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Everything posted by susannah

  1. I didn't know this! Is it because it's an English production, I wonder?
  2. Can I like this 10 times? I also as said wondered who Pippa thought she was to have any opinion on Bette's life in any way.
  3. Here's another version.. "and Raisin Bran's got two scoops of the dry, dessicated, wizened hulls of the grapes that gave their all, that will stick in your teeth forever!"
  4. I have read comments about that in regard to other episodes, that there are cut bits in the US and/or UK airings. That would make sense, as it didn't the way it was, also, unless I missed something, Trixie's demanding to watch a surgery seemed out of the blue. So do the seasons in UK and Australia air a long time before US? I wonder why that is.
  5. I was referring to a previous show in which a married woman had three daughters and started on the pill without telling her husband, since he wanted her to keep having children until she had a son, no matter what she wanted. That she dared to try to take control of her life, and actually start a career she enjoyed, was punished by her death from a blood clot caused by the pill. I also remember Barbara trying to practice putting in her diaphragm and it kept popping around the room.. I don't think the show is at 1967 yet but I wonder how unmarried women trying to get it will go over. The nuns weren't happy when birth control was first given out at the clinic, for anyone.
  6. That and the one at the club or wherever they were where Bette is trying to talk to Tina and all Tina does is scream at Bette and walk off. Bette did nothing to deserve any of that, and the whole "still in love with Tina" bit and the cliffhanger about it, is the WORST.
  7. She said she wasn't showing yet so it couldn't have been that long. However, the husband immediately knowing that the baby wasn't his doesn't match that timeframe.
  8. Very well said, and I agree that she was not only wrong in what she did, and as you said, she wasn't a teenager who got into trouble, but was dishonest as well. We don't know if she was sorry she cheated or because she got caught. Probably both. Do you think the husband was made out to be the bad guy because he was angry? I did wonder how he thought he could raise two kids on his own when he was at sea most of the year. In regard to Trixie, illegality aside, I agree that it would be really hard for someone whose career and passion is to bring babies alive into the world to support abortion in her heart, even though she understands why women do it, and doesn't judge. Again, well said!
  9. I so liked the scene with her and her half sister, and it was so nice of Kayla and her relatives to do that. I know Angie wanted the gf there for moral support but then it just seemed like she was intruding on a private moment. It was really awesome that Marcus did that painting just for Angie, that she can keep forever and know that he did care about her. Though it seemed to me like she completely misinterpreted the situation and conversation.
  10. I think she did, and not only because it was illegal.
  11. I agree that the dad was not the bad guy, and his anger was realistic. I don't know as I would call the woman bad though. She made a big mistake, one time, people do, and it doesn't make them bad. Also, the show has depicted several times how valued sons were to men, even expecting the wife to keep having children until they had one, as in the case of the woman who died from the Pill...and it said in this show that the dad only ever wanted a son, though he seemed kind to his daughters. That the baby was a boy might have made all the difference in his decision to keep him.
  12. Helping a kid with homework is not the same thing as keeping someone with dementia from burning down or blowing up the house, as Sr MJ could have, when she left the pudding on the stove to explode, risking someone else's life and health by screwing up a phone call, as she has, having to care for her after she fell down the stairs or the many times she has been sick, or having to scour the countryside for her after the many times she has run away. The nuns and nurses have 24/7 very stressful jobs. There are many many many people with far less to deal with in their lives these days who can't care for an Alzheimers' patient at home.
  13. I agree with those who weren't totally thrilled by this episode. I really really REALLY hope that the predictions of Mr Aylward and Trixie getting together practically at the funeral of his wife won't happen. He is just the kind of guy she wants, wealthy, handsome, etc but the thought of them getting together is too skeevy. I was so glad ST MJ's moaning and groaning was at a minimum this ep and I wish to God they would ship her off to the Mother House. Or Mars. I didn't think that sailor guy's turnaround was completely unbelievable. He of course was furious, but it is one thing to be furious with the concept and quite another to stand there and allow a baby to die in front of you, and it would be hard not to care about the baby after that traumatic birth. I think he was essentially a decent man, even though I don't know how people consider themselves good husbands or fathers only seeing their families once or twice a year. His wife said she wasn't showing when he was home last so I don't know either why she couldn't tell him it was his. I don't know why either Trixie or Shelagh didn't get that the dr was doing abortions. With the show banging on about rich and poor, I disliked how they said that the poor family was evicted "just because they were behind on their rent." The landlord is evil because he wanted the money they had contracted to pay? Landlords don't have bills or obligations of their own, they should just let people live rent free? It seems that the young nun, what IS her name, thinking she doesn't know enough about life to be a good midwife, in which she has a good point, is familiar, someone else had similar concerns in an earlier season about themselves, but I can't think who it was. Cynthia? Sr Winifred?
