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Everything posted by susannah

  1. I get very annoyed when people misspell the simplest of words, and don't know the most basic grammar. The putting of apostrophes in any word that ends in S, not just possessives, makes me want to run screaming into the night. I see it everywhere now, on billboards, in books, in tv captions... It is too weird how people won't even be consistent about it, for example, "I went to two store's for apples, pencil's and books."
  2. I guess so! Apparently though, kissing so hard you leave a hair oil stain on the wall, ie Tom and Barbara, doesn't do it! Just joking, I know they are of different beliefs. Who knew indeed. Sorry Pops, as soon as you start losing it upstairs, down the stairs you go!
  3. I don't think she was a bitch at all. He was being extremely patronizing to her, talking sooo slowly and enunciating every syllable like she was brainless and deaf, and I was glad she let him have it. Lucille and Cyril passed boring a while back. I think they should market them as sleep aids.
  4. I also liked Nurse Crane and Miss Higgins planning to travel together. It's awesome! I knew that the sick woman was desperate for company very early on. I don't know if she needed to be admitted to the mental hospital, but she did need care. I did not like the curate at all, he seemed to think that he was doing them a favor by staying there, and wasn't pleased with the room he was using for free. I thought the way he spoke to Sr MJ was offensive, even if I am sick to death of her moaning about her crisis of faith. I thought that they kept the baby separate from Mrs Williams was because she was still recovering from her C section, even before it got infected. She needed her rest. I read the other day that the show is on for two more years so they would have had to sort out the financial issues pretty soon. I thought..I thought...that Lucille and Cyril would actually touch hands for a moment when they were having their picnic, but NO! We can't be having any of that!
  5. I wonder. Wouldn't that invite them asking the captain was so harsh with Rachel straight away, when there were three officers saying that the stupidhead had hit Rachel from the back.
  6. Exactly. They can love Danny all they want, but he has proven that he makes an inferior officer, it's been said that he has been reprimanded time and time again, he has flat out broken the law, is extremely insubordinate, etc, yet Frank doesn't kick his officer ass to the curb. Not only that but they stand by and allow Danny to treat Jamie, and now Eddie, really badly. They enable Danny instead of telling him to straighten up and fly right. I know they love Jamie but I don't think they admire him.
  7. I am not sure which ads those are, but anything with any Kardashian, anything talking about any private bodily function or products connected with them, bratty kids or anyone humiliating themselves to be on tv need to go far far away.
  8. I would sure rather see them than the completely disgusting ads we've mentioned.
  9. I think the show is tripping over itself on this one. I think that Jamie looked up to Joe, and had a good relationship with him, and it was said that Joe was the "bridge" between Jamie and Danny. When he died, that bridge was gone and Jamie and Danny didn't really have a relationship, even though they were adults by then. It would of course help alot if Danny didn't treat Jamie like crap, sneering at him because he went to Harvard, treating him like he knows nothing. I think Danny feels threatened by Jamie because he is so much smarter and mature and responsible, so he has to trash him every chance he gets. Maybe Danny feels threatened and insecure by everyone, and that is why he has to act like he knows everything, tries to control everyone, and won't listen to anyone.
  10. I know it sounds really paranoid, and I don't believe it spies, but I am sure it does store the info of what you ask of it.
  11. My sister thinks Alexa spies on people. Could that be true?
  12. I didn't know anyone thought Frank was poor. His house is fabulous. I remember Jackie saying to Danny once that "not everyone gets to grow up in a nice house in Bay Ridge," so I assumed it was an upscale neighborhood.
  13. I think the one they mentioned was the one where Nicky was having dinner with Danny at a restaurant when a call came in. She might have been questioning him for some school thing, I can't recall. Anyway, when he was called, he didn't know what to do with Nicky, as it would take time to take her all the way home. She talked him into taking her with him. A high school girl had been found dead at a dance. Danny told her to stay in the car, of course she didn't, and she saw the body. Erin took his head off, instead of Nicky's, and it went on the whole show, since Nicky was having nightmares, etc. There was also the time that Nicky's friend was found homeless and disappeared, and Erin told her she would look into it. Nicky went behind her back and asked Jamie to look for him, saying she had Erin's consent, as well as looking for him herself. No consequences for her. I also figured it was the son, and I agree that it is too bad that Danny is so hardheaded and self absorbed that his son can't talk to him.
