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Everything posted by susannah

  1. Show pre-empted today for baseball, so I guess we won't know who is going to rescue Sasha. I am quite sure it isn't Janice, who seems to have a slobbery crush on Dr Evil, and would do anything he said. Now, I'm not an expert, but don't doctors have to be on staff at medical facilities in order to treat any patient there, which Dr M has said he is not, but no one minds that he wanders around there with a foot long syringe in his hand? I so want Gladys to get run over by a bus.
  2. I am sure they are also running low on Molly accessories, such as "Kristina must be treated like she is the Devil," advanced setting, "But the whole world should care that I want to have a babeeee" default setting, an Alexis doll that says nothing but "Molly, you're perfect," and a boyfriend doll that just says "yes Molly, no Molly." These have been heavily used by the previous Mollys.
  3. It would be a cliche for the show but it happens, no matter what year it is. I am not sure why it would be a pregnancy "scare" since a college student should know that having unprotected sex can cause babies and sometimes even with protection. The possibility is there, every single time. I dislike the mindset that pregnancy is beyond the control and responsibility of those who have sex, thus calling it pregnancy scares, etc.
  4. Well that 10 or 11 seconds probably does feel like a long time to Joss!
  5. Oh thanks, I remember Sam being in a store dressing room with a little girl, and I think that is the episode when Sasha took the clothes.
  6. It would sure make good leverage over Willow though, proof that she is not able to make good decisions, and needs him to decide everything for her, so she will be a good Stepford wife and follow his orders. As I mentioned, I haven't gotten all the kids and their various fathers down yet, so don't know who Drew's daughter is, but why would he ask Willow about a kid that isn't hers? It makes sense that he would ask after her kid. Her son anyway, guess he doesn't care much about the baby!
  7. Well, well well, death and sex day! So bypassed all the sex. Apparently GH doesn't do privacy in the shower areas in any way! Whoever heard of a shower in the middle of the locker room with only a low barrier? Has Ava been taken out? Will Gladys be taken out? If she is, how will that stop Dr M, since Nina doesn't know about his part in it? Will Laura take Nik out when she catches up with him, since he has not been held captive? Will Michael ever stop telling Willow what she should and shouldn't do and when? These questions and many others will not be answered on Monday!
  8. So the warden and lawyer can't regret incidents occurring on their watches, as fits the storyline, because of their race and the race of the victim? Their saying, "Oh well, it happens, get over it," as might be more realistic, wouldn't fit the storyline.
  9. Gladys is just as evil as Dr M. I was hoping that leaving her in the room with him was a set up for him, that Gladys was wearing a wire or something, but no, she and Dr M walk away, while the torturing of poor Sasha goes on. I know what you meant, and IMO it wasn't about race, or "bowing and scraping." The "important" character was set as "wrongfully imprisoned," therefore the grave injustice committed against him must be rectified. The races of the warden and lawyer don't factor into that scenario but people can inject whatever viewpoint they want to.
  10. And make sure they give you the poor defenseless stuffed horse or whatever it was!
  11. I stopped watching the show when Ziva left, except for here and there, but one of my all time favorite characters is Ducky. LOVED him! So intelligent, loving, endearing, forthright, funny... I was surprised and saddened to hear of his passing, but he left a fine legacy of work and I have read he has equally in his life. RIP dear Ducky!
  12. Yeah, the "she's coming over here" like she was going to do them physical harm made NO sense. Molly has some serious mental disorder, as she seems to think that Kristina is some kind of devil incarnate, thus justifying Molly's cruelty to her. I don't know much about TJ but he seems to be an empty headed numpty that just takes in and agrees with everything Molly says. A real man would have challenged Molly on the "she's coming over here," been friendly to Kristina, and thanked her warmly for her best wishes. When is someone going to shut Molly down? Also was it her that wore the skintight blue dress? Lovely color, style not flattering.
  13. Better start practicing your Kristina-viciousness-treatment now !😀
  14. I know, and yet Michael was throwing fits at the entrance of the club about Willow being there. Like I said, good jailer.
