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Everything posted by susannah

  1. Of course female is a noun. I believe that it is insulting to use as as a noun to describe women, while using it as an adjective is not.
  2. I absolutely agree. It is insulting to use "female" as a noun. It is an adjective.
  3. I could be wrong but I do not remember Trixie saying she was poor and lice ridden as a child. The only thing I remember her saying is that her father was an alcoholic and most likely had PTSD, and she thought it was her job to cheer him up. For the WIN!
  4. I agree. I was wrong in not making that clear in my previous post. I meant how she was made up, NOT her ethnic color. I agree that it is too heavy, so looked too smooth.
  5. Well, who knew that all it would take for Sr MJ to get out of her funk would be to tell her to get off her ass, a baby's coming! I knew that the newbie would deliver the baby, and wasn't the woman's husband just a prince! I imagine Trixie will get with Mr rich man. I loathe her and I would like never to see her again, but I expect she is going to be front and center now with rich guy. Nurse Crane and Dr Turner are a formidable team, and I am so glad they got that poor kid out of that monstrous place. I thought the parental turnaround and Dr Turner's advice were way too modern for the times. Their initial reaction and the mother's screaming were more realistic. It was painful to watch. OMG, Lucille and Cyril TOUCHED! Does anyone besides me think that there is something weird with Lucille's color, like it is unnatural in some way? She looks very yellow and almost plastic like. Speaking of appearances, when I saw Nancy at the table with her hair up like that, she looked so much like Delia! I miss Patsy like crazy. She and Chummy were excellent. Also I really liked Barbara, even though people think she was bland. She was just a really sweet girl who spent her life thinking of others, unlike Miss Fashion Plate. What did Fred do to lose the money? I missed it I guess. I love Reggie, and great to see Timothy. For shame, Dr Turner, either one or both of the little girls could actually grow up to be doctors, not just nurses.
  6. Absolutely. I should have made it more clear that I meant that. And in any event, "I" or "me" does not belong at the beginning as in my example!
  7. But that is not the only way that the sex of a person would be mentioned. I could say, "I have never been helped by a male nurse," which would not be the same as "I have never been helped by a nurse." Or "I had only one male teacher in grade school." It depends on the topic of conversation. This also is something that seems to be everywhere now, used by kids and adults, and makes me nuts. WHEN did "me and Mary" become acceptable, instead of "Mary and I?"
  8. Exactly. Also the hopefully statement sounds correct to me. Do you dislike "male nurse" because the sex of the nurse is irrelevant? I do not like freebie Jake at all.
  9. I disagree. Female can be a noun or an adjective. Woman is a noun, period. I think there is a difference between calling a woman a female, which is degrading and belittling, and using it as an adjective to provide further information. Also, if you feel that way, why are certain occupations exempted? I expect people would know from the context what kind of female is being described, in regards to being an animal or a part of a tool. I will go even farther and say that I have seen the term women used to describe girls, also wrong,as they are not adults.
  10. I didn't really get the Fight Club part, what the point of it was. I never saw that movie.
  11. You are still getting cantaloupe this late in the year? I really like raw broccoli, but alas, it does not like me much.
  12. no, kat! 😃 That is why "gifting" should not ever be used as a verb.
  13. I have never heard the usage before very recently, in my life, and I have taken lots of English classes. But everyone is free to think what they like.
  14. Yes. He admitted he was having sex with her and with the Russian girl. Most likely many others as well. Predators don't stop with one or two.
  15. I could be wrong but I don't think that using a noun as a verb is right. In the case of the key and the watering, it would be specifying a temporary transfer of an object for a reason. With the deed, saying that I give you the deed as a gift sounds right to me, thus also quantifying the nature of the giving. I am not sure what's wrong with "hopefully?"
  16. Possibly so about the scholarship, but it seems odd to me that someone would choose to send their child to a school where she is going to have a certain type of schoolmates, and then hate those schoolmates. Further, I wish they had put the mother's racism back on her, when it wasn't the "rich white boy" who did "anything he wanted," but the black schoolmaster, victimizing schoolgirls, leading to the girl's death. What would she have to say about that? I so agree that Baker is terribly underused on the show. She does make the most of what she is given, but there should be more, and NOT making her a victim anymore.