  14. I didn't like this episode much at all, except for the possibility of Frank taking a job with the NFL, as much as he loved football. I didn't like the fact that when Sean wanted to ride along with Eddie and Rachel, he asked Jamie first, before even mentioning it to Eddie. If she was agreeable to it, it was up to her to clear it with Jamie. I didn't like that there was no resolution to Rachel's situation. I didn't like that Sean followed directions just as well as Nicky did. Both were told to stay in the car and neither listened. Then of course Danny goes off on Jamie and Eddie, when the only one at fault was Sean, just as it was Nicky's, and she wasn't held responsible for her actions either. Luckily Sean wasn't hurt worse but it was ridiculous that he kept saying that he did what Danny and Jamie would have done, and NO ONE reminded him that they are trained officers, and he ISN'T. He's in college now, he's not six, and should have known that difference. It was mentioned that Jamie was a little abrupt with him when he first came to the station. Sean might have caught him at a very busy time, about a non emergency matter, and that could have been talked about at any later time. I didn't like Jamie telling Danny that he looked up to him, when he is 10 times the officer and human being Danny is, and Danny saying that he respects everyone in the family was the biggest joke. He respects no one. Also with his justifying his "reasons" for his methods of dealing with everyone, like he is special. I didn't mind Erin telling him to leave it at the door. I didn't like how the son was perfectly fine with letting his mother go to prison for his own crime until he got a reality check. I thought it was kind of funny how Sid and Garrett were angling to go with Frank to the NFL.. and I thought maybe Frank would look at Abigail too, without saying anything!
  15. God help us. It's become a contest now to see who can write the most disgusting ad. I say that people have to be desperate to be in show business to humiliate themselves in that way, both the writers and "actors." Look out belowwwww...
  16. I am not insisting on anything. I am sure there is evidence that many many people chose those colleges for those reasons. No one though can speak for all people who attended those schools, black or white, or that all of them thought that white people had no business coming to that school. It seems as though if they felt that way, they wouldn't allow white students to enroll.
  17. Do you know for a fact that Danny would be charged with murder? I know he knew that the guy was going to get beaten but if he was killed, that would be on the gang, not Danny. They are the criminals.
  18. That is rather a generalized statement. I am pretty sure no one can speak for countless other people and know exactly why they go to this college or that one. Especially on a fictional show.
  19. So will I. I do not understand why people think that firstly, sleeping with someone as soon as you meet them constitutes knowing them, and then, as soon as you have had sex as soon as you've met them, think there is a relationship. I remember back in the day, relationships formed when people took the time to get to know each other, and talked, etc. It is not only this show that is the opposite of this, it seems to me that people actually feel that they have to have sex right off and that makes a relationship. Very sad.
  20. But you can't just bury a person anywhere, can you? Aren't there health and safety laws? I know back in the day, people buried their loved ones on their own properties, but there were far less people then.
  21. I saw the ad for the first time yesterday and it is appalling, and I really wish I didn't hear either of these versions, in my head, ever again. I need brain bleach!!!
  22. Except that it wasn't all black. It showed a number of white students there, that were never mentioned.
  23. My 0.2 in regard to Denise was that they wrote her so differently, IMO from the Cosby show. I got the sense that she did well in high school, and she would have had to have high grades to apply to Hillman, plus have written an essay etc. Yet with her first year English class, when she is the bedroom with Claire going over an essay, she acts like she never read a book or has no clue how to formulate a single idea, and I am surprised that Claire would actually go over the paper with her instead of telling her to do it herself. I also am a bit surprised that anyone would think she or Jaleesa would have a problem with Maggie as a roommate. I am pretty sure they both had seen white people before, plus Denise, as well as all the Cosby kids, and their parents, had diverse groups of friends. I liked the show until it became the Whitley and Dwayne show, and I think that is really insulting to the other characters, as well as ruining the show. Whitley was fine in small doses but she was not "trying to constantly learn and grow." She looked down on everyone that wasn't her from beginning to end, and had no problem voicing her opinions on everyone who wasn't her.
  24. I just saw the one where something spilled toward the winning lottery ticket, and they are screaming for paper towels. It never once occurs to them to actually move the ticket. This reminds me of the children's story about the Three Sillies.
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