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Everything posted by susannah

  1. I saw an ad today that is up there on the gross meter. An ad for ED, and apparently, when the moment hits, people have to use all sorts of euphemisms to excuse themselves, which would be just stupid, not disgusting, except for the last couple, in which the woman is bleeped out and then she and the guy run off. Seriously, people have to drop whatever they are doing, no matter where they are, to go and have sex? Also, since the ad is for ED, why are the women after the guys?
  2. I had forgotten that one, I just know Amy Schumer's truckload of tampons she hauls around.
  3. Using ink pads and stamps is being creative, and personalizing the bags is too! There are lots of different ways to be artistic.
  4. 90 day sounds like it could be a rehab center! 😃
  5. Are you sure "Wicked Game" wasn't from "Wild at Heart," with Laura Dern and Nicolas Cage?
  6. Was that from the movie with Laura Dern, about some twisted kind of relationship?
  7. True, but even so, and especially so, it may not, and probably doesn't ever, capture the whole story. Whoever the one is doing wrong, the whole story is necessary, and it seems to me that too many people show half the story, to make the police look bad, like the time when they showed Eddie's partner pulling her gun on someone, but not showing that he had hit her in the back first.
  8. I completely agree that kids are very able to do more than they are allowed to these days, both with activities that are fun and with those that aren't so much, like cleaning up, etc.That said, I wouldn't agree with a five year old dealing with hot pans and grease frying. They are still learning good muscle control at that age, and burns are permanent. So what kinds of things would you make at 8 years old for dinner? Expecting a kid of that age to cook family meals so often seems rather excessive.
  9. That's a great idea. I always like the idea of reusing things, and Christmas cards are so pretty. Also, you can make them the size you want, etc. Thank you. It was very difficult work, and we were extremely constrained in what we could say, and do. I was very glad to get out of it.
  10. I just read her bit in the article and she said that she practiced very hard, almost daily, teaching herself to bake, and working up to advanced French desserts, on her own, with no bakers in the family. That is why she is succeeding. Prodigies can do whatever they are gifted in with no effort. I wish people would focus less on their ages and more on what they are able to do.
  11. I thought the same, that they were considering not chopping anyone. I have seen the adults make things with pretty weird mishmashes of flavors, to be original and different, and I have wondered how they all tasted together. Not all adults have the same flavor palates, and Duff and Val have had issues with some. It's not just the kids. As far as Caroline's pina colada went, I think everything she put in would have gone fine with chocolate, if she had not overdone the amount of chocolate, but it was also underdone. I don't know why she was blaming the dried pineapple, and her little rant about it looked bratty. I didn't like her "look at me" attitude throughout, always having something to yell out.
  12. I just saw the episode. I didn't think the challenge was very complex, but the kids really brought the different flavors and themes to the cereal bowls! I think they all did very well, except for the tiny mistakes that Joseph and Caroline made. "Poor" Caroline? I don't understand that. I am not sure why she was blindsided, they told her that the chocolate overpowered the tropical flavors and that her cookies were underdone, when they tasted them. I don't know how Santiago is doing it every week. I never see him doing anything until the end of the baking period, and then he impresses. Ellora is just the cutest sweetest thing, and I she is is quietly going to win. No jumping up and down or running around or being the comedian for her, just quality work.
  13. I wish I could get the recipe for the cracker butter crunch thing Saylor made a couple of seasons back. Val was dying over it.
  14. It's not a "bit much" for me. People may find the product useful but graphic ads are disgusting.
  15. I saw that yesterday, and tried to believe it wasn't about what apparently it is about, and it is beyond disgusting. Apparently there is no level too low to sink to in advertising.
  16. True that, and probably that they have a very short blooming season?
  17. No, she is not as bad as Ben, IMO, but I find her irritating. Overconfidence can come off as arrogance.
  18. I agree, and a kid of any age will be rude and disrespectful if they have been allowed to be by their parents. I think parents who don't parent properly, who want to be their kids' friends and don't teach them to be good people are the ones who are emotionally immature.
  19. I don't like the one where the woman is eating at the table and then falls through the floor and ends up floating around the atmosphere. It just is stupid. I can't remember which product it's for, dang it!
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