  17. It was horrible. You don't convince someone to go to rehab by kicking their head in until they agree. Two guys fighting is one thing, though it didn't belong in this show, but continuing to kick someone on the ground IMO is assault and I think the guy should have been arrested for it, not to mention trying to hide the drunk guy's crime. I also thought he was overinvolved in the guy's life. I get the "buddy" concept but you can't run someone else's life.
  18. Yeah, the recent use of "gifting" instead of "giving" is annoying, but what REALLY bugs me is the use of nouns as adjectives, specifically with the word "woman." It's not a "woman doctor," etc etc for God's sake. Good one!
  19. I hadn't heard about LNC's problems and hospitalizations. You're right about the fact that if Carla had been a sane, responsible, loving person, she might have been a good partner for Peter. Never knew what he saw in Cleo.
  20. I don't know why him being married to Reese's mother, for a couple of years, with no blood connection to the child, gave him any right to custody of any kind. Peter had been there for Reese since before his birth, was his father in every way that counted, and no one should have been able to contest that. The writers were so screwball sometimes, like when Susan fought her sister Chloe, the junkie who had abandoned her baby to Susan after stealing everything she could, and Susan was going to adopt her, and the judge gave Chloe custody.
  21. I don't think Carla married Roger until later, because Reese was premature and in NICU for a while, and Peter was at his side every available minute. It was Peter who made sure that pregnant Carla had everything she needed, food, money, medicine etc, Peter who was at Reese's birth and by his side in the hospital. It was Peter who was there for Reese, trying to be the best father he could be, as well as supporting him. It was later that Carla married Roger and wanted to take Reese to live in Germany, and Peter got the court to stop it. Then Carla died, and naturally Peter thought that he would have custody of Reese, since he was his father, and Reese knew him as such. When it was found out that Carla had lied to Peter and he wasn't the bio father, it changed nothing for him. Roger had been married to Reese's mother for a couple of years but that didn't make him Reese's parent, and yes I do believe it took gall to try to get custody of the child Peter had been devoted to since before his birth. To say that he "had no biological rights" completely diminishes that. I think that what was best for Reese was to stay with his father, and to visit Roger if he wanted to. Peter even had to leave his job at the hospital and get one at a clinic, in order to be able to keep his son.
  22. I'm not sure what "woobiefication" is, but if it means being an absolute ***hat, I agree! I can't put my finger on what drove him. He was very gifted as a surgeon but he seemed to have endless, unreasonable hate for everyone, except for Elizabeth. The scene in which she tells him Mark's tumor is back, and he is so tender with her, is the ONLY time I saw the humanness in him, in all the years. He seemed to be equally loathsome with both men and women, and I don't understand that. Did he have extreme short man syndrome?
  23. I liked Abby, even though she was a world of mess, because she was just trying to get through her life, and Maura Tierney was so good at playing her. I liked how Abby had to struggle to achieve her goals, and had some big struggles, but she made it, and DIDN'T think she was God's gift to medicine, as Benton, Carter, Sam, etc, did, and the Australian doctor who refused to teach medical students who he thought were, and told them publicly, that they were too stupid to teach. He had sex with some of the women, and why anyone would, I don't know, and then publicly told them they were even worse in bed than at the hospital. He made Romano look like Mary Poppins! I loathed Sam, who did think she was all that, and didn't have to comply with any rules, and I loathed even more her criminal son. Passing that loathing to superloathing for Sarah..a thousand burning suns! I liked Mark, Elizabeth, Luca, the nurses, Benton and Doug when they weren't being jerky. The dynamic of race has been mentioned and I have to say that I agree with opinions about Cleo but Carla was anything but a strong black woman. She was a lying, cheating ho, who wanted only what she could get from men, and how she treated Peter was beyond horrible. I was so glad that she got killed, but then Roger had the gall to try to get custody of adorable Reese.
  24. This surprises me. I would think you would support all ads that increase awareness of this still out of control disease.
  25. I agree about all the stereotypes. Women's magazines from the 40s and 50s focused on women's cooking, decorating, their physical appearances, and "women's fiction," and they are still about all those things to this day, minus the stories. I must have missed the advice about being strong women!
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