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Everything posted by susannah

  1. Has anyone mentioned the stupid ad where the water is pouring on the woman and blowing her out of the house, as well as the equally stupid one where the water is pouring on the small group of women at what looks like a bridal shower or something. I think those ads are STUPID. Plus, watching people humiliate themselves to be on tv is really pathetic. Also looking at you, diarrhea woman!
  2. That was me, and I change the channel immediately too.
  3. No No No! I eat the outer crust! I don't understand anyone putting ranch on pizza. It sounds disgusting.
  4. Because it's not funny. I think the vibe of the ad is creepy, actually.
  5. Another one I don't like is the one for dishwasher soap, in which a bunch of people say, "we do it every night." I don't think it's funny, if it's trying to be.
  6. Except that it was stated that she WAS in rehab several times, and she kept washing out. It didn't say whether it was VA help or not. They did address that major difficulty in an earlier season with the guy who lost his legs and was brain injured, and had been waiting for three years to get into the VA hospital, and his wife was robbing banks to get money to help him.
  7. He's mine too. Totally agree.
  8. Agree, agree. Also telling his grandfather to basically eff off, and slamming the door in his face? The real Jamie would never do that! He had definitely been taken over by an evil something or other.
  9. I don't understand. She wasn't there on her own, she was a Marine. Whatever she was doing or what happened there, she still was a Marine, and I don't buy for a second that she couldn't get VA help or any benefits veterans get. Why would there be any kind of media storm years later, if they found out, and how would they? Veterans' medical records are private.
  10. This makes sense, but I also think that excusing her criminal actions aren't protecting her, as well as being ethically and legally wrong. It also occurred to me that as she had said multiple times that she washed out of rehab, and didn't want to try again, why would anyone think that Danny's dragging her in would be any different? People have to want to be helped. I got the idea that it was all about Danny's being the white knight that is the end all and be all, just like he always has been. Really dislike Danny.
  11. Exactly, and not only that, but there were a number of witnesses! Did no one talk to any of them? Guess not. Also, in addition to injuring the rookie officer, the woman threw that bottle of water so hard that it could have really hurt someone. I am as stumped as everyone else about what the big secret was seven years ago that caused her to become a junkie.
  12. I think it was all well and good that Jamie was keeping his promise to the Marine because she saved Danny, but that had nothing to do with the fact that she assaulted a police officer. Jamie not only didn't back up his partner, whom she injured, but denied his report of the injury, and took his collar. I don't blame the rookie for feeling totally humiliated and not wanting to work with Jamie again. That should never have gotten brushed over. Jamie's first obligation is to his fellow police officers and his partner officer, ESPECIALLY as a sergeant in an authority position. I didn't like him in this episode.
  13. Your post is very articulate and considerate. I think though that if Spike was really pointing out that all communities of poor and infirm might need help getting to vaccination sites, he wouldn't have mentioned skin color. But he did, and that's what bugs. There are people of all races in similar situations. I got my second shot a week and a half ago and had had that appointment for a month. I didn't know until reading here that long waits aren't the case anymore.
  14. True. I couldn't get an appointment for a month and an half after I learned I was eligible.
  15. People's opinions are different, I know. Yet the CDC and other national health organizations have been encouraging everyone to get vaccinated as soon as they can, for months. But because Spike Lee, I guess also a health expert, "encourages" it, suddenly it's okay, and implies that it is everyone else's fault that they haven't gotten vaccinated already? I don't see what is great about this ad, I think it is hypocritical and biased.
  16. I liked the show only because Mary McCormack was in it, whom I liked from West Wing. I hated her mother and her sister.
  17. I am really not trying to be argumentative, and I remember you from TWoP! but I am not clear as to why there are such disparities in black communities, both in getting coronavirus and in not being vaccinated. Do they follow CDC guidelines for safety? Are they refusing to go get vaccinated, for free? The "historic distrust" doesn't wash, since the vaccine is for everyone, of any race, not just them, and the virus has killed thousands of people of any race, not just them. I hear it said that there are such disparities and I want to know why, and what personal choices contribute to it, and if people make those choices, why everyone else is to blame?
  18. I haven't seen that one but Spike Lee is now putting out one where he is strongly implying that black communities aren't getting their vaccines because they are black, saying also that some people in those communities don't have rides to vaccination sites. There are, as you said, many many people who haven't gotten completely vaccinated yet, no matter their age, race or health, and from what I have seen, vaccination sites have bent over backwards to be accessible, everywhere, from grocery stores to clinics to convention centers to parking lots to wherever. I really dislike those that try to stir the pot, claiming victimization and bias where there are none.
  19. This. I like Harriet but I never liked how her "friends" treated her after they read her private journal. It was a total invasion of her privacy and so wrong how she had to run after them and ask THEIR forgiveness. I also don't think that Harriet was being mean per se, in her writing, I think she just wrote her perceptions of what she saw, and thought, unfiltered. I wish that she had found friends that treated her better also. Did Sam-I-Am cure you? 😀
  20. I just really don't understand how she could have won with only a half decorated cake, and it should have been been mentioned to Keya. I can imagine how Derek and Natalie felt after that. I also don't know why the judges had a problem with a dense cake. Pound cake is good too. I guess flavorless banana chips are more egregious than a halfway completed cake.
  21. I wondered the same thing about Duff, with a new baby at home. I used to watch Ace of Cakes and all I ever saw Duff do was build enormous creations that would explode or shoot off rockets or whatever, or walk around watching everyone else work. Unless HE actually made the cakes, and HE personally decorated them, which he didn't, as he had stellar decorators, I actually don't think he has alot of credibility at all, let alone to tell others that their cakes aren't good enough. Derek WAS robbed, and it bugs me that Keya's cake was only half decorated. How about Duff, Lorraine, if you must, and Carla??? Si? 😀
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