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Everything posted by susannah

  1. "Help, I'm dying! Oh, guess not" My sister had a colonoscopy a while back and she had to drink a whole big bottle of gross stuff. Jello and pills sound far easier. But not red.
  2. I liked it as a kid and still do. I have health issues which include periods of nausea, and jello is good at those times, and even when I am not sick. If you have to see yourself out, I will go with you! It is also good with whipped cream, as is chocolate pudding.
  3. Yes. When I was a kid, I used to get frequent and lengthy nosebleeds. Someone told my mother to give me liquid jello to drink, which I liked, and it helped greatly. I don't know why.
  4. Like not believing that Jaclyn Smith really wore clothes from KMart...
  5. Another ad that bugs me is the smug kid who "isn't as big" as his much older brothers, and why would he be, so his mother gives him Ensure. Kids who don't have any kind of physical/medical disorder need nutritious food, not that stuff. They grow in their own time. It's just another ploy to instill fear in parents that their child isn't "normal" the way they are.
  6. I'm not sure how to import pictures but does anyone remember something called Spoon Candy? It was like pudding that formed a hard shell? There are so many things from back then I still remember, like Space Food Sticks and Screaming Yellow Zonkers....I LOVED those!!
  7. I have always wondered what first class is like, besides heavenly!
  8. I haven't seen that ad but only idiots would pay airport prices for snacks, whatever age.
  9. I love the woodchucks! The way they laugh makes me laugh.
  10. As they take up residence in the bathroom....
  11. Or don't want to be asked to come to any future potlucks at all! And the shrimp tower..... Maybe if the partygoers have enough drinks, they won't care!
  12. I only looked at a few of them on the Christmas Candle link and I need eye and brain bleach! Why in the name of all that's holy did people think they had to construct horrible looking things with horrible looking food! A platter of cold cuts, cheeses and crackers wasn't exciting enough?
  13. My grandmother made a jello salad thing with lime jello, cottage cheese and mandarin oranges. I loved it and used to make it myself but sadly, it doesn't work anymore. Some ingredient must have been changed and it no longer sets up properly. I do have to agree that it tasted better than it looked.
  14. I've seen that ad several times and I never thought she was "all smug" about it. I thought that she didn't like how the other kids were treating that boy and did something about it. I don't know why this ad is getting such negativity but different strokes, I guess.
  15. I don't understand this at all. I don't know what is crass about a kid helping another kid, and certainly don't know why he would be teased for it.
  16. That would be Tracee Ellis Ross, daughter of Diana. I personally don't get that excited over a snack product, and she is definitely obnoxious with hers.
  17. I loathe obnoxious children also. I can't stand the mother running after her young kid, begging her to eat, or the two kids at the table refusing to eat and the brat girl says "fine, we'll sleep here," and the one where the redheaded girl is pushing her plate away, refusing to eat until she is bribed with French fries. Not a good parent in the bunch, and I bet the idiots writing the ads are the same kind of nonparents.
  18. I get your point, but at least the kid isn't having a real beer! I like the ads because the girl goes over and does something really nice. To me, that is the message, not what juice product the girl was drinking.
  19. I agree, but who are you referring to?
  20. I think the ad featuring John Goodman's head on someone's finger, squashing up against slot machines and glass is one of the dumbest ones I have seen, and creepy also!!
  21. Wasn't she a member of the Resistance during WWII?
  22. She sounds like a piece of work all right, but I have heard similar horror stories about other spouses of celebrities wanting to hold onto the money, like Casey Kasem's, and then other completely clueless people like Aretha Franklin having no will at all, guaranteeing battles over the money.
  23. Yeah I commented on that too, it's the lowest of the low as far as standards go. The red bears are really pushing it too.
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