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Everything posted by susannah

  1. What's your source for that? I disagree that illiteracy in general isn't one of the most pressing social problems we have. People have to have solid bases of knowledge to be able to have knowledge about other things. I wouldn't put a grade level on that, since general literacy would vary widely depending on location and other factors. I do know that in the lower level English and writing classes I took in college, the profs would have to explain where commas and periods go, and that words that sound the same aren't the same, etc.
  2. Not only health literacy, but literacy, period!
  3. It reminded me of the woman who had the Thalidomide baby who didn't live. She too had a bunch of boys who were driving her to distraction, "they egg each other on!" and she so wanted a baby girl, and this one was a girl. She was the poor woman St J found in the cafe drinking booze in her coffee when they were rounding all the pills up.
  4. You are probably right. Sometimes the housekeepers go the the extra mile too. My sister and I were staying in a hotel around Christmas one year and I came down with a horrible cold. I was in bed for several days, and the housekeeping person made sure to bring us clean glasses every day for my orange juice, and that I had plenty of kleenex. We made her a little Christmas basket when we left.
  5. Ewww is right, but hey, free socks! 😄
  6. I agree. The producers and writers made those choices, not Walker.
  7. Oh yeah...it's the best! I actually like ironing but I don't buy anything that needs it now. Folding fitted sheets? As Barbara said on Call the Midwife, "it's like dicing with insanity." My sister can, and she has shown me, and I just get the aforementioned blob.
  8. Right, and in the same vein, whenever my family and I have stayed in hotels, we always leave it as tidy as possible on checkout, making sure all of our trash is disposed of, not leaving sheets or towels on the floor, etc. As you said, those who have to clean the rooms are held to high expectations for low pay, and those that make more work for them are beyond jerks. You are not nuts. I think that getting into clean sheets is one of the best feelings in the world. Not ironed though. My grandmother used to iron her sheets, do people still do that?
  9. I agree. People don't change their sheets daily at home, and it is unreasonable and wasteful to expect it at a hotel, plus it makes more work for the maids. People might want fresh towels more often, not sure.
  10. Ben is the only one ever to be such a brat. I have seen a couple of boys on a show where they worked in boy/girl teams who were as offensive to their teammates, and I didn't think they should have gotten away with it, and there have been a few kids who thought they were all that, but never ever this kind of attitude. I don't see the benefit of telling him to act like that, what would that gain?
  11. I doubt his parents gave him a talking to. For a child to be so openly rude to an adult indicates that they have been taught that this is okay, and I am sure he is like this with his parents. I feel sorry for his teachers, etc. I used to be a preschool teacher and saw this attitude in young kids, and it boggles the mind.
  12. I am making the assumption that an experienced baker would be able to deal with it, difficult or not.
  13. The point was, in the ads, the guy is wearing NO pants. Wearing yoga pants is being dressed.
  14. I agree. Enough with the "Oh look, I don't have to wear pants, ever," is WAY old. Coronavirus or not, get dressed!
  15. I will have to rewatch that, since I seem to remember that they were pretty torn up after talking to the refugee worker, and I thought that was why. May's biological mother told them that they can be her guardians but they would never be her parents.
  16. Didn't the woman at the refugee organization that the Turners spoke to after May's mother refused to sign the adoption papers tell them that the courts would side with the mother? I believe it, even though the mother was a junkie who couldn't care for the girl, and she was in a stable home with a family who loved her.
  17. Yeah, white chocolate/gum paste/fondant, all of the stuff to make it look like it is supposed to, but how they make it so it can taste good together, I don't know. It seems a really tough challenge that those items are supposed to look exact certain ways, and appearance is everything, yet also expect everything to taste good together too! I also wonder about the ones in which the bakers seems to put every available flavor combination into or on their cakes, anywhere they can cram them in! I do feel for Duff and Valerie at times. For me too sweet = pecan pie, also lots of frostings can be too much.
  18. I also posted that about slapping him. I also agree that no one was advocating violence or child abuse, and also that most people would take it as it was intended. What I wonder is when the kids have to make dessert imposters, they have to make the ingredients out of all kinds of things, in one dish, yet apparently they have to all taste good together, and I don't know how they do that.
  19. Plus it takes a long time for cakes to cool completely, and several bakers have tried to frost or decorate cakes that weren't cooled, and ended up with goo.
  20. So no one is actually hitting him. It's just written opinions. He does need to have a come to Jesus meeting, in whatever way that happens. However he obvs has parents who don't care what he does or says.
  21. But the people they grew up with would remember what they were like.
  22. Yeah, it's weird but some people think that nuns had to be born wearing their habits, and forget that they were actual people, with actual lives, and interests, etc!
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