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Everything posted by susannah

  1. I remember the six geese a laying cake, was that Megan's? I don't recall Jason's.
  2. Thank you for the correction. of my error. Very important to keep posts accurate. I still hope they had a good holiday, even though it has passed.
  3. I disagree. He was not very much older than the other kids, he looked about 9 or so. Also, if he was going to sit at the adults' table, a place should have been set for him first. You don't pick out one kid from a group of kids and favor him. There most likely are a number of reasons why kids have their own tables, manners being only one of them. I think whether kids have more fun at their own table would depend on who they were sitting with.
  4. I saw the ad again and there were one or two other kids as well as the little girl, but it was totally cruel. "He gets to sit with us and get hugs because he is special and you aren't." Ah yes, phone books. I bet kids today wouldn't know what they were if they saw them. MERRY CHRISTMAS and Happy Hannukah to all who celebrate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Wouldn't it also depend on the type of coloring used? There are food coloring liquids, pastes and gels, and it seems like each type might blend and color differently. Just my guess. I do know from Duff that you can taste it when alot is used.
  6. I am the same. I like whipped cream on cake more than frosting.
  7. I didn't have anything against Adam personally. What bugged me is that the judges IMO wanted him to win and so bypassed all of his mistakes the whole way.
  8. I guess it just depends on how one defines intelligent humor and crude humor. It's subjective. They did! Everyone was dancing!
  9. I so liked Bette's segment, and also Stevie Wonder's. I did not know that Melissa Manchester was a Harlette, nor til I read here that Katey Sagal also was! I liked that Melissa and Barbara Hershey were there to honor her. Bette's looking great and I really like her environmental work and teaching. It would have been cool if Barry Manilow was there too. I think Goldie and Smokey overdid the eyelifts! I also wondered who was who in the audience, I didn't recognize anyone with the masks on! I probably will be killed for this, but I have never cared for Joni Mitchell, I don't get why people think she is God's gift to music, and have always loathed SNL. I do not like crudity or think it is funny. I like intelligent humor.
  10. I get your point, but I used to watch Duff's Ace of Cakes, and they showed that things went wrong all the time, sometimes really really wrong, and often they were on the clock with delivery deadlines. I will say though that in a bakery, bakers usually have help, and, as you said, it is their own surroundings and equipment. I find it odd that bakers on the show, adults and kids, seem often to have such trouble with the ovens and baking times, but I guess all ovens are different. I guess I missed the behind the scenes show! Speaking of Duff, he and Val will be back with new season Dec 27.
  11. Yeah, I mentioned this one a while back as I thought it was in the same apartment and was also appalled. I guess if people who don't have kids want to do that, it's fine, though there are such things as summer clothes. I don't at all think it is appropriate to do in front of kids.
  12. As well the judges should. They aren't asking the bakers to make a cake that they would sell for hundreds of dollars, but to make one that satisfies the challenges. I don't understand how professional bakers have such difficulty making things that they should be able to do in their sleep, and then have more time to focus on the challenge. Of course it's very hard, it's not supposed to be easy, with that kind of prize money. I have seen so many bakers just throw something on the plate when the time is up. I don't get it.
  13. I said it sure wouldn't be easy for me, but an experienced baker shouldn't have a problem with it. I also don't know why square cakes aren't easy enough for again, experienced bakers.
  14. Now I respectfully disagree! I don't know why square cakes would not stay square or stack as nicely as round ones. It is true that MY attempt at covering anything in fondant would not be easy but I can't imagine it would be hard for an experienced baker. To avoid the Leaning Tower of Trees-a? 😀
  15. Well big surprise, Adam won. I knew he would from the very beginning. Yeah, he made good looking gift cakes, but how hard is it to make square and round cakes? At least Sabrina and Jody were trying to do different, more difficult things. Jody's ornament box was beautiful, the jingle bells did look real and he tried to make a tree, which is not easy. Sabrina's vision was beautiful, especially the champagne glass with the lights. Her middle tier should have been black, but her cake totally met the challenge of a fancy party. Didn't they say that the ganache in Adam's cake was way too thick, while they liked Jody's and Sabrina's quite a bit. None of them were perfect in taste, I don't think. I also loved Carla's dress.
  16. In the ad where the family is at holiday dinner, you see the kids only a couple of feet away at the kids' table, showing a boy and a younger girl, among others. Then the dad, I presume, called the boy over to sit at the adults' table and gives him a hug.The boy was still a child, and the other kids were not babies. It irritates me as it looks like the father favoring his son.
  17. I imagine many dancers know their bodies, but that doesn't keep them from falling and hurting themselves, and especially on non dance floors, that possibility is there.
  18. Not even. Bette has no responsibility to give any time to Tina's group. She was civil to Carrie, but wasn't going to allow Carrie to browbeat her into hanging out. Carrie has major insecurity and anger issues, and they are obviously all pointed at Bette, since she is the woman, powerful, strong, beautiful, that Carrie could never be. I found Carrie kind of stalkerish in her hatred of Bette.
  19. Having sex once or a few times with someone does not a relationship make.
  20. I just know enough about dance to know that to do things like that without warming up your muscles is really risky, plus it makes a difference what kind of floor you are on, etc. If she had fallen and sprained her ankle or wrist, she would have been finished in the the competition, for no good reason.
  21. I didn't pay close attention to this one as I was wrapping stuff, I will have to watch it again, but I agree that Nancy is always harping on Jody. I also hope that Sabrina or Jody wins. I actually couldn't believe that Sabrina was doing those leaps. If she is a dancer, she should know better. You go leaping about without warming up, you can injure yourself for life. Was it Carla who cut her off when she was explaining her Nutcracker story, but who got all weepy when Richard was talking about his grandchild? Jose is not good enough to be the finale. He should have gotten cut before now.
  22. Thank you! I can't believe how irresponsible and dangerous that ad is. As you said, any spice could really hurt the baby if it got into its eyes or mouth, and standing at the stove with a baby in the first place?
  23. The ad is sweet. I like that they made dinner for their neighbor and that the little girl addressed the man with respect. The network is stupid for repeating certain ones til people want to throw something at the tv.
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