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Everything posted by susannah

  1. How did you break your jaw? That sounds horrible. I don't remember the Instant Breakfast as tasting bad, just seemed like chocolate milk, but we had Quik for that. I drank Tab and Fresca once or twice as a kid, they tasted awful. What IS Ovaltine? Is it chocolate milk? You know the mondegreens, the lyrics that people mishear in songs? In Crocodile Rock, when the line is "dreamin about my Chevy and my old blue jeans," it always sounded like" dreamin about my Chevy and my Ovaltine!"
  2. I remember Carnation Instant Breakfast powder packets. Mixed with milk, they were supposed to replace the meal. It seemed to me that it was basically chocolate milk, as that was the only flavor I tried. As far as AYDS went, they could have changed the name, as the original name didn't mean anything. I can't imagine that the candy could have been effective to help lose weight. Anyone remember Tab and Fresca, the diet soft drinks?
  3. Completely, also that it is done solely to control women. Doubly barbaric.
  4. Well, cats aren't dogs, and I don't know how one would "keep a cat with them" unless they were tied up or in some kind of covered pen they couldn't get out of. I believe it!!!
  5. I am sure it wasn't, and thank you. I still think of him at times, all these years later, and hope he didn't suffer. He was so funny, he loved to snooze in the bathroom sink..shaped just right!
  6. I am so sorry that happened. I can't imagine how awful that was for all of you. The cat I refer to was an indoor/outdoor cat, and I had him for nearly 18 years. I lived near a busy road but he was afraid of it so I didn't have to worry about that. He got in fisticuffs a couple of times with other cats but that was all. I also had for a short time a young cat, but he disappeared, and I never knew what happened to him. My older cat did not like having a young brother but he missed him. I think an experience like yours would be the end for me of having pets. I hate bluejays, and my cat did too. They would divebomb him!
  7. I just really think the name of that facility is insulting. It's like, "where can we stick the crone?" Joan Lunden is getting up there, and she might be headed for such a place herself if her kids can't be bothered to care for her.
  8. It's a very hard call. I personally think it is cruel never to let cats go outside, but it is also very dangerous for them if they do.
  9. That was the only thing I really didn't like about having a cat, though he never brought any squirrels, thank God. It was why I never left any window open for him to come and go, so I could make sure he didn't have any critter. I missed the hitchhiking slug. One time he did have a glove thoughI Why he stole someone's glove, I do not know. Once he had left a dead mouse next to the porch, and later that day my folks came to visit. True story, next day, there were two more dead mice next to the first one! Gotta feed the family...
  10. Those are the ones who are standing guard outside the house, right?
  11. Stepping on a slug barefooted is even worse than my experience with one, which was touching one on my bedspread while half asleep. I had let my cat in, in the very early morning and went back to bed, THEN soon my hand fell on something slimy and cold! One had most likely stuck to my cat, he was very fluffy, and then when he got on the bed, fell off or something. I would not recommend that as a wake up call, but it was effective. But like I said, stepping on one would be worse.
  12. I have both seasons on dvd and bought three of the books. I hope they give her more to do also. She has a Sr Julienne quality about her, a wise calmness.
  13. God I hope not, but as we know, too many priests were child sex abusers. It makes me angry though that people only get upset about it when the victims are male. Anything is possible but I disagree that we won't see Colette again.
  14. Yeah, it doesn't make sense to me either. Daff is of the opinion that it was purposely kept from Val, but I don't understand why. She was very close to her auntie and people might have thought she would go along, if she knew, as other members of the family did. I don't know if people would automatically think that Val would call the police on a family member.
  15. I loved and miss Chummy and Sr Evangelina so much too! I also did not like Jenny.
  16. Except that Val wasn't always a child, and apparently other family members did know about it. For a place as small as Poplar, I just don't buy that no one ever spoke or whispered of the woman that would do it, or any person seeking her out, or anyone experiencing complications, for Val to hear of. People did have to talk about it for the auntie to have the business.
  17. Only one person has posted her real name, with no other identifying information. I am pretty sure adults can make their own choices as to what to reveal online.
  18. They did get two seasons, and the huge cliffhanger happened at the end of the second season. I have gotten one of the followup books, it's not the same, as you said. Are there more than one followup books? Fenella Woolgar has such a distinctive look, I just see her as Alison, and where is her dog Boris! I think she can add to Call the Midwife, if she is consistently on. I liked her being temporarily in charge of NH, and making compassionate decisions about Nancy.
  19. I had a problem with my initials right off the bat, since my first name starts with P and my last name is, as stated, Green. PG is pretty bad in high school but not as bad as a girl in school whose initials were PU. True story. I have been psg ever since, in lower case. How can you sign just your first and middle initials on a legal document? But, speaking of bad names, I always think of Christine McVie, of Fleetwood Mac, whose maiden name was Perfect. Can you imagine living with that name? But, when she married John McVie, she wasn't Perfect anymore.
  20. Well said! I so agree about perfect Lucille. It didn't occur to me, but you are right about "Val from Poplar." Since she knew everyone and everyone knew her, how is it that no one EVER let slip to her what Grandma? Auntie" did on the side? But if I had to choose between her and Lucille, it would be Val. I have seen store mannequins more animated than Lucille. I have a hard time seeing Sr Hilda as a nun since she was on Home Fires, a great show that they cancelled right in the middle of a huge cliffhanger, in which she played an accountant who, because she couldn't afford her vet bill, made one stupid choice after another until she ended up causing soldiers' deaths and half the people in the village losing their jobs. Talented, that one!
  21. Right. Also, from what I remember, the woman was so emotionally damaged that I wonder whether she could have had normal adult sexual feelings. She just saw her brother as security.
  22. My mother often made one for my stepdad at Christmas, but he was the only one who ever ate it. I am not even sure what the overall taste would be!
  23. I so miss Patsy, Chummy, Sr Evangelina, and Barbara. Except for Barbara, maybe, who was just a really nice, humble young woman, all of these others had interesting layers to them. I can't really say the same for Lucille, Val or the new nuns, though Sr Frances is growing. The show touched on social ills it had addressed but I wish they had given a tiny bit more time to the societal culture of female oppression and misogny, and not just with the more extreme cases of Cynthia's attack or FGM or the woman's brutal husband. We saw it as a way of life in so many episodes, where the guy and the Spanish woman had 25 kids, starting when she was a child, and he not lifting a finger to care for any of them, the one where the husband was insisting she give him a son, actually two shows addressed that, one of which the woman died, the woman afraid for her life when she had a biracial baby, the schoolteacher whose married lover was legally able to scorn her and leave her to face the consequences alone, all the "suits" who knew what was "best" for pregnant women, the appalling conditions at the mother and baby home, etc, etc. Speaking of remembrances, someone mentioned the early episode a while back of the brother and sister who lived together as a couple. I think it is possible that their relationship was not physical, even though they shared a bed. Their background was so traumatic, and they were so broken by it, that it is possible that they slept together for comfort and security, rather than sex.
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