck Bass in it years ago. I love Steve Carell and I like Nancy's dress as well. John Legend! Nutmeg!
  5. I am perfectly fine with Adam Levine if he does not speak. His voice drives me crazy. His wife has a gorgeous dress though.
  6. Marion C looks sort of mod. I am not loving it, but it isn't hideous either. Bruce Dern is awesome. Laura Dern just kind of meh for me.
  7. I so agree, but you said it way better. Not loving Kevin Hart's tux, but his wife looks gorgeous. Me too, and that is why I do not get the hype about her. Dakota Johnson seemed pretty dull. I do not love her dress or her ponytail. Ross is so annoying, but E! has a habit of hiring the annoying. Kelly and Ross are pretty useless. Mmmmmmmm....Eddie Redmayne. I know you will win and I love you, but I would love a Steve Carell or Benedict Cumberbatch upset.
  8. I thought The Lonely Island guys looked good. I cannot wait for "Everything is Awesome". Giuliana and random speculating dude can go away. I do not need to hear anymore Oscar predictions. So is Giuliana going to interview anyone? Was she banned, because she acts so embarrassing when George Clooney is around.
  9. She had two computers opened in the picking out/buying dresses scene. She had the pink Apple computer and a bigger silver one opened up. At one point she had both open and the bigger one sitting on top of her Apple computer. Sadly, I have the same pink computer and keyboard cover on my Macbook Pro.
  10. I watched. For some reason, even knowing the subject matter, I thought the commercials made it seem like a lighter movie. It was depressing. Nothing says Valentine's Day than watching a terminally ill man find a new spouse for his wife. After I watched it, I needed to watch some light, fluffy Hallmark fare.
  11. I agree. I do not think Janelle or Christine are fine with it. Hell, I do not even think Meri is fine with it. She looked upset when she spent ten seconds talking to the camera about it, but they will all pretend to be fine with it. They will pretend it was for the good of the family, but I highly doubt it was. The only explanation I will accept is that Meri actually wanted out of the family, but wasn't Meri spotted out with Kody after the news broke? I will not buy that Meri wanted a divorce, but wants to be spiritually tied to Kody like Janelle and Christine are, and Robyn was. It does not make sense.
  12. I was flipping between SNL and this, so what is the timeline? I thought I heard Janelle mention that it was almost the New Year when asked about the whole Meri/Janelle issues by the faux anthropologists. When did Meri actually file for divorce? Are they really trying to pin the whole divorce nonsense on Meri. I am suppose to believe that she did not talk to Kody or Robyn prior to her talking with her lawyer about filing? Seriously? Meri did not seem like she wanted to talk about it to the cameras. It did not seem like this was some awesome decision for the family that Meri came up with just by her demeanor. I got irritated with Robyn when she was trying to explain to Christine what Kody meant about longer courtships. I thought Kody should explain himself to Christine, because I think Christine wanted to hear from Kody, not Robyn, and what Robyn thought Kody was saying. Christine does tend to overreact, but I hated Robyn jumping in to explain Kody's thought process. What was Robyn's answer to the faux anthropologists question about Kody having one on one time with Solomon, but not some of the other kids.
  13. Do what you are doing, but instead of lotion try Aquaphor or petroleum jelly. Also, you could try O'Keefe's Working Hands hand cream. It is at most drugstores and it is targeted for dry, cracked skin. I have friends who use super glue on the small cuts that dry hands can come with. They prefer it over liquid bandages, because liquid bandages already have a lot of alcohol in them which does not help dry skin.
  14. At least they recognize that they call Chad to help for various things and are appreciative. Jim Bob was such a dick to Ben and sometimes to Derrick. I am not really a fan of either Ben or Derrick, but they were treated horribly by Jim Bob and some of the other family members, more so Ben than Derrick, but it irritated me. At least Gil, Kelly, and the family respect all the in-laws. Though Chad must have some incredible patience to help out with all the various projects that the Bates family takes on.
  15. I adore Haley as well. I am not a fan of Alex. Sometimes her comments are just plain mean about her siblings and parents. I usually like the snarky, sarcastic characters, but something about Alex rubs me the wrong way. I love Lily. I actually think her delivery has gotten better this season, where as ever since Luke/Nolan Gould hit puberty his delivery is all kinds of awkward. He was definitely better when he was younger.
  16. Well, that bums me out. I did not watch season 2 of The Voice or maybe I did, they all run together. If that was the season with Tony Vincent, I tuned out after he got the boot. I guess now, I hope to see Adam Lasher anywhere. I am a grassy knoller as well. I said before that I tuned out after the Adam Lambert season, because this show and some of the people who vote seem to really like bland contestants. Since I haven't watched in many seasons I wondered if it is still contrived? Is Nigel still involved? He is the king of contrived bullshit, and one of the reasons why I usually tune out of SYTYCD early.
  17. If this show had a witch with a doll that comes to life, then it would be infinitely more interesting than this garbage that Shonda is throwing at us.
  18. I concur, even watching on the television I was telling Whitney to get the epidural, because she looked like she was in so much pain. I know the Bates family believes in the same Gothard stuff that the Duggars do, but Gil and Kelly seem so much more genuine than Michelle and Jim Bob. Kelly seemed excited and happy when Bradley finally arrived, where as Michelle can barely fake excitement for Anna.
  19. I did not hate Free Fallin' either. I am not a big fan of the song in general, so I feel anything is an improvement. I do love me some Adam Lasher. I wish he would go on The Voice. I haven't liked Daniel Seavey since we saw him at his audition. His voice is so weak. He needs some more time to mature a bit. I haven't watched since the Adam Lambert season, because I hated all the manipulations, throwing people under the bus, and the bland always winning out, so is there still a Disney Channel/young guy vote? I remember David Archie and Chicken Little ( forgot his actual name) benefitted from it.
  20. The last few seasons of ER would rank among my favorites. Also, I enjoyed Abby, Carol, Sam, and Luka far more when they were on the back burner than when the had bigger storylines.
  21. This. The amount of time that they focus on him makes me think he is going to be in the Top 24 and I am dreading it. If he came back in a couple of years I think he would be way better. Then again, I usually do not root for the younger contestants. Small voice....I am not a fan of belters and glory noters, but I do like some guys with guitars.
  22. I wish the Grammy voters would vary up the award winners. It might be more interesting to see various people win and not the same two people.
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