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Everything posted by susannah

  1. I have one every year or so. I have to have A&W root beer and Haagen Dazs vanilla, because it freezes hard.Soft ice cream won't do. I chill the glass, put the ice cream in and pour the root beer over. The root beer crystals on the ice cream are YUMMY! In regard to Laverne's milk and Pepsi, I would imagine that the taste would be similar to a float. My folks used to put milk on jello when I was a kid, and it was similar.
  2. Yes they did. I have heard that in their later years, they were good friends.
  3. That makes sense to me! Fewer stores and restaurants also means fewer customers and less incentive to go to that mall at all, so mall owners are defeating themselves by keeping rents high.
  4. I was trying to think of why I think it is kind of irritating, and thinking I sound like an old crab! I guess I just think that Lisa's using her song to sell car insurance is kind of pathetic, and it is on frequently.
  5. My mother used to put dill pickle in her potato salad, for the same "zip." Thanks ever so for the lovely visual of the slugs in the yard!!! 😀 I have never heard of anyone putting shrimp in potato salad. Even if I liked shrimp, to put it in potato salad would be kind of gross.
  6. Thanks. I have always heard of apple cider vinegar as a weight loss thing, back in the day you were supposed to drink a spoonful in water, like twice a day or something. I never knew if it was proven to work. I didn't know it had other medical uses!
  7. What does anyone think of the ad for car repair with Lisa Loeb singing her old song, and making the guy cry? I think it is irritating.
  8. What is the purpose of taking those?
  9. Yep, that is it, only there is a short version too, I think that just shows the women on the toilet.🤢
  10. Speaking of such matters, I was unpleasantly surprised to see an ad last night, for some kind of women's intimate care product, I didn't have my glasses on so couldn't see the name. It showed women using the toilet, as they spoke about this product. How low are admakers going to go, and WHY are people so desperate to be on tv that they would be filmed as if they were using the toilet, with their pants down?? Have a little self respect, all of you!
  11. See, after sports writing didn't work out, he went to medical examiner school and now he knows what he is ranting about! Quincy is very vocal for people's health and wellbeing. I really liked the episode of Crossing Jordan where he guested as an aged ME who was losing his sight. I think Tony Randall was in real life as much of a neurotic jerk as Felix and Sidney were.
  12. I just saw today that Quincy is on now. I always liked the show and I never minded that he got on his soapbox, because he always had a good reason to be on it.
  13. I have had the one where I can't remember where my classroom is and that it is exam time and I have no idea of the material, a bunch of times. I love browsing in bookstores. I loved Borders, but they are gone now.
  14. Maybe if one drinks enough wine, they won't care about the flies!
  15. "Sky raisin!" That is the first time I have seen those fat flies referred to as that but it is perfect! My cat used to catch them and also eat them....🤢
  16. I don't think any insect infestation is a "first world" problem. It's a health issue. I checked those out. They are cute!!
  17. I would take Final Expense ads over personal plumbing and maintenance thereof, pharmaceuticals AND gross Skittle ads. Methinks Mr Clean ME better provide proof of his "hundred ways!"
  18. Does it clean the oven? Do laundry, grill steaks? Well you could rub it on something that's clean if you felt energetic...
  19. For sure! I like one I heard about years ago for social anxiety, which could cause "explosive diarrhea and vomiting." If you were socially anxious BEFORE....
  20. That's a funny story. There are ads on now where a father is changing a poopy diaper and act a bit like they deserve a medal for braving such a horrible task. Newsflash for them, mothers and grandmothers don't enjoy it one bit more. I would hope your grandmother told your dad that, and she shouldn't have done it for him!
  21. That is true, and I have, several times. I have decided that my last pet, my cat, who I had for 18 years, and lost 15 years ago, and still miss, would be my last one. I am of an older age now and can't go through the pain again, even if my living situation was right for a pet, which it isn't. Does anyone agree, or is everyone braver than I am?
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