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Everything posted by susannah

  1. I don't like or dislike Witten, but I really like Eddie's loyalty to her, always having her back. I liked how Jamie went to bat for her too. I don't know what the Captain's problem is but he has a big one, located up his nether region. It was the worst example of police leadership ever. Punishing someone for following procedure? I thought that stupidhead who hit her should have been arrested for assaulting an officer, but I don't think he was. Did we ever get a motive for why the nutso was trashing that store. Didn't like any part of the DA's story or the DA. I really really thought that Witten was going to use the gun on herself, and as mentioned, maybe the fact that it was left open will be shown in a later episode. I couldn't remember where I had seen the psychic before, and she was on Homicide. Psychic ability is not "magic." Danny shouldn't scoff at it, as in the case where the guy killed his wife for her insurance, and her daughter was getting bits of knowledge she thought were from God.
  2. I can remember several times when women have been on their hands and knees, or leaning over something. Rhoda Mullucks was on her knees, I wonder how Susan is doing and thought of her this show...and the woman who gave birth over the phone with Delia, and Chummy's first delivery after having her baby.
  3. That is true. I remember the episode where they found those poor children starving and abandoned in utter squalor, and Trixie was talking about opening the cleansing stations. I wasn't sure where they were, though. Did they just have bathing rooms around? Sr MJ said that there was a time that the stations were open night and day, and she wanted to help. She said that she had grown useless to help the others, but that was something she could do. Seems that there was alot that she has done of use, but unless it is something she wants to do, it doesn't mean anything to her.
  4. Thanks. I had seen the circus episode too but I'd forgotten alot of it. I do remember Nurse Crane on the trapeze! I am sure different churches have different expectations of behavior but I remember Pastor Tom and Barbara kissing pretty well, remember the infamous hair gel stain on the wall?
  5. Isn't the tobacco shop what the Irish family bought just before the guy died in a car wreck, and Nurse Crane and Barbara.. Barbara....😢 saved them from a fire? They lived in the apartment above the shop?
  6. I just watched S10 Ep 1, and feel like I really have missed something. I did see Season 9, and at the end of the season they were at the Outer Hebrides, with the villagers having fits over Christmas trees. Now with the first show of the new season, it said "previously" and showed Sr MJ falling down the stairs, Val leaving, Cyril having no church and no place to live, and Sr Julienne faced with the house closure. When did all this happen? Now Sr MJ has lost her faith. First off, there is no way a 90 year old woman, after breaking her leg in two places, and not a hip, is soon strolling around the house. Secondly, why has she lost her faith, and by this time, who cares? I so agree with those who are so over her tribulations, and that dementia doesn't improve at convenient moments. I also agree that Lucille's and Cyril's relationship is ridiculous. They would be allowed to express feelings appropriately but I don't think they have even ever touched! It's like they have huge force fields around them or something. I agree that the third nun habit would have been made of some magic material to first have fit Sr MJ, who as said can walk fine after fracturing her leg, and then the tall nun, and then Violet! I didn't think the plot of the show was that great, but I saw on the preview that the wealthy patient is going to be back with a complication. I really dislike Trixie and her attitude that she knows more and better than everyone.
  7. Mine too! There were so many great lines in it.
  8. I do wonder if there is anything left on any of them that could be considered natural!
  9. I am kind of surprised that you liked the "coy, prim, fake" comment. I have always seen you to be kind! If someone is talking about their own loved one in whatever terms they want, in whatever way is easier for them, I kind of think that it shouldn't be judged harshly. I don't think "passed away" or "passed" are merely euphemisms, but truth, since the person has gone somewhere that is not here. I am sure Christian people do say that they are going to heaven, but I agree that the ad is pretty specific on that. I also think it's kind of funny that the woman is sitting in the ER, obviously okay, and talking about having money to bury her.
  10. I don't think it is any of those things, nor am I as I say it, but different strokes...
  11. Yes kids of the same sex shower together after PE, and families often had only one bathroom, but Stillwell was a boy in the women's shower/changing room, with women who were not his family.
  12. I don't think there is anything wrong with using the words "passed away" or "passed." It doesn't have anything to do with religion, but for me it is just gentler, and there is nothing wrong with gentleness.
  13. Excellent point! I wish all the Kardashians, Jenners and everyone they know would be hurricaned far far away!
  14. I used to put a little glitter in cards to friends ages and years ago, just a little, but even that never goes away. Ever. I never touch the stuff now. We could have a nuclear apocalypse and there would still be glitter lying around!
  15. I think the ad is for some kind of cleaner, but it has some guy half out of the counter. That seems to be a trend since I saw an ad where people are coming through shower doors, etc. Please, make them stop!
  16. The snacks come to them! How handy is that!
  17. It will be interesting to see which kids have been chosen as "fan favorites!"
  18. I agree about Tracee Ellis Ross. She looks through the bags of chips like she is looking for the Holy Grail or something, and then like she's found it. Very true also that she probably is able to pay her mortgage and utilities on time.
  19. I have just had the unpleasure of seeing that ad, and it is too disgusting. I guess ad writers have lost all senses of taste and class. It's like they are competing now to see how tasteless and low they can go.
  20. Not sure why you keep stating a well known fact. My point was that as white women fought hard enough for women's softball to be accepted at all, women of all races joined them, if they didn't want to form their own teams.
  21. I disagree. Male Negro leagues had been in place since 1920. So it wasn't white privilege that kept black women from forming their own leagues, it was misogny.
  22. I don't think I have seen that specific ad but are you referring to the ad series where the groups of professionals are talking like young children and eating Haribo?
  23. I believe I made that point, that there was segregation. However, as I also said, had any of the white women, or any men in the league administration, so much as thought of inviting any black women to join, nothing would have gone forward, there would have been no trail blazed. That is my opinion. No one has to agree with it.
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