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Everything posted by susannah

  1. Here's one for an asthma medication... the magic motorcycle! A woman is downtown, and is walking to her motorcycle. She puts on her helmet, gets on and zooms away. If I am not mistaken, bikes have be started with keys, so since hers was a magic one that starts without a key, I am surprised it was still there!
  2. Yes you're right, it was the spray hose. I agree, had I done such a thing as a kid, it would not have ended well for me. I am fairly certain my mother would not have smiled and laughed!
  3. For sure, right along with the fingerpainting brat!
  4. I haven't seen that one, what does the kid do? I also remember one from a while back for paper towels, in which the kid grabs a 2 liter bottle of pop, shakes it up and starts spraying it all over the kitchen. What a little angel. So what does the mother do? Grabs another bottle, shakes it and sprays it at him! Yeah that will really teach him not to do that, and can you imagine cleaning up that horrible sticky mess, that could get everywhere?
  5. I couldn't agree more. I might have even mentioned this one somewhere. WHO lets their kid eat a burger as big as their head in the car, making a drippy mess as she adds even more drippy catsup, as you said, and then smile at their little angel? I loathe this ad. It is one of a number of ads that show kids making messes and their parents smiling at them as they clean up. Like the one where the mother tells the boy that Grandma's coming over, so he starts fingerpainting with chocolate pudding on the counter!
  6. People can think what they like about any ad or spokesperson, but I don't think anyone should tell anyone else whether to use any product or not. I sure would hope no one would take any medical advice from a Primetimer poster.
  7. I agree. It is an individual choice whether to try those things or not and whether they are helpful or not. People can make up their own minds.
  8. I think "hearing impaired" is the same as "hard of hearing," since it states that people have less hearing ability. Then there is deaf, which is no hearing ability. There is nothing "defective" about either state, just a loss of an ability.
  9. I don't know how he could keep from learning Spanish, even without trying to, and I really don't know how she would keep from learning English, with the kids and her community all speaking it. I agree that those sound a bit exaggerated.
  10. I think she is a neuroscientist no matter what she does. She has done the work and achieved the degree. I don't know how anyone would know that that product is useless just by seeing it on tv. Seems like they would have to try it and talk to others who have tried it, and to their drs, researching it more.
  11. It does to me. I also think that having a degree in neuroscience makes one a neuroscientist, whether they have a job in the field yet or not. I didn't know that she was a professor as well as a doctor. One smart woman, there! Why?
  12. But you are taking information from the book, NOT the show. The books are different source material, and I imagine not everyone has read them. I have read them and I don't remember that, but that happens now and then! On the show, he didn't do anything to take care of the kids. I remember that one of the babies needed changing and he just stood there and called an older daughter to take care of it. I remember the nuns talking about his bringing his wife from Spain or wherever, and one of them remarked about her young age, inferring that she was too young, which sounded pretty creepy, and then they have one baby after another for decades. It seems to me that he was indifferent to anyone else but his own needs and desires, and certainly to the consequences. Anyone with brains would care that his wife was constantly pregnant, with other babies to care for, and cook and clean. I also highly doubt that the wife enjoyed sex much with being in that constant state and doing all the other work too.
  13. But all I have to go on is what was on the show, and on the show, he didn't so much as change a diaper. Also, whether he was a caring father in the book doesn't mean anything, after impregnating his wife 25 times! He didn't have to carry baby after baby,after baby and give painful birth after painful birth. He was there for the fun part and the huge burden was then placed on his wife. I was referring to Catholic nuns, not the sisters on the show.
  14. Yes indeed. I just remember the schoolteacher who was having an affair with a married man. She was at fault too, of course, but when she got pregnant and was thrown out of her boarding house, he wouldn't even take her call for help. She then tried to abort the baby herself and nearly died. I thought the man should have been strung up, since her life was ruined, but again she should have known better than to make that choice. One of the worst guys was in the first season, the guy who fathered 25 children with his Spanish wife, starting when she was very young. and didn't lift one finger to care for any of them. He should have been shot. Then there was the priest who impregnated his housekeeper, and she put the baby in the trash, which was every kind of wrong. She would always suffer for what she did, and zero consequences for the man.
  15. Right! It did also occur to me to wonder what the man thought happened to the babies he had to know about.
  16. I can totally see that too. I can see her in some sort of service profession. It does seem surprising to expect that a very young woman would know for sure how she wants to spend the rest of her life, even if she thinks she does. I also just remembered that Sheilagh left the order. I forgot to ask earlier, does anyone think something happens to Miss Higgins next week? I didn't like her so much in the beginning. so rigid and frosty, but I do now.
  17. I know that nuns work, sometimes in the convent and often in the community. I wasn't referring to physical hiding. Well said. It is really unfair how they treat her. She is not responsible for the condition of the East End, either. I agree that she does treat Fred like a child, but that was how alot of marriages are, even today.
  18. Tobacco doesn't cause road deaths and injuries, exacerbate child and spouse abuse, poverty, inability to keep jobs/homelessness, or spur criminal activity.
  19. I'm not Catholic, so have no irons in the fire of Catholic belief, but I have never understood why women can't love God and serve whoever, without cloistering themselves, if not literally as many have, then mentally. I know the rationalization is that "worldly" things, and marriage and children, etc get in the way of serving God, but millions of people are Catholics, and do have regular lives, and families, and love God. It seems to me that the convent is a way to avoid the pain and struggles of regular life and relationships. It was fun to watch Sr Hilda describe smoking, and back in the day people smoked in many places it wasn't appropriate to, but I don't want to see the show demonize smokers. Alcohol has killed and maimed and ruined many millions more lives than smoking ever has, and no one blinks an eye, even having Timothy have a drink at the mob guy's apartment.
  20. There were two movies, the first one I believe was "the Trouble with Angels,", and the one you mention was a sequel. I have the first one and have seen it several times. It bugs me though that Mary never seemed to embrace any theology or exhibit any calling. It seemed to me that she made that decision because she really didn't have anywhere else to go. She had no family except for her womanizing uncle, and no ambitions that were ever mentioned. I really would like to have Sr Hilda's backstory, what made her choose a different path. How old does anyone think she is? Oh my God, I read that in high school and am still traumatized by it!
  21. I love Home Fires, and she was good in the role, but Alison made me nuts, with making one bad decision after the next, leading to the ruination of jobs and lives, just because she couldn't pay the vet bill all at once and wouldn't ask for help. I also didn't like how she pushed Teresa into marrying Nick. But FW played the part very well. I like how they are giving glimpses into Sr Hilda's fun loving past life! Except the officer was just there. They didn't call him.
  22. Right. I hope it is not going to be a bigger issue down the road, like she is sick or something. She should be checked out, for sure.
  23. Right, he most likely didn't know. What I don't get was why he was looking for it instead of the officer.
  24. They did know. She told them where it was. and the officer came in and took the bag with the baby's remains in it from Matthew. I liked the callback to Chummy and her decorative radishes! What is it with men not liking radishes, Peter didn't like his either. Wow, did Sr Hilda get into describing smoking!
  25. I think to call Marigold a "victim" without further information is rather premature. We don't know what the "arrangement" was or what they got out of it. Also, no one knows for sure what happened at the births. All Marigold said was that she heard nothing. If they hid the babies' bodies in the floor and chimney, it's not a stretch for me to think that Marigold's mother killed them. That the man had zero repercussions all the way around in such a situation has always been true. I am not sure if the cop was grateful or not. I know she was sure that Marigold wouldn't make a reliable witness and her mother no witness at all.
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