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Everything posted by susannah

  1. It was wrong to blame the drug for the deformities in babies. I remember the Turners calling it a "vile" drug. What was not known at first was the danger of drugs on developing babies. That was the mistake, not the drug itself.
  2. I agree that parents allowing a child to name a baby is beyond stupid. I don't like kids being given rhyming names, like Justine Green.
  3. I believe the definition of racism is to hold generalized and false idealogies about an entire group of people. I don't believe that is true of Blue Bloods. Their "inner circle" consists of four people, which I doubt is accurate in the real world, and they have have had a number of black persons in other leadership roles.
  4. How did Marilyn get the short end of the stick? As was just said, apparently there were several ways she could have used that churner other than making butter. Maybe one of the other bakers would have done one of those things. She didn't.
  5. I hadn't heard of a couple of the gadgets, but I figured the bakers would know what to do with them! I wonder what one could make with a butter churner besides butter?
  6. There are over a million police officers in this country. We hear about the bad actions of a FEW. But sure, tar all of them with the same brush. Are there only a few criminals? No, there are thousands, if not millions, many of whom would kill any police officer they had an opportunity to. Officers get blown away at routine traffic stops. I am not saying, ever, that it is okay for police officers to do wrong, but they are essentially trying to bail out the ocean with a teaspoon in regards to stopping crime, with their lives on the line, and I am really tired of people blaming all police for trying to do their jobs. I disagree completely with the comment that if police reform makes officers uncomfortable, they shouldn't be cops. Wrong. It's tying their hands in regard to facing criminals, and putting their lives and the lives of others in even more jeopardy than they already are. I wonder how many of those who so easily demand police reform and fewer police would have the guts to face what they have to for five minutes. I think Frank addresses the "anti police hysteria" with the good service of his thousands of officers and he isn't soft on officers who do wrong.
  7. Marilyn had a time of it, between the butter churner and her plum disaster. I didn't understand the butter churner at all. The rest of the fancy gadgets had a function that worked well for the baker, but who buys a butter churner? I was like WTH? Though, don't they always grab the component they need to use, the churner wasn't assigned to Marilyn, was it? I can't remember. I don't know if making whipped cream would have been enough, but I don't know why not, since the gadget would have been used. I agree about not liking Nancy, but I really like Duff and Carla. Duff has grown up so much since his Ace of Cakes days.
  8. I just can hear "Run, Forrest, run!" and "Life is like a box of chocolates" and "shrimp fondue, shrimp pie, shrimp fricassee.." and I just know this guy had to have heard them all so many times.
  9. There was a doctor or dentist in town named Forrest Bump. Can you imagine the fun he has not had with that name since the movie came out?
  10. Probably so, and they are the first to blame the doctors, even suing them, when things go south.
  11. This is what I don't get about these ads. Obviously full disclosure about symptoms is vital, but they always say. "tell your doctor if you have or have had cancer, an organ transplant, limb amputations, rickets, scurvy, beri beri, Dutch Elm disease," but how would one's doctor NOT already know these things? I also think that if one has any of these afflictions, including diabetes, doctors would tell the patient what prescriptions are right for them. I can't stand the ads that tell people to run to their doctors demanding X and Y and Z for whatever.
  12. Exactly, exactly, exactly. I think there are alot of police officers who don't want to be officers anymore and I don't blame them one bit. To crucify all of them for the actions of a few, to tie their hands when they are putting their lives on the line every day, to essentially tell criminals that it's open season on police officers, it is itself criminal.
  13. It's subjective, but there are candles shaped like trees. I haven't seen any that look like a flat layer cake.
  14. Ok now that I have seen it, I agree that it is not trying to be offensive, but helpful. I too knew nothing about tampons when I was a teen, way way back in the day. I tried once to use one, I and thought it was SUPER painful. I guess I didn't read the instructions thoroughly, and I missed the part where you were supposed to take the cardboard applicator out! It sounds so stupid today, but I didn't know, even though I had a mother and older sister. All I had were pads and some serious parental misinformation about when a girl is able to use tampons, think...after marriage...
  15. This is what puzzles me, how each case of officer wrongdoing is decided by opinion as to consequence, instead of having stated parameters of consequence. The new officer wanted to strip him of his pension and rank, and Sid thought they should give him a reprimand and leave it at that. Who should be right? But if there was a stated consequence of being unfit for duty, being drunk etc, then that is what should happen. Policing wrongdoing to try to please the public is not right, IMO.
  16. What about the fact that she was a woman? Abigail is there and really good when she gets any plot time, but we don't see Sid or Garrett announcing visitors or hanging up Frank's coat. I think to say that every single thing that might go other than a POC wants it to, or anything anyone says that doesn't agree with the POC is victimizing them because of their race is also being bigoted. Everything isn't about race. Her feedback wasn't without merit, no one said it was, and Frank did end up doing that.
  17. Guess I will have to google this. All I know about DW is that he was rich and bald. Holy mother, TELL me this isn't true!!! I haven't seen these but this is the MOST disgusting EVER!
  18. I was so glad Jonah won. I remember him and thought he is such a nice boy. At first I wasn't sure about his cake, white on white, but after his tsunami it indeed looked so elegant. With it tasting as good as they said it did as well, he totally deserved the win. I didn't like Miabella's tie dye look, and Avner's tsunami over the piping just looked lumpy. Bella's was a mess and that didn't change because it was covered in frosting. I didn't like Bella before and still don't. She still comes off as a whiny, pouty, entitled twit. It was Miabella who was cut before after helping Bella not to be, and I don't know why they asked Bella back. It was nice to see Abby, also seems a lovely young woman, but WHERE is Valerie? I think making a meme out of an upset, crying child is just mean. I am glad Abby had a good attitude about it but she shouldn't have had to. Lots of the kids have cried on past shows, but there are no memes of them. I was just thinking of which kids I would like to see again as guest judges, though it is hard to remember those from way back. The weather boy, was it Justice? Meadow, tiny Madison, I would say Sam but he was on the Holiday show last year. Jaxon, Linsey. Who would anyone here like to see as judge, WITH Valerie and Duff? Does anyone else think that Avner looks just like a leprechaun, with his curly hair, kind of pointy eyes and ears?
  19. I recall that I had a teacher in high school whose married name was Crystal Dick. She was an older woman who likely never would have thought of keeping her own name, whatever that was, but choosing to have that name, ever, boggles my mind.
  20. I agree that it is cruel. She went by Roni though, so that might have made it a bit easier.
  21. Too bad the criminals don't reform.
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