  14. I agree that Tina and Carrie were so annoying, but I knew that would happen. Carrie hates Bette because she's gorgeous and strong and powerful, everything Carrie isn't. Tina has always had the nerve to blame Bette for everything, and this was just round 2,888. I was praying that Bette would slam the door in her face at the end. Then, Pippa doesn't know anything. They haven't done anything but have sex in the tiniest bit of time they have known each other. She sure doesn't know anything about Bette, and she apparently is jealous of Tina's being around now and then for their kid too.. No one on this show has a mature, intelligent relationship.
  15. I personally don't think he thinks he knows more and better than anyone else in the world. I think he thinks he has a very hard job, which he does, and he knows how to do his job. It's easy for the mayor to second guess him when it's not his life or his officers' lives on the line. He has also apologized when he truly thought he was wrong and not just told so by someone else.
  16. Yes, IMO I think it did, since Frank is the PC and has to make tough decisions, but he always follows the law. Danny doesn't care about the law, as long as he gets the results he wants. It's been said he has been disciplined for it several times, and he has shown himself doing that many more times, and also compelling others to go outside the law too, to get the results he wants.
  17. I get your point, but I do remember a few episodes from seasons past in which they did show officers doing wrong things, though mileage on the degree of wrong may vary, and I am not even mentioning Danny! Jamie's Sergeant had a gambling problem, the female officer that was killed took on three perps on her own, without calling for backup, other officers refused to back up the one who they thought "ratted" on her partner, the officer who didn't intervene in a convenience store robbery because his daughter was with him, etc.
  18. And it is only Danny who does it, because he thinks he can say or do whatever he wants. Yeah I thought it was very odd that he was left in the middle of the road to get run over.
  19. People see only the few police that do horrible things. There are over a million police officers in the US, and tarring them all with the same brush is, IMO just wrong. If the show wanted to show the police side as wrong, having them apprehend someone who was actively assaulting someone is not the way to do it.
  20. That could be true, but I think that the bottom line is that Tina thinks Bette will sabotage her relationship with anyone, because Tina thinks that Bette has been carrying the torch for her all these years. She even asked Bette at the hospital if she was still in love with her. WTH? Tina is not right in the head and never has been, and I agree that she is going to use Bette as an excuse not to get married, and blame her for it. I agree that Bette was very polite in declining Carrie's invitation. It just occurred to me to wonder if Carrie is using Tina to get closer to Bette, in hopes that Bette would like HER.
  21. I agree with everyone who said that this episode was for the birds. I don't know what the mayor's problem is, but to even threaten to fire Frank for being on the scene when a guy was getting arrested makes NO sense. My guess is that he is very insecure and intimidated by Frank, and so will hate everything he does. Big position, very small person. Additionally, they called it harassment but since he had his arm inside the window, he could have really hurt the woman. They kept that from happening. I liked seeing Abigail, Garrett and Sid present a united front. I think they are much better at that since the show in which they had to do each other's jobs, which was great. I wish Abigail had more screen time. I didn't believe Danny's not knowing that letting the gang guy's "friends" see him getting out of the police car would lead to a beating or worse, for one single second. He's a veteran cop and he doesn't know this? Also, not surprising since I loathe Danny, but of course he never says he is wrong, or means it if he does. He thinks he knows more and better than everyone else in the world. It's why he has had only female partners. He can control them. He hated every minute of riding with his female superior because he couldn't control her. No male partner would take it for a second. I really liked Anthony's pretending to be scared Erin. I didn't care what was in the envelope. I did NOT like the whole thing with Jamie and Eddie. I really liked Eddie before they got married, but now she doesn't treat Jamie with love. Now lying to him instead of talking to him, even though he would have supported her all the way. I wanted them to address the situation with the suspended officer.
  22. OMG I could go on and on about how much I hate that ad and the stupid mother running after her brat begging her to eat as she screams no! In that same vein, I also loathe the ones in which kids come through the house scattering mud and food crumbs and spilling stuff all over the place, and then the mother, smiling angelically, goes after them, cleaning it all up. WORD!
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