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Everything posted by susannah

  1. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that, in fact it is the smart thing to do, unless it is something with a smell that can bother other passengers. You don't get anything on the plane and airport prices are through the roof. I have wondered for a while about whether flights should serve alcohol at all anymore, and refuse to admit anyone who has obviously been drinking, on board. There may always have been a problem here or there with an inebriated passenger, but it's out of control now with assaults on flight attendants becoming frequent.
  2. I just saw an ad for Daisy sour cream, in which the family is having dinner, with baked potatoes. The kid, maybe 8 years old. picks up his entire potato with his fork and takes a bite of it. Demonstrating caveman manners, I guess.
  3. I disagree that it was "less than fair and balanced." I thought his statements were spot on.
  4. Completely agree about physical decline. Henry can be as big a jerk as he wants to be but if he fell and broke something, especially a hip or leg, the reality is that he would most likely not walk again and even decline to death. Jamie's wanting to make sure his house was as safe as it could be made perfect sense to me too, and it had nothing to do with treating Henry like a baby.
  5. Yes, of course there are some. Police officers are human beings, and they can make big mistakes, in jobs where they put their lives on the line every single day, and too often lose them. I am not excusing any wrongdoing, but I think there are too many people, not speaking about you, who judge and vilify the police just trying to do their jobs, without ever having to experience what they have to deal with every single day, like the episode where Witten quit because everyone got her on their phones pulling her weapon on the guy who struck her in the back, but not recording that part. It is even worse when administrations don't back their officers up. Here in Portland we had an entire summer of nightly rioting, not peaceful protesting, after Floyd was killed, as mentioned in the show. They burned police cars, broke windows, looted shops, set the Justice Center on fire, with people inside it, threw all kinds of dangerous objects at the police, who were ordered to do nothing to stop them or to protect themselves. Many officers since have left the force, and I don't blame them one bit. I wasn't sure why Frank had a problem with what the podcast guy was saying. He has always supported his officers, or I thought he did.
  6. It's not bystanders' jobs to interfere with the police. Ever. Taking videos of only half of what they see is also wrong. It's too bad that people think that the police are out there to hurt people, or to be unprofessional on the job, all 1.3 million of them.
  7. I thought that, as I was writing my post, and I am pretty sure it did. If so, it was really stupid of Erin to call him and allow him to blame her job as the reason, and then talk about it like it was her fault. I can just hear slimy Jack saying "if you weren't so busy with your job, I wouldn't have had to find someone else," or something similar.
  8. I didn't particularly like how they singled Portland out, showing thug behavior, when similar stuff was happening all over the country. I agree that Eddie and Jamie can't work together, and Jamie should not be her boss. I also agree that Eddie should have been told about the guy's problem, since he endangered her life, and he also should not be be on active duty until he got his head straightened out. Were they waiting until he did get a partner killed? I didn't have a problem with Anthony taking issue with his cousin after learning of his thievery. I don't believe he was slamming the guy up against the wall, I thought it was a van, and he wasn't pushing him very hard. I didn't like the consultant who told Erin that she wouldn't cut it in the election because she wasn't all things to all people all the time. I highly doubt that her marriage ended because of her job or that her child suffered from total neglect. I doubt anyone was telling her ex not to be as successful as he could be, even though he had a wife and child. I liked Anthony and Danny working together.
  9. I only saw the second half of the show but was glad to see Alex Kingston, who will always be Elizabeth, and she is looking good. Eddie has a good heart and I assume she was trying to help the pregnant officer who was horrible to her with zero apologies, even when she found out that Eddie didn't rat her out, and I sure wouldn't be hugging her after getting that kind of attitude. I was hoping Baez was on her way out but no such luck. Really over hers and Danny's sappiness over each other. They are partners, they are not in a romantic relationship. I also thought Henry was a huge jerk, but I always think that. Loved Frank's and Abigail's chat!
  10. Ok thanks! They have shown it like five times tonight but I always miss the beginning of it.
  11. Has anyone seen the ad about Sam's used books? It doesn't annoy me but I am confused. This old guy, Sam, has a new/used bookstore that is apparently closing, so a little girl goes around and collects books and suddenly Sam in back in business. What? If he could not afford to keep the store open, and buy books, how is one donation going to help him?
  12. Oh poor one!! The things kids get in their heads with the information that they have jumbled in their heads! It's funny but I bet it wasn't funny for you at the time. I would think though that your grandfather should have been where he could hear you if he was babysitting. In addition to having to use the bathroom, if a 3 year old is sick or scared, someone needs to be nearby, not on the other side of the house, in the dark, and your mother should have told you she was going out after you went to sleep.
  13. The truth may or may not be out now! 😀
  14. It sure is! We always got to open one gift on Christmas Eve too when I was a kid. The wrapping of each person's in their own paper sounds like a good plan, not to have to mess with tags or getting anyone's mixed up!
  15. Wow you seem to know alot about someone else's family and how they all felt about everything!
  16. Yeah I was watching that yesterday I think. Definitely season 1. I like Naylet and I keep wondering what nationality she is. Erin is a go-getter! I don't know about typical but this gay man thought he should win everything, for sure. I don't like Terra.
  17. Wow, "dictated" and "regimented?" As I said, my family did it that way when I was a kid and still do when any of us that are left get together, and I never once have felt dictated to or whatever. I remember feeling excited when someone was going to open my gift to them and hoping they would like it, etc. There would be "open mine next," save that one for last," etc and it all was just fun. But different people do different things.
  18. That sounds really self centered. Christmas isn't supposed to be like "give me my presents and get out of my way." So what if it took all morning for everyone to open their gifts and share that time. I feel sorry for that father, with his inconsiderate family.
  19. When we were all in the living room, one of us kids would pass out all the gifts so everyone had their pile, and we also would take turns opening a gift. There were just five of us. I think that is the best way, since then everyone is involved in seeing what everyone else got. I remember feeling like it was so hard to wait til my turn again, but I survived. I have had Christmases elsewhere where everyone just opened their gifts at once, and it felt lonely. We had our stockings also, real socks, like a knee sock or one of my dad's socks, not storebought ones, and could open them without waiting. Fudge before breakfast! There were always a few unshelled nuts and a tangerine in the toe, as well as a few small gifts. We always spent Christmas morning at home and then in the afternoon would take the two and a half hour drive to my grandparents for Christmas dinner. Other relatives would be there too, and we all fit in their mobile home, with a kitchen that was literally like 4x4 feet, and Grandma would make the works! One thing I want to ask is about leaving cookies and milk for Santa. When I was a kid, we never did that, and I never heard of anyone doing that until I was an adult. Is that something that everyone does?
  20. Urine is absolutely harsher on skin than menstrual blood. Two words..diaper rash! With people who are older and/or sick, and may have reduced hydration levels, urine will scald skin.
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