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Winston Wolfe

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Everything posted by Winston Wolfe

  1. Like her Grandmother, Violet is all about the current scam. What happens after she milks the "Mother of All Problems" cow dry? You're right, scam artists never look that far ahead. And anyone who gets close to Violet has to wonder when she will turn on them in order to make an easy dollar. Yep, it's an optics thing. Violet is physically larger than her mother, and the perma-sneer/resting bitch face she's had from day one makes it easy to look at her as the bully and Christie the victim.
  2. Christie has always been a very convenient scapegoat for her daughter. In the past Violet has seen periods of time where she's "doing a lot better," self-sabotages, and the default is to always blame her mother. Thinking about it, even though she sometimes backslides, Christie has made the most progress of any of the lead characters, guess that's why Violet's strident rejection really impacted me. Aaargh, too much emotion over a sitcom....
  3. Love your post. I felt really bad for Christie this episode. Violet came off as an older, more polished version of the hateful shrew she always was during the show's early run. Yes, she had a bad childhood. So did Christie, so did Bonnie. It's called a cycle of dysfunction for a reason. Violet airing the dirty laundry publicly and making an easy buck out of it doesn't sit well. It kind of indicates she hasn't grown, still looking for an easy buck at someone's expense. Really foul. And, story for story? Bonnie sounds like a far worse Mother than Christie ever was, and honestly, doesn't seem to be the better person in that equation even now, still does tons of shady stuff on a regular basis. Yet she's the life preserver? Yikes.
  4. Agreed. The veteran actors on this show, other than the departed Roseanne, has always been so top notch. Even OTT Jackie works, thanks to Laurie Metcalf's talent. It's a pleasure watching them work, even when the material is weak. And it can't be said enough - John Goodman is a national treasure. The man's not capable of a bad performance. I actually thought ABC should have let this show die, really pleased that they are proving me wrong.
  5. Yep. And he could use his telepathy to uncover Agent Liberty's true identity. Wouldn't leave the writers any story to tell, lol. As another poster said, it's difficult to think of a situation where J'onn isn't more useful than Kara. I think the writers realize this too, but haven't found a work-around yet. The actor is great, and the writers clearly want to use him, but it's probably very challenging finding a way to keep MM in play without upstaging the title character.
  6. Kara is still incredibly naive for someone who has been to different worlds and who currently works as a reporter. I don't get it. In other news, it's interesting that the best episode of Supergirl in ages had...very little Supergirl. This episode had more of the team/ensemble vibe that works fairly well in Arrow and the Flash. The villain of the week was not somebody Kara could punch or heat-vision into submission, she was more or less forced into a supportive role while Alex, J'onn, and Brainy took the lead. It really worked to not have SG save the day for a change. Loved seeing J'onn actually make some meaningful contributions. Now that he is, it's fascinating seeing how he chooses to use his powers. J'onn seems to be adverse to reading people's minds unless he has too, but he'll phase into somebody's apartment at the drop of the hat, lol. Last time he and Kara visited the jilted mom they didn't even bother to ring the bell or knock, just phased right into her kitchen. Reminded me of folks beaming-down from the Enterprise and suddenly appearing on some planet. Re: James - didn't the DA say that there would be repercussions for him suiting up as Guardian again? Was that the reason for Lema's worried look at the end? Minor flaws aside, a real step in the right direction. Hope the show-runners and keep it going.
  7. For some reason the ending of Friday's episode made me think we'll be seeing some Sonny-Margo sex in the future. Ugh. And I just saw that Sake614 is on the same page with me, lol. Great minds think alike. Margo is a petite brunette and Sonny does have a thing for those.
  8. Yep, I'm thinking this one might go the distance, happily. Some of the best writing in a while - loved how Raj pre-emptively addressed the whole "sitting on the floor" thing. Shallow note - Anu is really pretty with a cool personality. So glad she didn't bail on Raj and actually gave him a chance to explain. The rest of the episode was kind of meh to me.
  9. She's a pretty white girl with a nice rack?? More like a cute, blond, white girl with an augmented rack. The way she "presented" said rack to her new sponsor in the last episode was funny in an awkward, weird way.
  10. I had that hunch too, and checked Google. In the comics he was an anti-hero, as well as a Professor X-level telepath and telekinetic. Not sure if he has powers in the SG universe, but this episode kind of hinted that he might be a low-level TK. She is stunning in a Anne Hathaway kind of way, isn't she? Broad, fairly unique features that really shouldn't work together, but the end result is actually very pretty. Man I loved Glenn in 24. But he's a little to good for SG, sadly.
  11. Wow, didn't think about the ruined dress. Jill and Christy have a very strange love/hate kind of friendship.
  12. I've always liked Kristen Johnston, but now that she looks...different...her exaggerated mugging looks so grotesquely cartoonish. And her behavior is OTT even for this show. I'm hoping next week sees her character go "bye bye" and we get our sitcom back.
