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Everything posted by susannah

  1. Just saw another creepy ad from Liberty. Seriously, whoever is writing these ads, with the wet teddy bears, and the idiot who can't pronounce his lines, etc needs a different job. This one has some kind of gnome looking creatures trying to jump rope, which turn out to be very small very old people with masses of gray hair. WTH?
  2. I have seen that ad in passing, and thought that that guy looked alot like MGG, but I don't believe it is him. MGG doesn't have a pointed chin and his voice is different. Are those people supposed to be animals?
  3. What dis? MGG is a spokesperson for Petco? I love his character on Criminal Minds.
  4. So do I, and like to see the old catalogs too, especially Sears, when I can find them online. I loved scouring their Wishbook at Christmas when I was a kid. I am not positive now but I think that back then, more often than not, the models of male and female nightwear together, had to show the woman wearing a wedding ring!
  5. I've only seen a few of her court shows, and read one of her books. She is very sharp tongued and comes off as rude, but she doesn't buy people's lame excuses for their behavior. That I like.
  6. You are lucky that you have a family like that. When you have to live as a kid with drunken, abusive fighting and tirades, seeing it on tv was not a breath of fresh air.
  7. Have you ever read the Hobbit? There is a long poem in there about all the characters from the song, and what happened that crazy night! It's great.
  8. That is reality. Nursery rhymes are not reality. Therefore the piggy went shopping, with his hat and jacket on and a basket on his arm. Except like I said, nursery rhymes weren't about reality.
  9. I completely agree with you about those shows. I don't like to watch shows with people doing nothing but shouting at each other. I will add to your list a show from when I was a kid, the Honeymooners, which had Ralph doing nothing but shouting at his wife and everyone else.
  10. well if you had seen the picture of him, you wouldn't think that. Plus, with the next little piggy "staying home," implying he had a choice, and the next one having roast beef, I think reality can be suspended a bit. Exactly!!! That is disgusting.
  11. I just recently read a thing online about that little piggy. I have always pictured him setting off to market, with his straw hat, little blue jacket and basket on his arm? Foot, probably from a picture book. It never occurred to me until I read that that the "market" could mean something extremely less cheerful. It was funny though, the author said that for her, she is going with the piggy going shopping, and so am I! 😀 What I want to know is why no one shared with piggy 4!
  12. Disagree there. "Flirt a little?" Men who don't sexually harass or abuse women don't have to worry about ending up on a MeToo list. I don't know if men are "afraid" to approach women these days or for what reason, but if they are, they need to look to the behavior of other men, not women.
  13. I don't think so. Even back in the day, there should have been some responsible parenting.
  14. I haven't seen the episode in forever but I do think Andy told Opie he had to care for the baby birds. That was the only discipline he got for it.
  15. I didn't like it either. I suppose Andy would use the same lame excuse other hunters use, that they are hunting for food, but as they do it for fun and take pictures of what they kill, it falls really flat IMO. I really oppose killing wild animals for sport.
  16. Wow, that isn't good. I didn't remember that at all. The only one I remember is when Opie got a slingshot and Andy told him to be careful what he hit with it. Opie killed a mother bird with it and Andy told him he would have to feed the baby birds day and night. I thought that was a fair consequence, but the things you described are not good parenting. I would have thought that Aunt Bee would have been that way, she was really strict.
  17. I agree. I don't mind IceT's Car Shield ads, but Tide? Just no. It is sad, and I wouldn't think Ice needs the money! I think SVU is still on, it's the beast that won't die, and I thought he was still on it too. I could be wrong.
  18. Oh yeah, I agree about Barney! What was Andy's parenting style? I don't watch the reruns so it has been a loooong time.
  19. Now I want to watch it again! It is a great film, and an important one.
  20. I see your point, and it is true. Maybe they should just encourage, but not taste or comment?
  21. He was absolutely vile as a company man in "Matewan," about the coal miners' uprising in attempt to unionize in 1920. It is a good film.
  22. I noticed that too, and it made him look like a real jerk. Of course everyone wants to win, but scowling and giving dirty looks to the others because they did something well doesn't say "winner" to me. That really obnoxious Italian guy was the same way, making snide comments about the others, etc.
  23. Yes it was groundbreaking, for its time. Back in the day, ambulance personnel were basically transportation. Even on Emergency, all they could do was start IVs and do EKGs. To compare that with the level of training paramedics have today is mindboggling.
  24. Why does having the safe ones cheering for and encouraging the bakeoff ones bother you?
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