  15. Well, another Molly. I thought the last one did well at being a bitch, since she was good at doing a tightened, cold expression. This one seems softer, and it might make her horrible treatment of Kristina a bit harder to buy. Molly is supposed to be the YOUNGEST of the three? I was glad that they showed Esme not trying to scuttle Spencer's trip. What she needs to do though is let go of Spencer as a coparent, and believe in herself. Tracy was actually smiling by the end of Eddie's performance?? GO Sasha! Loved how she let Gladys have it with both barrels, and didn't buy a word Gladys said to her. I hope she holds the line and forces Gladys to confess and agree to testify against Dr Evil. I'm not a medical expert, but I don't know that being back at work in a hospital, around sick people, would be less risky for Willow than being at a club for a couple of hours. Either way, it is not up to Michael to decide what Willow can and can't do. He should apply to Pentonville as a guard, he makes a great jailer.
  16. That's great info, which I didn't know,since I haven't watched the show since the 80s, and just started watching again this summer, but it is still my opinion that it sounds affected. Speaking only of this fictional character, and not about any actual people.
  17. I also dislike Charlotte's "papa." I know she went to a fancy boarding school and probably lived in Europe, but she is in the US and, especially as I don't like her, it just sounds pretentious.
  18. No mention of it here yet, and even though I haven't watched the show since Ziva left, except for season 14 with Jennifer Esposito, i really like her too, one of my most characters is dear Ducky. RIP. Your character was wonderfully done!
  19. I too will be so glad if they find out the bullet was meant for Curtis, then Sonny and Anna can stop all the wailing and gnashing of teeth..."he's in a wheelchair because of meeeeee." No he is in a wheelchair because someone shot into a bunch of people and hit him. Charlotte is bringing the creepy. I knew Victor gave her the tarot cards. The girl needs some time in a psych facility, not talking about her room or her horse. Sam's fake voice was too funny, but Gladys's mad dash to get out of town only to be stopped by Sasha is funnier. Who thought they were deader meat at that moment, Gladys to think the DA would have all the bank records, or Nina when Ava was that close to screaming that it was Nina, to Carly!!!
  20. I was glad to see Genevieve, and not pleased to see Naiel. He won his season, it was totally unfair to give him a shot to win some more stuff. I also got tired of his endless talking about "his" business, which his sister is also a part of, but only he is getting the attention and prize money, etc. I rooted for Genevieve the whole season. She was consistently good throughout and I thought she should have won. IMO, they should have a point system, like the top two get twenty five points, those who were "also safe" get 10 points and the one who wasn't sent home gets 1 point. It just seems wrong that one who was pretty consistently good the whole season, can have one bad day and lose, or the reverse also. Same with Elora. I was so happy that Genevieve won. More salivating over the blast chiller! I also missed seeing Valerie.
  21. I really really dislike Portia, but Molly and Alexis have pushed the loathe-o-meter over the top. After everything Molly has done and said to Kristina, Alexis has the nerve to come to her and tell her to give Molly a pass for it, and it is all on Kristina to be nice, since Molly and TJ are going to have a BABY, though she couldn't even tell K herself. I think that kind of obsession is emotionally unhealthy, and the way she treats Kristina should not be allowed by Alexis, let alone coddled. They treat Molly like the baby is going to be the Second Coming. A co winner for the Great Parenting award is Valentin, who after seeing what his daughter had done to Anna's things, decided that the best plan of action would be to buy a house, and then tell her Anna might move in with them. Anna would have to be insane to be anywhere near Charlotte, but I digress. I am waiting for tomorrow's show to see whether Charlotte's head spins around or explodes at that news. I also think the tarot cards are from Victor. Does anyone think Valentin burned Anna's house to push her into moving in with them?
  22. I think there are some female friendships there. Let's see how many I get wrong. Maxie was friends with Lucy and Brook Lynn, they are out now but she is still friends with Sasha? Felicia is friends with Anna and Holly. Alexis and Diane seem to get on well. Nina and Ava? It would be nice if Kristina and Blaze became good friends. I agree that Anna would not want Charlotte in front of a firing squad, but would want to help her, so who knows why Valentin is lying to her. It would be interesting to learn that Gregory was misdiagnosed but depending on what it might be, with the neuro deterioration already in place, I don't know what other diagnosis would be so much better. We will see! I do wonder, now that Tracy knows, what she might be able to do to help, and will Gregory's pride allow it?
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