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Everything posted by susannah

  1. I agree with all that's been said about the stellar reporting by Rachel. But speaking of her clothes, I have to say that I don't like seeing her in pure black every single night. I know she shows up in a t shirt and jeans, and just puts a black blazer on, but it wouldn't kill her to wear a tiny bit of color. No one but her wears the exact same thing every night.
  2. I have noticed some of them wearing gloves and just thought that they were anti burn gloves or something. I do like that they wear them while they are cutting and serving the cake slices.
  3. Wow, I didn't know that. Those must be absolutely HUGE. I wonder where they buy sheets for them. Speaking of sheets, a double, which is what I have as I live alone, seems to be the red headed stepchild of beds anymore. I have been searching for 100% cotton sheets, no microfiber, and not 20 inches deep for ages and no luck. I guess everyone has a queen size or larger.
  4. Trixie being drunk on the job happened twice, and neither time did she have any consequence. It doesn't matter how "good" a person is, midwives have people's lives in their hands, and if they aren't able to stay sober on the job, they should not be on the job. She wasn't honest in any way with Sr Julienne, she got found out after the fact, both times, and I don't know what you mean about Sr J "watching" her. Way to completely give someone a pass for all their behavior! I also disagree that Trixie has never been judgmental. She was of Tom when he didn't go along with her visions of married life, and she was of Patsy when she arrived. Thank you! I also did say that though I dislike Trixie, I would feel the same way if it was any of the others that were drunk on the job, that they should be fired.
  5. So Nancy should just say, if it isn't Currier and Ives-like, forget it, and be done with it! Nothing like putting exact parameters on what she finds acceptable. I absolutely agree that people from other regions may well have different "tastes of the holiday" that are just as special to them. Speaking of the Halloween Baking Show, I am so glad it is OVER. I hate all that creepy, bloody stuff, and even though I didn't watch much of it, there still were countless ads for it. I do think Carla's costumes are great though. I thought there were always twists!
  6. I thought her choice of words was a little strange, but she was correct, as the logs were half the tree's height. In real life, that would be three herking logs!
  7. Everyone in Poplar would know her.
  8. I said it because Sr Julienne said it. She said no nursing program would accept her, and wouldn't even look at her when she dismissed her. Things may shape up differently, but that was the hard line Sr J took, with zero compassion, at this point. I thought that too. They all were timid newbies at one point, except for Nurse Crane, of course, and they all grew in confidence, and it is nice to see Sr Frances doing so too. I wonder where Sr Hilda has gone?
  9. Exactly. What bugged me was not that Trixie was an alcoholic, but that she was drunk on the job, and endangered people. As you said, everyone who knew covered that up big time, saying she was "feeling unwell, " including Sr Julienne. It's one of the reasons I dislike Trixie. After the second time she was passed out on the job, she was crying to Sr Julienne about it was because she was so upset that she and her boyfriend had broken up, again it was all about her, which I think is a moral failing, and Sr Julienne let it go, again. Totally crummy!
  10. Yes, I listen to them describing the flavors and have to try not to drool! Except for the cream cheese mint. I dislike cream cheese anyway but don't see how it would ever go with mint.
  11. I agree completely. Also that Nancy's having a child never endangered anyone's life. Trixie's being passed out when a woman arrived in labor with her baby in distress, and no one else there but Sr MJ, did. That was also just the first time. No matter who it was, she should have been fired on the spot, but like I said, Julienne barely said anything to her. But Nancy's career is ruined now. according to Sr J? I remember the episode of the schoolteacher, who trusted the married man to be a real human being, and her life and body were ruined for sure. It's no big deal now that single women have babies but men still are able to walk away from all responsibility.
  12. Even if they don't live where there are alot of woodland creatures, they all know what they look like. It was, imo, poor sculpture execution for most of them. Sculpted decoration is a part of cake baking.
  13. They would never have known she has one until she told them, so one minute she is upstanding, and as soon as they know, she isn't? Also. Trixie did say that she was speaking only for herself but again, she was employed by a religious organization. Just because Trixie said she was speaking on her own, that doesn't mean everyone would believe it.
  14. I missed the first show so I don't know everyone's names yet. I also thought that the one I guess is Jose was being bitchy, going on about the cheese. I don't like to see that in competitions, no matter how good they are. I also thought his cake looked gross, oozing green stuff.
