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Winston Wolfe

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Everything posted by Winston Wolfe

  1. Amen- I loved Kimmy when she was a size 3 and I still do. ;-) The only thing missing was the Axel F theme music from the 80s.
  2. Did you mean Kim McCullough or the Kim character played by Tamara Braun? The former will always be my cutie-pie sweetie, but damn, that gown did her no favors. None at all. Conversely, Kelly Monaco's dress definitely played to her, ah, strengths. On a shallow note, me likey. A whole lot. ;-)
  3. Maybe I'm overly sensitive being fairly close to Dre's socio-economic demographic (less about $400K a year, lol), but damn, does that Brother get hammered here. Maybe he's a bit, ah, persnickety and slightly immature, but so are the fathers on Man with a Plan and Kevin Can Wait to one degree or another. Historically, most sit-com dads have always been kind of buffoonish, haven't they? I focus on Dre as a modern day success story - provider, responsible dad, solid wage earner - qualities not always ascribed to men of color, especially Black men. Plus, he made it out of the Hood. Not all of us do. Quite a few of my childhood friends from Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn (every bit as rough as Compton, etc.) didn't, despite us all being in "Gifted and Talented" classes. Some got strung-out and overdosed, others wound up in the state or federal pen. Maybe around half of us wound up being college grads and urban professionals. So despite his quirks, I respect Dre as a Black male character that stands by his beliefs, right or wrong, and at the end of the day handles his business. Wish there were a lot more like Dre in real life.
  4. Yeah, everything about "Dark Diane" pretty much screams young pyromaniac. They have money to burn. It does appear that between the two of them, Bow and Dre must earn somewhere in the high six-figures given the way they spend money,
  5. So, so true. There's nothing in the World like having fellow weirdos to be weird with. Same here. I'll always feel like New Girl peaked early, around the time that Jake Johnson seemed on the verge of mega-stardom, and then slowly began to fade away.
  6. Starlord: "I'm not deepening my voice, that's the way I normally sound." Rocket Racoon: "There, he did it again!!!!!" Thor: "Are you mocking me???" Man, it would be nice to get that kind of slapstick in SG every once in a while.
  7. That would have been me. She's only getting worse, becoming a sanctimonious, holier-than-thou asshole supreme. Not particularly a thoughtful one either. Does ordering Lena to turn over all the artificial Kryptonite and formula to the DEO guarantee that she doesn't have back-up stashes of the stuff and the formula encrypted in her PDA? Yeesh. Ironically enough it was the manufactured Green K that won the day, since Kara and her modern-day Squad of Washington Generals can't lick an Ice Cream cone. Seriously, they should start every single fight flat on their asses, save everybody a whole lot of time. By the way Kara, the cape tricks are interesting, but relying on the heat vision in every fight is getting a bit stale. We haven't seen an original fighting tactic from you since the Thunderclap in this year's Crossover Event.
  8. Great script and perfect casting! Definitely one of the best - in not THE best - BBT episodes of all time. The only thing really missing was the ghost of Captain Proton. If I were Leonard, would have still taken a picture of that formula though.
  9. The writing has been so inconsistent this season. We get borderline brilliant episodes such as the young Alex/young Kara one but more often its dreck like this week's show. I'm still of the opinion that this season's off-screen drama may have more than a bit to do with the off-and-on quality issue.
  10. Well, it seems Penguin infatuation is more common than most folks might think: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jGHmamjoieg Sorry folks, I just couldn't help it. :o)
  11. I don't disagree. But what I was actually referring to was Bow's reaction to Dre's "when were you going to tell me?" It was like she couldn't wait to start a fresh argument.
  12. Dre gets bashed so much on the Boards, but Bow was totes out-of-line on that one. Dre was clearly trying his best to move towards a reconciliation and it took her all of 30 seconds to snap into combat mode. Agreed. Far "too cool for school" to coin an old-school phrase.
  13. In a hypothetical match-up, Wonder Woman mops the floor with Supergirl, despite the disparities in power sets. Diana, at least the movie version, just seems so much tougher than Kara.
  14. Decent episode, but Kara's group of Super-friends can't fight worth a damn. I was stoked to see J'onn going to battle with Kara (the writers couldn't come up with a contrivance for making him stay behind this time). But all he and Mon-el managed to do was to knocked on their rear ends as much as Kara usually does, which is a lot. Agreed. The way she asked for her real name screamed “I know who you are but I’m seeing how long it takes you to tell me”. Kara should have caught that but she thinks she’s getting away with it. Yeah, it was the combination of Lena's question and the look that went along with it. Lena definitely knows, and being a genius, figured it out faster than Cat Grant. Even though Kara's cuter than a basket of puppies, she's not always the nicest of people. She can be very judgmental, headstrong, and immature. It's been three seasons now and we haven't seen a lot of character growth, which is concerning. Smallville, while different conceptually, did a much better job of chronicling Clark's maturation.
  15. Methinks Scotty isn't young and virile enough for Ava. She likes them fresh and ah, tender. Scotty and Ava work best as partners-in-crime, so to speak.
  16. Hey St. Fucking Jasus - Anna Devane was dealing with Faison and tackling Cassadines back when you were still wearing Reindeer Sweaters. Chill dude.
  17. Four sips if Wanda Sykes' character asks Dre if he's going to get a Caucasian woman on the side now.
  18. Well, I've learned about Godwin's Law, thank you. Honestly didn't know it existed. :). Does removing my Hitler reference make my POV any more valid?
  19. Whatever Winn did, he expected her to be mighty pissed, lol. His reaction was, "she's not just gonna kick my ass, she's gonna kill me."
  20. What constantly amazes me is how often Kara gets knocked down. Seriously, she gets floored at least once in every action scene. That's not supposed to happen, running into a yellow-sun powered Kryptonian should, in theory, be like hitting a brick wall.
  21. With the last two episodes the show-runners are salvaging what was looking to be a lost season. Kara and the whole cape thing? Hey, she shoots lasers out of her eyes, has freeze breath and can throw in the occasional thunder clap. Why, oh why does she need cape tricks? Mon-el I get, he's severely limited. He needs a gimmick. The way Melissa played it, unbuttoning her shirt so slowly, it was almost like a striptease, lol. It seems James was thinking that way too given the way he looked at her. Melissa is still adorable, though.
  22. Amen. My sensitivity to this issue could lie in part because I live in AM's adopted base of operations (Brooklyn, NY). The thought that she could have tried to recruit one of my young nieces or female cousins is frankly chilling. And makes me far less inclined to be understanding or forgiving.
  23. Not trying to argue here, but sometimes the world actually is that simple. Funny or not, Cosby is a serial rapist. And rumor has it Hitler loved animals, too. AM is no less evil IMO.
  24. Here's a first-hand account from one of AM's intended victims. https://pagesix.com/2018/04/21/how-allison-mack-tried-to-lure-me-into-a-sex-cult/?_ga=2.189696875.1964778539.1524083492-1815346948.1524083492 All of the accounts of AM's appearance consistently describe her as gaunt with dark circles under both eyes. Clearly, Rainere's formula of sleep deprivation and an 800-calorie-per-day diet was the key to bending victims to his will.
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