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Everything posted by susannah

  1. I agree! Those kind of expressions don't give any idea what he is referring to. Is it good or not good? He does seem to have quite a few hog or pig expressions. Just makes him sound stupid IMO. I wish I could remember whose they were but two of those mirror cakes were gorgeous. The angel wings on the one looked kind of ridiculous.
  2. Now, yes. But Emergency was first on in the 70s, where diminishing and objectifying women was an accepted part of the culture.
  3. I know! In the front seat, in the back of the station wagon, in the back of the pickup..totally common! I don't know why people would get their knickers in a twist over a cute pig commercial.
  4. I heard him thank Mrs A but it was a talking pig! Hopefully he was just "wheeing" and not weeing! Yeah I just watched it again on youtube and it was just the one where he says thanks, didn't see him get out, but he does have his seat belt on and only has his head and one arm? foot? out the window.
  5. Except he wasn't trying to be annoying, he was just having fun! I also just saw the ad with the kid eating the burger with it smeared all over her face, and it is disgusting. I never saw that either!
  6. It has nothing to do with his accent. It has to do with all his expressions, instead of saying what he means clearly.
  7. I don't live in Utah either, nor any of my family, but my grandmother used to make the same, only adding cottage cheese. I LOVED it and would make it myself. Sadly though, I can't anymore. They changed something somewhere, maybe in the jello, and it won't set up really well now, with those ingredients. Also, I looked up what Oregon's "state" dessert is and it is marionberry pie. We are also good for pears and apples.
  8. I so agree about Jason. I can't take him seriously either. Carla does like her theatrics, which mostly don't bother me, but she knows her stuff!
  9. That is kind of an odd thing to say. I am pretty sure race wouldn't need to be injected into dessert making.
  10. I liked it too, he was having such fun with his pinwheel, but I have read that people thought it was obnoxious.
  11. I watched Emergency regularly when it was on but I got a sense that the EMTs were kind of immature, with all their jokes, and Chet was the worst. I still remember the show where some kids had won a tour of the hospital and Gage was going to treat them like five year olds instead of intelligent children. I didn't really like the "Kel and Dix" I liked Dr Brackett though, even if he was surly at times. I remember when the show came on, my grandfather would say, "Oh that's old Robert Fuller," and I had no idea how he would know. Now I know that he was in a Western show before Emergency. Now, comparing it to ER, Emergency seems almost cartoonish. I have seen Randolph Mantooth on tv since then and he is a very handsome man.
  12. So they are brainless as well as rotten!😀 I agree that the ads on these days are stupid. I may be in the minority but I loved the woodchucks chucking wood into the pond and laughing like crazy. Hasn't been on in a long time.
  13. People believe what they want to believe and do what they want to do. If they do something because an ad or celebrity told them to, that's on them. I don't give people passes for being brainless.
  14. Rabbit never gets his Trix because those rotten kids take it from him! Probably the same rotten kids who are always chasing the Lucky Charms leprechaun. Cereal stealers!
  15. I would have to disagree. I read one of the Ramona books not long ago, in which first Mrs Quimby was baking a birthday cake for Beezus. Ramona ruined it by sticking one of her dolls in it. Mrs Q did nothing. Mrs Q makes another cake for Beezus, which Ramona ruins again. Mrs Q did nothing. Mrs Q has to make a THIRD cake for Beezus. No consequence for Ramona. Secondly, there was a big box of apples in the basement. Ramona goes down and takes a bite out of each one, after which Mrs Q has to stay up all night making applesauce so they don't all spoil. No consequence for Ramona. Thirdly, Ramona tells her mother that she invited all the neighborhood kids for a party, whom Mrs Q and Beezus have to feed and entertain. No consequence for Ramona. All Mrs Q said was "she's five," like that is a decent reason for zero discipline. Big parenting fail.
  16. So do I, but love the dedication to scientific process! I gather your scientific conclusion was that Kellogg's is a bald faced liar?
  17. What exactly is this "Karen" thing? I have seen it often but not sure what it means. I know it's not complimentary, and I do feel for those who are named Karen! Teaspoon size? Keebler elf size?
  18. There must be more than one similar ad. The one I'm referring to has a black man and a black haired woman and she is hiding from him while eating Cheetos.
  19. I was just thinking tonight after seeing the ad again that the hood ornament creeps me out, plus, a female as an ornament on a guy's car? Also really don't like the one with the guy chasing a woman around the house, is it a Kardashian? for eating his Cheetos!
  20. What is she doing that is bad? Don't worry, if she murdered you, she would never get any treats! You're safe.
  21. 😀 Probably works for the cat though!
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