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Everything posted by susannah

  1. When I was a kid, we were not allowed to go to the tree until the folks were up, we had to sit on the stairs and call them, and the tree lights were on. All the gifts from other people were put under the tree as we got them but my parents didn't put everything from them out until after we went to bed, so Christmas morning, it was like WHOAH! So many! We always got one gift from Santa, even when I was a teenager.
  2. I agree. I really dislike this one for that reason.
  3. I also thought it was Dolly at first. I agree that they are getting carried away with Limu Emu ads being shown so often, but I would much rather see them than the stupid, disgusting ones. The helicopter one is pretty funny, and who sat at my desk, as feathers fly... I really liked the one they don't show any more, where they are on stakeout, and the guy is going to take a nap, and tells emu to let him know if he hears anything, and then an acorn drops on the car and emu goes crazy..
  4. At least he tried. Marilyn just made another jello dessert. I agreed with Nancy that it looked like a summer salad. I have been around for quite a while and I had never heard of them. Perhaps it is a regional thing.
  5. I think it was right that Marilyn went, since her dessert wasn't a holiday dessert. I clearly see that Adam is the fair haired boy, whom the judges obviously want to win. Richard's cake was gorgeous, and since it was clearly a Christmas cake, "Happy Holiday" is appropriate, Carla. I thought Sabrina did well, and Jody's wasn't bad.
  6. That's so. I myself never knew any Jewish people, growing up in southern OR, and the only reason I know of it is because I always have read alot, about lots of things. You have a good point.
  7. That sounds a wee bit inconsiderate of your son, not only to not make clear when they were arriving, but then to expect you to have appropriate gifts/matching stocking for his partner ready at such short notice. It seems like the son should have brought a stocking and gifts for his partner himself.
  8. One commercial that I have seen boggles my mind, and any parent would have to be out of their minds to get it for their kid.That is the SpyBox or whatever it's called. It allows the kid to put a coded lock on their door, set alarms and tripwires for anyone around, for God's sake. Agreed, and men aren't wanting to get struck by lightning in order to be attractive to women. The reverse is true.
  9. Actually I believe that to many Jews, it is a lesser holiday in the faith. Others may disagree. However, it sounds odd to me that there are non Jews who have absolutely no idea what it is about. JMO.
  10. I disagree that it is about a woman being afraid of a black man. I think it is about an older, vulnerable woman who is startled by a STRANGE man running up to her, which is very realistic. White men rob and hurt and kill women too, especially defenseless women. I like the ad, I think it is very sweet, and I don't think she is annoying at all. I like how they become friends.
  11. I missed seeing this post. It reminds me of a class I took in college, in which one day we saw how women are used in advertising around the world. I left the class literally crying. Not only images such as this, but containers shaped like women's bodies, a woman bloody and crawling toward a shoe display, and other horrifying images of complete disrespect and diminishing. It is much worse in Europe than here. This was a while back and it doesn't look like things have changed much.
  12. I absolutely agree that discussion of all bodily functions should be private and not discussed in graphic detail on tv, but on the other hand, the ad with Amy Schumer and the dr showing the correct position for tampons probably is helpful for some young girls.
  13. What taboo about tampons and periods now? Decades ago, there was. Now there is not. I think there will always be a certain level of discomfort among many young girls of talking about periods or any private bodily function, but I disagree that anyone thinks talking about periods and supplies are forbidden and shameful.
  14. I don't know what Pelaton is but I think I'm really glad I missed these ads! They sound ridiculous.
  15. Yeah, that was the one with the explosion in the factory. Alas, pre-regulation workplace safety measures. I also remember Sheilagh giving inoculations beforehand without first cleaning the injection sites! I recall Val said she was helping her aunt with the pub but I would have to rewatch too.
  16. I guess one person's conjecture is as good as another, since no one knows for certain what the dynamic was, or how long Val was away, or where she was. All she said was that she was a nurse. I don't agree though that Val was an "outsider" to the locals.
  17. I think it is related, since Valerie is a host of the show. I hadn't heard until I read this, but somehow I am not surprised. I just had a feeling. I think Eddie was the love of her life, and perhaps upon his illness and death, she decided what is best for her life. I wish her the best too, and hope she is doing okay.
  18. No, sorry I wasn't clear. I meant that I wasn't the only one who thought EJ was singing about Ovaltine. The accident sounds just awful.
  19. When I was a kid, we used to get gingerbread cake with school lunch, and I'm still not clear whether gingerbread is a cake or a hard cookie.
  20. Yes, I imagine that there are several reasons why people drink diet drinks, not the least of which is because they like them, no matter what they look like.
  21. Wow, I'm not the only one! I am sorry you went through that.
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