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Everything posted by susannah

  1. I don't like Caroline either. Santiago needs to get it together if he wants to stay there. I really don't know what he was doing the whole 85 minutes since he used the last 5 to fill and decorate his pie. He skated through this one, barely, but as it gets more complex, I don't see that happening again. I agree about Ellora, Joseph, Summer and Sarah. I will put my bet out here now, just to see, that Ellora wins.
  2. But I never see daffodils in bouquets! I love daffodils. You could have had a baby wind gust! 😃
  3. I have never seen these before. I don't know why I thought of that question, it just got into my head recently! Thanks for the info.
  4. Speaking of flowers, as we were earlier, and not dead bodies, since you had a flower shop, I wonder if you know this. Are there any green flowers occurring naturally?
  5. It's always nice to have goals! What do you mean by cognitive dissonance? It doesn't make sense in this reference.
  6. Plus, gift bags can have special things added, like hanging candy canes or an ornament or some other thing the recipient might like from the handles.
  7. I don't think Caroline was really crying. I think she was faking it just a bit, maybe so Val would come over to her.
  8. I really hope they didn't think that way. The kids on Team PB really tried hard, and I am sure it didn't feel good to them to lose and know they weren't safe from elimination. It wouldn't be fair to them to engineer their loss to get rid of Ben. It would have been better if they had just done as they always do, since Ben would have bombed out anyway, not meeting the twist. I was going to say "doing the twist," but it was about baking, not dancing!
  9. From what I remember, she only goes to the kids when they are crying. I thought he just rolled it back and added the sugar?
  10. Yes, they love to dress up in all kinds of outfits, being dinos, cats, unicorns, whatever. I remember the reactions of some dads when they would come to pick up their sons and find them wearing the princess dresses. Some were quite bothered by it, even though it is just dressing up and pretending, vital to child development. It would depend I guess on whether the kid refused to wear pants every day!
  11. I worked in call center customer service for a few years, and talk about abuse. It boggled the mind.
  12. I personally think that murder by reason of insanity should be an allowable defense for interior decorators/remodelers, etc! 😃 I know how difficult and thankless that kind of work can be and I don't know how people do it. So the room is half done and then the client wants something completely different, or losing the plot because this doesn't match that, or insisting on something that is not doable, and then blaming the decorator/contractor... like I said, just a wee push off a cliff is just the ticket!
  13. You have or had a flower shop? What a lovely business. Flowers add beauty to our lives in so many ways.
  14. Really? You equate tv ads for sports betting, which is legal, to pushing drugs, which is not legal? Both of those require personal choices to do those things, and then to do them to excess. I don't care if they say "everyone's doing it," adults are supposed to be more mature than ten year olds. People need to take responsibility for their choices, and not blame tv or anything else for them.
  15. If I had a gift wrapping room, I would have one of those roll cutters like they have in wrapping services in stores. How much time that would save to quickly tear off what you need, and save your hand from falling off too!
  16. But I have seen every kid who has been eliminated cry, no matter their age, and there is nothing wrong with that. I have not seen one kid do anything that was inappropriate when they were cut, ever. I have seen adults cry when things are going wrong in the baking, and when they get eliminated. So not sure who hasn't been a graceful loser and who has been crushed by defeat. Nearly all of the kids say afterwards that they are going to continue to bake. All of the kids who audition for this show have watched it, I am positive, and all of them know it is an elimination competition. The only not good parenting I have seen was Ben's gross disrespect of others, and a couple of boys who were very rude to the girls they were working with in a team challenge.
  17. But the deal was that everyone on the winning team would be safe. If team PB had won, they would not have been able to chop him.
  18. I used to be a preschool teacher, and had kids in my class whose parents never set boundaries for them or disciplined them. They were extremely hard to deal with and made work very difficult. That is still better than false praise.
  19. I didn't know it until the judging, since everyone on the winning team would have immunity, and both teams presented well.
  20. Ellora wasn't eliminated. Finley was. All of the kids on all of the shows have had the exact same response to being eliminated...they cry, which is a perfectly appropriate response. The adults cry when they are chopped!
  21. You miss my point. Yes there is emotional growth that occurs as kids get older, but not for every kid. My point was whether an older kid had better skills, or not, he or she would not necessarily have a better attitude, etc. In my opinion, Ben's problems were not that he didn't have the skills, which he perhaps could have had if he had alot of practice, I won't say that there is no 8 year old ever who can bake, but that he was spoiled and inconsiderate, which can be true of any kid of any age. I am not talking about his response to being eliminated, I am talking about his attitude with being on the show. Finley was 9, yet she was gracious about being in the bottom for two weeks and then being eliminated. Ellora is just 9 and her skills and attitude are great. It depends on the kid, IMO. Yes, you learned how to deal with disappointment, and how to keep trying. There were no such thing as prizes for everyone because they showed up, and banning musical chairs because heaven forbid a kid might LOSE...
  22. Again, I am not sure why Ben's attitude and lack of skills are attributed solely to his age. He could be older and still not have the skills he thinks he has, and still not take instruction or critique well. I agree about the poke cakes, and these two were not the first to have trouble with filling being too thick. It needs to be liquid, not thick ganache or piping, though Ellora's use of piping into the holes was clever.
  23. I was a bit worried about the team immunity, when everyone but Ben was doing quite well, thank goodness that little cretin is out. I was cheering for that! When they said he was amazing, I thought.."yeah, amazingly bad." Dribbling some juice over cookies is "jam?" Ellora's cake was beautiful. WTH was Santiago doing the whole time, when he was filling and decorating his pie in the last three minutes? Talk about pulling it out bottom of the ninth! I liked the girls helping Caroline, but that has been seen before with the kids. Never with the adults that I have seen. I think Caroline was putting on a bit when her cupcakes didn't turn out. She had no tears in her eyes when Val was talking to her. I agree that she should have thanked the other girls for their help, but I haven't any kid do that, as yet. I thought that the jam twist was a good way to cut all the sweetness but very surprised that no one thought of it themselves first, they all just piled chocolate on chocolate or pb on pb..with no complementing flavor. I think sweet Ellora is quite skilled, but I am not really feeling the team this year, as yet. Other years I have had definitely had favorites.
  24. It would be nice to have a place for that also but what I would store in such a room is all my art and crafts stuff. It would be wonderful to have an organized, dedicated space for everything.
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