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Everything posted by susannah

  1. My grandmother used to say that they were about telling women to be the perfect mate for their husbands, with no ideas or needs of their own, and then he would stop kicking her down the stairs. Same basic sentiment.
  2. You want people who don't know the difference between "lay/lie," or "further/farther" to know the correct pronunciation of "forte?"
  3. I say I am feeling nauseous. I will take your word on the proper usage, but I gotta say that nauseous means causing nausea doesn't much sense to me. I don't think I have used the word nauseated in my life! Another point of difference is the pronunciation of "nauseous." Is it two syllables or three? 😀
  4. I have never heard of nauseous meaning "causing nausea." I have only ever heard of people being nauseous when they feel sick, and nauseating means to cause nausea. How did you like working at Redbook? I used to read the Ladies Home Journal as a kid and I believe they had a story in each magazine, as well as Redbook.
  5. I used to work at a call center in customer service. It is a horrible job. The abuse and stupidity we had to put up with, or anyone in the business, was mind boggling.
  6. "Don't be so sensitive." "can't you take a joke?" "women don't belong here. they should be at home cleaning the house." "Oh they like it, all right." "no woman is going to tell us what to do" and so on, sickeningly. I am so sorry that happened to you. Such treatment has just been a fact of life for girls and women, for life. Society, men and women, have taught boys that their sexual power is absolute, that they have the right to have sex with whoever they want to, no matter the age or circumstances, whenever they want to, however they want to, because then they are real men. Women just have to submit to it, and suffer the anger and the insults and diminishment when they don't. It is mind boggling that to this day, when a man disagrees with a woman, the response will most likely be a sexually based insult. I don't want to tar all men with the same brush but as a whole, this is what society has created. I have read enough non fiction books about women in male occupations, etc to know how they have been treated. Women at least now have a resource when they are dealing with a Romano, but that doesn't change the Romano's feelings of male privilege, and that is the main problem.
  7. I agree, and I am sure it isn't. Sometimes I just see Sr Julienne's words on what she really thinks about SrMJ's manipulations of everyone's feelings and actions, trying to burst right out of her head, and I wish just once she would call MJ out on it, good and proper. It would make her seem less saintly and more human, with human feelings. Boy do I miss Sr Evangelina!
  8. I felt so sorry for Chummy, the way her mother just sent her off to boarding school and forgot she existed. How lonely and sad that had to be for Chummy, and then when she did see her mother, she just was told again and again that she was not the daughter her mother wanted and it was her fault. The scenes where Chummy had to help her mother die, while still feeling resentment for her and guilt for feeling resentful, were heartbreaking. Miranda Hart was excellent as Chummy. I agree, she was very compassionate and professional with her patients.
  9. Well they still can need jobs, but what I meant is that they aren't necessarily recent immigrants. There are people who have lived here for years and still don't speak English.
  10. Not everyone who doesn't speak English here is a poor immigrant.
  11. Good point. Big difference with the nuns, whether they grew up poor like Sr Evangelina, or wealthy like Sr MJ, they saw and helped people in the worst conditions. Of course, the difference was IMO that that was their vocation, and with the midwives, it's a job. Jenny was the only one I can think of who was shown to have problems with the filth and squalor, but that would take getting used to for anyone. I would think it would have been harder for Trixie, the "cover girl," but in the episode where they found the children abandoned in the filthy house, she was right in there cleaning them, dealing with their lice, etc.
  12. Boy do I hear you, and it drives me insane. It's also not just about people not speaking English, which is what gets me on customer service phone calls, but about stores having employees who know nothing about anything, not where anything is, etc, that is IF you can find someone to ask. About the language thing, this happened once, ages and years ago and it STILL bugs me. I was at McDonald's across the street from Disneyland, and I asked the Hispanic woman at the cashier something about one of the burgers, and she just stared at me. I was like, what comes on this burger..she had no clue what I said. She eventually went and got the MANAGER who asked what I wanted and I said "I just wanted to know what comes on the damn burger!" and he said, she thought you were talking about the cash register!!!! WHY would they have someone working the counter at a busy food place that spoke ZERO English? They who? The store wasn't identified, and I have run into issues in a number of stores and businesses. Even if only "poor immigrants" could work somewhere, all stores should have someone who speaks English.
  13. All hail nokat, the new poster-for-life ruler! Or your exercise program! 😀
  14. I get what you're saying too, but it's just difference of viewpoint. I could understand Sr Julienne's frustration, when they had zero money and were handed another mouth to feed. It didn't seem to me that his idea of "helping" was helpful. If he couldn't chip in any money, he could have given of himself in a way that would have been useful. I am reminded of something I heard once.."when you want to help someone, help in the ways that are needed, not in the ways you want to."
  15. That is exactly how I feel. I gave up all hope when I went back to school a while back, and in the first literature class I had, the prof spent time explaining basic punctuation, the difference between "rain" and "reign," etc. This stuff people should learn in 5th grade!
  16. I remember Natasha. She seems to have become a very poised and sweet young woman. I loved her dress. I thought maybe the "fan favorites" would be from other seasons, but this crew was nice to see again too. I agree that Haylin and the boys seemed so much older than just a year. I also like Cydney. In every one of the previous "holiday" bakeoffs, the kids always salivate over the blast chiller. I looked them up on Amazon to price them, and the one I saw was $1200, not cheap, but since these kids are really into baking, and some of them even have businesses, I wouldn't think it would be forever out of reach. One of the boys said he wanted the food processor..those aren't very expensive! I thought the winner would be between Haylin and Nemo. I liked Haylin's cake, it looked just like a pumpkin patch, so cute, and had no problem with her scarecrow being headless. Her spill failed though. Nemo's spill was good. That was the grossest, most horrible looking cake, but since that is what he was going for, he succeeded! Duff mentioned Haylin's headless scarecrow, but didn't have an issue with Nemo's dead one. I think Nemo deserved the win.
  17. What was harmless about it? It's not harmless to the recipient, plus, if only one person is "bantering," it's not "banter." It wasn't "perceived" sexual harassment, it was completely sexual harassment. Plus he touched women with his prosthetic arm, screamed at and terrorized everyone he worked with, fired Benton without cause and then blackballed him around town just because he was pissed off at him, fired Kim without cause because she was lesbian, tried to fire Kerry but she told him to shove it , and that are only examples I remember.He did have one layer of humanity, but except for one or two moments, you'd have to dig for it so deep you'd hit China first. He was clearly a very angry, damaged person, but spent his life making everyone around him suffer.
  18. That's true, but none of that is the nuns' problem! See what I did there? 😀 They had to house and feed this guy, and the very LEAST he could do would be to appear grateful that they were, and not complain about it. Remember Sr Julienne's face when he said that he could give to them, she clearly thought he meant monetarily, however little, and her disgusted look when he said he could do a Mass for them.
  19. That is true, but one would find that out after talking to them. His first interaction with her was in that way, without knowing anything about her, and I thought that was insulting, as did she. Well if I remember right, they were putting him up rent free, so if he didn't want to be "foisted" on the nuns, he could have found other arrangements more to his liking, and paid for them.
  20. Yikes for sure. That one is really bad!
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