  15. I missed this on Sunday so just saw it tonight. I felt so sorry for the abused woman. WHY do men always say "don't blame your getting pregnant on me!" That bit of male privilege just makes me nuts. I also thought that $100, or pounds or whatever, was chump change from Rich Guy, nearly insulting. But as said, back then, that was alot of money. It seemed to me that Nancy did her best to take responsibility for her choices and was trying to build a decent life for herself and her daughter. For the first time, I almost disliked Sr Julienne. It is none of the sisters' business that Nancy goes to visit her daughter, or even that she has one. Sr J would be the soul of compassion for everyone else in that situation, but not Nancy. I was surprised though that the child is in an orphanage. I don't imagine they are ever fun, but especially not back then. Also, I don't recall seeing Trixie running the letter to the paper by Sr J first. She just always does what she wants to, and nothing matters to her but that. I really dislike Trixie and time and time again she has shown her self absorption. Twice she put patients, and Sr MJ, in danger because she was passed out drunk, and Sr J barely raised an eyebrow. While I agree with what Trixie said on the radio, I don't like how she just does what she wants. She may have been an individual person but she lives at Nonnatus and is employed by them.
  16. I disagree that Trixie loved Tom. She wanted to be married, and he was there. She didn't care anything about his views and beliefs, or what being a poor pastor's wife would mean for her. She just wanted the big fancy wedding and having all the attention. Barbara was much more suited to Tom because she did understand what marrying him was about, and she wanted that. I also disagree that the dentist was a "man child." He wanted to do the best for his daughter. That is not a personality flaw.
  17. Dry-dar! that is too funny. That didn't occur to me but you are so right. I would possibly be able to tell if a cake is too dry if it is crumbling into bits, but since that cake wasn't doing that, I don't know how Carla knew! I was also VERY glad that Nancy wasn't screaming for more booze, but actually acted like a professional person. I missed last week, in which I guess she didn't act like a professional person. So glad Lorraine is not there.
  18. The Caribbean woman who made the three mini logs that just looked like one, cut into sections, and the palm tree. I really liked the campfire one with the flames, the one with the bird that won, and the modern log. It looked so elegant! I thought also that the ones that used chocolate strips for bark looked like shortcuts.
  19. I too think it is odd that none of the kids ever speak. They have had kids of that age on that were very good, like that poor little boy with vision issues and the brutal father. I like Timothy and have always thought he resembles Dr Turner. I think Miss Higgins is someone who is all business on the outside, wanting a "competent individual," but feels things deeply on the inside. Anyone would be very moved to hear the girl screaming for her baby. I also see the inevitability of Trixie and Rich Guy getting together but I don't like it. Baby Jonty is adorable.
  20. I agree with the others that it was ridiculous to think that no one noticed poor Elaine's condition for years. I also thought it was awful that she put her in that pen. The birth story with the teens was heartbreaking. I too thought that the girl was changing her mind after the baby was born. I don't know the law back then, here in the US, but I thought that back in the day, mothers who were putting their babies up for adoption never got to see them or hold them. I don't know if there was any grace period for the mother to change her mind. We did have homes for unwed mothers here but not mother and baby homes. I can't imagine how difficult it would have been for a mother to care for her baby for a month or two and then have it torn from her. The episode with Patsy and Chummy at the home illustrated that. It's a really hard situation with parents of minors, or it was. I don't agree with the law now that says a minor of any age has the right to choose to keep her baby and her parents, who will have to support it, have no say in the matter.
  21. He came home late one time and Dr Turner told him he couldn't see a local band called the Rolling Stones with his friends. They had an argument about that. Then Dr T borrowed Timothy's suit for the boy in the reform school for his hearing without asking, and Timothy got bent about that. I felt so sorry for the boy in the reform school. I guess his hearing was to decide whether he would get out or serve his sentence, which made no sense since he was already there. Anyway they said he would have to serve his three years, when he was remorseful, and his girlfriend just had had a baby. All he did was steal a car, once, he didn't kill anybody. Anyway that was one time Timothy acted like a normal teenager.
  22. This I didn't know! It is funny, as he is such a prolific songwriter.
  23. I am not sure why anyone's response to a humorous ad needs to be so politicized, quoting statistics without source, and not to mention that expired or not expired food has nothing to do with the numbers of hungry people. The nearly expired food can't be given to them. I use the date as a guide to check condition, but if other people want to discard on the date, that is their choice. As said, It can't be given to the hungry.
  24. Therapy dogs are often used in hospitals now, especially with kids. It's been shown that patients who spend time with them often require less pain medication and recover more quickly.
  25. Except that often young people deal in ideals, not reality. It's like saying, "I want to end homelessness." How? "Well, we should just give them money." The heart needs to be involved in working on social problems but the brain needs to be involved too.
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