  13. Funny, I always thought Oprah (and BFF Gayle) had a kind of "African American/Middle America" female accent. Their speaking voices are kind of resonant and musical at the same time if that makes sense. Note to Megs. No one tunes in to see you cry every day. It doesn't make you relatable. Or sympathetic. Or even human for that matter. Stop it.
  14. Ironically enough, I used to think MM was marginally attractive too. But all the ugly on the inside overpowered whatever pretty is on the outside.
  15. My alcoholic ex-husband claimed to NOT be an alcoholic because, "I've never missed a day of work." Alcoholic dementia contributed to his death. I suggest The View have an expert on alcoholism as a guest...and NOT on View Your Deal Day! My father passed away, in part, from the same disease. It would be interesting to see the View cover this just as a topical issue and to see how Meg reacts.
  16. After a "meh" episode last week, this show is back to its usual excellent groove. Although it had been well-established that Ellie and Tahani were pretty much screwed-up by their families, it was enlightening, as a viewer, to see more of the backstory and actual mechanics. Lots of interesting subtext in the writing this week. Eleanor, on her quest to become a better person, simply refuses to believe her mother could do the same. Her mom, perpetrating a grand scam, accidentally becomes a better person because of it, and needs Eleanor to point that out. Agreed. And the subtext there, I think, is that even with "divine" intervention, not everyone's destined for the Good Place. Tahani went out of her way to make amends with Kamilah, but I didn't see any real reciprocity from Kamilah. Is it just me, or did Chidi seemed to be joyfully relieved when he said that? Almost like he doesn't believe he can exist without his ever-present angst. Damn, even in an episode where Ted Danson doesn't have much to do he hits it out of the park. i did find it interesting that Michael seemed to instinctively know that Eleanor's mom had become a good person even before they actually met her.
  17. I had the same thought. The way this group over-shares (virtually nothing is left unsaid), secret-keeping in this pack is pretty much impossible. Don't think you're reading into it, I see it too. At the least he has a very strong affection for Delilah. And remember, when the affair was revealed Gary did say to her, "I'm actually hurt that you chose Eddie over me." Given the way this show is written, a confession scene is definitely possible.
  18. Question for the ladies on this Board. I missed the first half of today's show. Not to be indelicate...but...was that, ah, 100%, Mrs. O in that Dolly Parton get up? If so, Yowza!
  19. I'm glad this thread is still open! Just had to post this: http://www.nydailynews.com/entertainment/gossip/ny-ent-william-daniels-foils-attempted-burglary-20181030-story.html Yelled in my best Eric Matthews voice: "FEENY....FEENY...FEEEENEEENY."
  20. Probably the only way Megan can make peace with being who she is, honestly. Most alcoholics are profoundly unhappy people. But she isn't an alcoholic, just gets drunk at the drop of a hat, lol.
  21. We know from the past (when one of the co-hosts accidentally referred to Elisabeth as "Bitsy") that either someone in the production crew or a panelist reads these forums regularly. I wonder if instead of writing the suits at ABC there was a way to get one of the more level-headed panelists (Joy or Sunny) to read this thread. If they knew how those of us not in the 37% really feel about this show, it might finally lead to a change.
  22. I have watched the View almost from the beginning. It's been painful to see what it's devolved to now. Megan's seat, previously occupied by Bitsy, exemplifies everything that's wrong with "her side of the aisle." Between Megan and Bitsy, you could probably compile a two hour clip of the two of them glowering with hateful expressions and simmering, barely contained rage. it does not make for pleasant daytime viewing. They can both dish it out, but can't take it...one second after Joy yelled at Megan, it seemed she was going to pull a Bitsy and go on a crying jag. I'm sorry, but I'm still at a loss to explain why that seat is necessary. As a Black man that worries every time one of my teenage cousins steps out on the street, her stressful, malicious, ignorant, uninformed, infantile nonsense just adds fuel to the fire. That's the main reason that the View has for me gone over the years from "must see" television to, "eh, Logo's showing Three's Company repeats again, nothing else is on, guess I'll just watch this."
  23. Given the model-thin standards set by this show, and Hollywood in general, Amy isn't the general standard. That's what Bernie was hinting at, is all I'm saying.
  24. I am so Team Rajanu! She's a cutie, great personality, obviously likes him, and fits in seamlessly with the core group - none of Raj's past GFs ever did. Does it make me a horrible person that the "Slapsgiving" episode of HIMYM is one of my all-time favorite shows? ;) Interesting how Amy went from isolated loner to now showing "mean girls" tendencies fairly regularly now. As another poster said, maybe acceptance has gone to her head.
  25. Yeah, this was the first Good Place episode that I've ever felt "meh" about. I'm chalking it up to the law of averages catching up with it and guessing that the show will be back to awesome-ness next week.
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