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Everything posted by susannah

  1. It's all good, everyone has their own likes and dislikes. Just out of curiosity, thought, why is Ellora your least favorite? My least favorite is Riya. Exactly, and that is why Sarah should not have won.
  2. I was so scared for Ellora this round. I wasn't happy with any of the judging. First off, failure to strain seeds is a HUGE wrong move to Duff, yet Sarah won the challenge? I didn't see how any of the stripes were uniform on any of the cakes, yet he commented on some of them and not others. There wasn't one zebra face that was recognizable as an animal face, except for Ellora's, and I wouldn't necessarily think it was a zebra. I don't know what Duff was complimenting, on the ones that just looked like squiggles. Lucia has never been a strong contender so I was sure she would go today, but I couldn't believe that Ellora was on the bottom as well. I also couldn't believe that Lucia poured what looked to be nearly half a bottle of vanilla in her cake.
  3. You must have been quite lucky then. I don't know how anyone can NOT expect that at some point, cars will need repair. All machines do. Why is someone who is realistic about that an "idiot?'
  4. I know! "in sickness and in health" isn't supposed to be just jaw flapping! He's dancing, not twerking. I know kids have been injured and killed by heavy furniture falling on them. I have never heard of any being hurt by a drawer.
  5. No lie! Really nice! I hope they got a free burger once in a while for helping the shop.
  6. Maybe you can get in on it! I remember seeing pictures of women with those fake black eyes, yeah violence against women was always a great selling technique!
  7. My grandparents were snowbirds. They lived half the year in Oregon and the other half in Arizona. That does seem like it would cause problems with residency requirements. I wouldn't watch a Woody Allen movie if I was paid to. He is one of the most disgusting people ever. But why can't you watch it until after he dies?
  8. I just recalled that the other kids applauded when Ellora won the challenge, which I thought was great. I have seen lots of "good jobs" and similar praise when other kids have won, but I don't remember seeing that before. Great support!
  9. Yeah, I wasn't sure what one's zip code had to do with it either. They sure show those ads often enough!
  10. Perhaps you will share your findings with us? To stay on topic, does anyone remember whether Saylor made them with saltines or graham crackers? I wonder how different each makes it.
  11. So true. The impulse items will kill you, and I don't know anyone who can resist the temptation all the time.
  12. No I really didn't know, so thanks for the info!
  13. What's cat tax? Do all proceeds go to the cats?😃
  14. I thought how it was great that Ellora's cake almost flaked from the fork like real salmon would. I didn't like Summer's beef ribs either. I thought they looked like meat loaf. What did anyone think of Nadya's/Sarah's steak? It seemed rather slopped together imo.
  15. It is still very rude to do and bad table manners.
  16. Well the problem with that is that even if a kid could do it without making a mess, which is highly unlikely, accidents happen, and then you have a mess. I don't think parents should ever let their kids make messes in public, but many many parents do. Holding the syrup bottle over one's head to pour it is asking for a mess, and not at all good table manners.
  17. Would you let a six year old do that in a restaurant? If they want to mess up their own kitchens, they can have at it but not in public! You said it.
  18. I was sure it would be one or the other of them. Both their dishes looked big messes. I agree that just putting fruit on the skewers was a cop out. Lucia is not a strong contender, but often weak links get to stay when someone else is worse! I thought Summer's mac and cheese looked spot on.
  19. I just saw an ad for Hampton Hotels in which it shows a little girl with Down's, around six years old, who twice lifts the syrup bottle as high above her head as she can reach, to put it on her pancakes. Again, the father just smiles at her. Who does that? For one thing it would be so easy to get syrup all over the place, for someone else to clean up, which is really rude, and secondly, people with disabilities already face bias, so "yeah, let's show a DS kid making a big sticky mess in a restaurant!"
  20. Me too!!! She so deserved it, her dish was perfect. Not only that, but she went beyond the easy fondant asparagus and made a rolled cookie. Santiago and Lucia definitely had bad days, but I thought that Sarah's? chicken leg looked like something out of the Flintstones.
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