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Everything posted by susannah

  1. It's true, there is a difference, but kids still have the right to decide whether they want any physical contact. I am speaking generally as I haven't seen this ad.
  2. There were alot of women who didn't want to go back to the kitchen, and didn't, after the war, while others did, whether they liked it or not.
  3. All true except for Marla. It was clear that she didn't have a glittering, hopeful life laid out before her, for whatever reason. While her meeting Nelson in a bar when she had had too much to drink, and then marrying him so soon is a bit dubious, she was apparently happy with him and had had a good life with him. It made the movie just right that it showed that she was going to be okay. I guess it didn't matter whether poor Evelyn was going to be okay, but while changing her situation would have been difficult, women did get divorced at that time, and she had her own income, so it was up to her to change it or not.
  4. I am so sorry to hear of yours and friendperidot's horrible experiences with your neighbors. Being held hostage to such gross indifference of basic decency to others sounds hellish, and not alot to do about it.
  5. Mine is a complex of twenty apartments, 10 upstairs and 10 down. I have as I said the occasional elephant up there! It could be worse I guess.
  6. Luckily it's not all the time, but sometimes I do wonder what the hell he or they are doing up there. Speaking of hell, there was a young child up there for a few weeks a while back. Oi vey.
  7. Could be! I will pay more attention when it comes on again. I will forgive them if they are next door, though, as a person in a first level apartment, and at times would swear elephants are tromping through upstairs, I really hope they don't have anyone living below them!
  8. Plus making a kid even more vulnerable to a predator. ETA, another ad that is extremely irritating is the one for Nyquil, where a woman, with a horrible cold, is asleep in the bedroom, and her jerky husband and his jerky friends are jumping up and down in the living room, screaming at the game on tv and spilling popcorn and whatever, all over the floor. First off, who wouldn't try to be quieter when someone is sick and asleep, and second, who is going to have to clean it all up when she is better? Imagine if the same situation was reversed? It would never happen!
  9. I agree. Kids should not be forced or guilted into giving or receiving kisses, hugs, etc, to anyone or to allow anyone to have contact with them unless it is for a good reason, cleaning, medical, etc. They can't keep their hands to themselves for 48 hours in someone else's home?
  10. Yes it does seem odd that they start talking about it the minute they get in the door, and depending on whether they are visiting for a weekend or moving in, in which case they will need more groceries, why is it their priority? I think it all is skeevy.
  11. I thought it was great when Suzanne asked the publisher why, if she thought spreading nude women over the hoods of cars was so great, why SHE didn't do it.
  12. I just found this thread and it is like going down memory lane for me too. I LOVED getting the wishbooks at Christmas, not even to necessarily want anything from them but just "shopping!" So fun. We had a woodburning set when I was a kid and I liked that burning smell. Speaking of, I loved Jean Nate Lemon Splash when I was in high school and I have never been able to find anything similar since it was discontinued. Also the talcum powder that I thought was Love's Baby Soft but might have been Blue Jeans. Herbal Essence shampoo was popular then and I couldn't stand the smell! Who remembers using Coppertone tanning lotion when they "laid out," and it turned your skin orange?
  13. I definitely see your point, but for me it's okay because it's full of moldy cheese chunks! that just sounds too gross, but it's so good. Didn't IM have many severe health problems?
  14. Sorry. I had seen mention of shampoo so I thought it was ok to mention one thing.
  15. I just found this thread and so many of the items mentioned were such blasts from the past, and many of them so yummy. Did poor Mr A ever get his Bar None bars? The things that I really really liked and have disappeared are Rice a Roni stroganoff flavor... man it was good, and one batch with some burger in it would be good for two or three dinners in my poor days. Also, WALNETTOS! I can't find them anywhere. Vermont Country Store had them years ago, but not any more. Spearmint lifesavers. I love them, and they are off in outer space or whereever. Non food item..Jean Nate Lemon Face and Body Splash. Very popular when I was in high school and I loved the scent.
  16. Hi neighbor! I don't do mayonnaise either, only catsup and mustard on burgers. I am a blue cheese dressing person.
  17. Mine also, should I be unlucky enough to get given some! I didn't know the Midwest is the land of ranch dressing! I'm in the Northwest.
  18. I remember the episodes with those abandoned children, filthy, starving, and the one with the woman having twins or something and not even having a blanket to wrap them in, Chummy gave her own sweater for them, the woman with 25 children, etc. I don't think they have done stuff like that for a while, except for the arcs with Val's aunt. I bet your dad was very glad to get out of a place like that.
  19. Except the two cops fighting in this show didn't have "differences." it was one guy beating the snot out of another guy for a reason that had nothing to do with him. Also, the drunk guy was down and the other one kept kicking him. How could the drunk guy consent to being beaten to a pulp?
  20. Of course, I forgot! They didn't even wear gloves. Your father lived in a place like Poplar? I don't know how that poor boy was able to do anything that he did with that horrible, huge, infected hole in his back. You were talking earlier about how the times were changing in London at that time, and I do remember when birth control for married women became legal, and that did cause a bit of furor between the nuns and the midwives. I recall that Barbara was not happy with Tom for not taking a stand one way or the other. I know all the religious implications it had but they lived in reality, and saw poor women having one baby after another, and/or living in squalid conditions, not having two dimes to rub together.
  21. My .02...Harriet Walter is in one of my favorite Poirot movies, with David Suchet, THE Poirot. It's called "Cat Among the Pigeons." Also Pam Ferris is in "Malice in Wonderland," a funny. quirky movie with Maggie Grace. There was another production I've seen, not sure of the title, but it was set during WWII, and Linda Bassett played a Jewish woman who with her husband was desperate to find a place of refuge.
  22. But no! We only saw minimal handholding between Patsy and Delia, and one kiss, before they disappeared, never to be seen again. I miss Patsy!
  23. She doesn't just have "dementia like symptoms," it has been said from the first season that she has dementia. Also to say that she was dehydrated is a really random thought. She was able to assist Nancy this time but she is not allowed to practice as a midwife or even to answer the phone. She complains about her "uselessness" all the time but when they ask her to do something helpful, she refuses.
  24. But the parents weren't young teenagers, they had grown up with it being a huge taboo, plus it was illegal, as in going to prison. What loving mother wouldn't be scared to death at the thought that that could happen to her child? Many other parents turned their backs at the least and did much worse at the most, then and now.
  25. Exactly. Well, well said. She manipulates people with it, and never appreciates their efforts in caring for her. Also, I LOVE your comment about her being dehydrated for 8, or 10, years! 😃 We have the information now. Breaking someone's leg and giving them a glass of water cures dementia! Also, that Lucille is probably pregnant now because they touched! But, she was wearing gloves, so maybe protected! Though since you mention it, since Cyril had not yet proposed to Lucille when he bought the radio/record player, they weren't in any formal relationship, so why was he obligated to talk to Lucille about what he wanted to do with the money, and what right did she have to be pissed that he didn't? Obligated being the operative word.
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