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Everything posted by susannah

  1. I think you are absolutely right. He seems to be trying to atone for the pain it will cause them all, so is letting Finn do what he thinks might help. I am not sure whether changing doctors is a good thing, but one who treats the whole patient is better than one for whom the patient is just a case.
  2. I was kidding, since "I hope Drew dies" makes it pretty clear how you feel about him! :)
  3. But i wonder, how do you feel about Drew? I skip them too, I can't stand any of them. Was the studying session you refer to the time Joss was reading "PreMed for Dummies" or something equally lofty by the pool, since everyone knows that is a prime studying environment to begin with, and easy to drop for sex that was practically public in every way?
  4. I couldn't agree with you more, and plus, the surrogate not only keeps the kid but donates all the money to Kristina's youth center, which will bring Kristina all kinds of attention and awards!!!! But since Molly already thinks the world should revolve around her, wonder why she thinks that, Alexis...there would just be even more wailing and gnashing of teeth from her. I agree with this too. Friendship love, especially between people with such history, can often be deeper and richer than romantic love, and that is what Anna and Robert have. Romantically, it is Holly for Robert.
  5. True, but he shouldn't have even tried to distract her.
  6. I am in full agreement with all who can't stand how Alexis slobbers all over Molly, "you're perfect," refers to the conflict between Kristina and her, etc as though it is Kristina that is the problem. I loathe Molly and I too want it to all go south for her, but I imagine she will blame Kristina for that too. Her viciousness towards Kristina borders on psychotic, and Alexis is completely blind to it. I wish someone, anyone, would have a come to Jesus meeting with Molly and make her take responsibility for herself. Also really dislike Spencer. Keeping Trina from doing what she needs to in order to talk about what he wants to do is not cool. Kristina, if you are working around beverages and food, tie your damn hair back and quit touching it! She and Blaze seemed to hit it off. I thought Cyrus set up Drew's beating?
  7. Yeah, but Scott was coddling Lucy even after he knew she had stabbed Maxie in the back, and that is not being a true friend. I agree completely about Robert and Anna. Their friendship is solid. I actually want Robert to be with Holly, but still deep friends with Anna.
  8. That would be Willow. It would be funny. Apparently she went to the same school of inappropriate hair style for work as Carly. Nurses need to keep their hair back as well, though I guess it doesn't matter if all you do is stand at a computer for eight minutes. I absolutely want Robert and Anna together again. Diane is starting to look a bit desperate, never an attractive look. I think Drew is going to have something bad happen to him. I think Carly belongs with Sonny. She knows the business and is tough like Sonny. Nina is clueless. I also think coddling Charlotte is a mistake. Better to have a come to Jesus meeting with her and get to the bottom of what she is involved in.
  9. I would rather hear about it, which is horrible enough, than have to see it, which seems to happen very frequently, like, is that all Joss and Dex do, no matter where they are? Never a resting moment with them!
  10. I disagree. Brook Lynn made the choices she did on her own. If she didn't have enough faith in Chase to tell him the truth, that is not Tracy's fault. Tracy didn't force her to do anything.
  11. I do too. I liked how they were mildly snarky together, while becoming friends. I hope Tracy is able to treat him like she did, and not pityingly.
  12. I am SO glad Maxie let Lucy have it over her refusal to settle with Tracy and keeping the company safe, without even mentioning it to Maxie, but it figures Lucy would play the victim over it. She had no right to make that choice without Maxie's agreement, and it showed utter disregard for Maxie and her family if they lose. I hated Lucy's wailing that she would have lost the 1% in ELQ... Felicia's saying that Lucy has also worked hard is irrelevant, since it is not only Lucy who would lose. Really disliked Scott's coddling Lucy in the hall, since I assume he knows that Lucy put Maxie's livelihood at risk without a second thought. I think that is fairly unforgivable. Valentin has been lying to Anna for a while now, this is just more. Also I don't think BrookLynn's tantrum is any great loss for Tracy. She seems rather useless.
  13. I do too, and I hope no one tries to talk her out of moving, if she mentions it to anyone. At least she is recognizing that she might have options now, with having a job, and some experience caring for Ace.
  14. I agree, but it looks to me like Spencer has gotten Esme to think all this time like he is the de facto parent, and thus made her unsure of herself and her parenting, and the fact that she is the parent. It's taken a while, but I think she is starting to believe in herself more. She has Ace in the daycare where she works, not in Spencer's care, and she is making inquiries about moving out on her own. I think that since she has people who are supportive of her now, Alexis, and even Gregory, that she will feel stronger. JMO.
  15. I say again that I don't understand why everyone seems to support Spencer's delusion that he is in control of Esme and Ace. His asking Alexis to "check on them" when he leaves for two days, Trina assuming that her future with him includes them. Ace has a parent who is shown capable of caring for him and that is all that matters. Spencer's relationship with him is irrelevant. I really want Esme to move out with him. I really liked Esme's and Gregory's scene. Lavender ice cream is the bomb, huh? Kudos to all who called Charlotte as the vandal. I get the ruining of Anna's clothes, etc but she would have no knowledge of whatever Anna did that she was supposed to regret, as Victor said. So who is using Charlotte?
  16. What do either Charlotte or Heather have against Anna personally?
  17. But remember it was said that normally, it takes years of research and development to create a new product, and the Deceptor was on the market only a few months after Lucy supposedly thought of it?
  18. I think it is Victor, or someone that works for him.
  19. I don't know Blair, but just seeing her in the scenes with Lucy, indicates to me that she is an extremely smart, capable woman. The judge must have been on crack to make her pay $50,000 a MONTH to anyone, let alone that weasel, for apparently the rest of his natural life. Also, in regard to Deception, I figured it is Lucy's company, therefore she was able to refuse Tracy's offer to settle, thus leaving the company still in danger from the lawsuit, without consulting Maxie? Then Maxie is able to unilaterally fire Brook Lynn?
  20. Oh okay! I had read somewhere that her boyfriend had been on the show also. So who was worse in the bad guy sweepstakes, Peter or Victor? Victor was pretty bad!
  21. Thanks for the info! He seems to be a baddie, who also had Rasputin Syndrome, hard to kill?
  22. Please miss, begging pardon, who is Peter?
  23. I really really dislike Spencer, and I am not sure who he thinks he is. He does not own Esme, and I wish Alexis hadn't agreed to "check on," meaning help control, her, plus mentioning several times that she is "good" with Ace. Esme isn't good with him, like she was a babysitter, she is a good mother, to her child, not Spencer's child, contrary to his apparent belief. I think Esme is doing right to move into her own place with the baby and tell Spencer to go pound sand. She probably would be within her rights not even to allow Spencer visitation if she didn't want to. I think the one who is after Anna is either Victor, who may have faked his death, or someone close to him. They aren't trying to kill her, but make her suffer, and didn't Victor say something like that to her at his memorial thing, or that she hadn't "gotten away" with something?
  24. Sorry if I shouldn't have posted it here!
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