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Everything posted by susannah

  1. Ellora is 9 and doing very well so far. Meadow was just 10 and in the final 3 her year. But whatever.
  2. I don't agree that because one kid of that age isn't right for the show, that it proves that all kids of that age have no baking skill or talent. It wasn't because of Ben's age either. Unparented, spoiled kids are like that at any age. It wasn't fair to keep him and let Finley go, but not because he was eight. I can remember a few other, older kids who had a few attitude issues to the other kids, and others who have argued with Duff, though none as rudely as Ben. I don't like generalizations any time because they have no validity. I really wonder what Duff and Valerie said about him and to him!
  3. Really? Comparing all kids to your kid? You are also speaking about kids you know nothing about at all, as well as forming opinions about them.
  4. I am not sure why people are focusing on his age, and assuming that no 8 year old knows much about baking or has skills, just because this one doesn't. Blanket declarations aren't good.
  5. But they also had to audition, didn't they? Wouldn't they also look at how long the child has been baking, etc?
  6. Ben isn't a cretin because he is eight. He is a cretin because he hasn't been taught to have respect for others, and that is true of all ages. He thinks he's all that, but his work isn't backing him up. That's not to say that another kid that age mightn't have the skills to really impress.
  7. I so did too. All of it really bugs me but it was just so unfair to Finley, who would have listened to anyone advising her to cook them longer. If Ben had not been advised, it would have been more fair, since Finley's were way underbaked. But he was, and she wasn't. Why would the producers want to keep him?
  8. OMG, Ben needs to go and go NOW. I could not BELIEVE how he spoke to Duff, when Duff was trying to help him, and then to the both of them at the judging. He looked at them with pure contempt. His stuff looks awful and he needs slapping upside his head. Several times. I think Finley was robbed. No one helped HER with any advice, and she made that mistake. To keep Ben who was flat out TOLD to bake it longer, which he flat out refused to do, and cut Finley for the same mistake, was just every kind of wrong. I could tell Duff was pissed at him and to see Valerie's shock at his attitude... I was wondering if all those mix ins would affect baking times of the cookie bars/blondies and it seems that they did. I think the other kids did much better jobs this week. Everyone's looked much neater and showed more imagination. I am glad Lucia's pastry cream finally turned out, and liked Duff's advice to her. I just am so pissed at the injustice of this show. The kids work so hard to get there and to stay there and that little cretin remains.
  9. Also, she told the dying girl who wanted to go to the ball that she was a "dab hand" at dancing, I guess that means she was good at it, and offered to teach the girl. I guess Sr Hilda was a party girl before she became a nun! I also think it would be interesting to find out more backstory about the nuns.
  10. I didn't know how they could get a real baby with missing limbs, but Susan Mollucks looked so real!
  11. Since she is not with the Turners, and we haven't seen her with the foster family, we can just hope it is a better situation for her! Thanks for the info. I'm in the US, so not familiar. It does sound fun!
  12. I am among those who missed the ending. It cut off just as Phyllis introduced the kids at the church. I just saw it last night so haven't had a chance to see the whole thing yet on OPB. At the beginning, when May's legal insecurity was brought up, she has such a selfish biological mother, who can't care for her but keeps her in limbo, or Sr Frances's comment about breech births, I knew one or the other was going to be in the show. The Nativity play was cute, and I guess Phyllis forgot she has a bad back! Angela and May are like the principal's kids, whenever anything is happening, they are in the front of it! I wasn't that moved by the drugs/gangster story, but thought the scene with the delivered goodies was great. Dr Turner might as well have hung a sign that said "lost cause" as he shut the door, with the women.." a ham! rum! Ooh, perfume!" I didn't catch that Timothy was drinking a rum and Coke, but he is a young man now. The hen party was pretty funny, though I don't know what game they were playing, passing that box around. SURPRISING that Sr Hilda was pouring the booze into the punch, and more surprising that religious, proper Lucille was going for it. Her eye injury thing, and what they did, just turned my stomach. I wouldn't be able to do that. I don't know why they couldn't have lanced it. A tiny scar would have been better than that. Liked Reggie's insisting on a silk tie. Didn't like Violet's "letting" Fred go to the bachelor party, she's not his mother, or scolding Reggie after Lucille let them know he was outside with them. He isn't six, and he was with friends. I did think he had seen snow before, so didn't get that whole thing. That snowball!! OMG, the dress on the door....I thought of Barbara the minute I saw it and I knew Phyllis was too. I was crying when she was, and when Lucille found her pearls. It was very kind of Lucille to help Phyllis in remembering Barbara with happiness. I miss her. Why couldn't she have died offscreen! Her dress was perfect for her. I do not know how a dress and veil as big as Lucille's could get from inside to car, all squushed inside the car and then into the church without totally rumpling. It was very pretty but I don't care for the superfitted design. Not a fan of Matthew and Trixie, and I feel quite sure that he would not be so generous with everything that he is doing, including the renovations, if Trixie had no part in it. Loved Mother Miriam's reading of the story. Thought it is too bad that the Turners aren't fostering Colette, since they have the two girls her age. Now that the kids are all friends, I bet we see more of Colette.
  13. But why did it bug you! Different people have different ways of saying things.
  14. I live alone, so I only have a few dishes and a few pans.
  15. Would she now? I know that Trixie had zero problem going into Patsy's stuff that was hidden under her bed, to get a scarf, without asking Patsy. When Patsy saw her with the scarf on and confronted her, not only did T not apologize, but attacked Patsy, saying she didn't fit in with them, and then lied about it to the nuns.
  16. I think anyone who gives birth to a drug addicted baby should lose all parental rights at birth and permanently. There should be zero room for and trying to regain custody.
  17. I think that it is pretty common for many people to say "tuna fish," and has been for ages. Wanting to punch anyone for it sounds excessive. Why so violent? What bugs me is when I have heard anyone refer to hamburger as "hamburger meat" as opposed to "pork meat," etc, BUT I don't want to hit anyone for it.
  18. Thank you! No one said they were going extinct, but as you said, they are endangered. People who make sourceless and baseless claims like that annoy me.
  19. Everyone knows that Betty White just passed away, but I just saw online that Ed Asner, Gavin MacLeod and Cloris Leachman, all four of the Mary Tyler Moore show, also passed this year. Isn't that just odd!
  20. Or half a cup! I couldn't agree more, that there was no way Ben should not have been cut.
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