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Everything posted by susannah

  1. I completely disagree that NYC is not a place to go on a family vacation. It gets millions of tourists, including families. I will say that her scene was not as detailed as it should be, and as up to the level that she has worked at this whole time. I was so bummed that Veruska went. I agree that Derek's scene had alot of elements to it, and I liked the stream, but the details, trees etc, were a bit childish looking to me.
  2. I agree also that pregnancy nausea should not be equated with a real illness, as uncomfortable as it is, unless it was severe and she was being treated for it or something.
  3. I really disliked this storyline, and disliked Nicole even more. First off, the Nazi guys were targeting the women for being lesbian. I get that Nicole didn't know at first that Sara and Alicia were together, but what did she do after she did know? Go on yowling about how the NYPD doesn't look for black girls, even though they both were missing. Then Alicia is just dumped out somewhere. Luckily she was found right away but what if she wasn't? Without a phone and her chair, she was completely vulnerable, and anything else could have happened to her. Did Nicole so much as ask her if she was okay? No. It was all about the NYPD not looking for black girls, and making everything worse for Sara. No, Alicia didn't suffer at all, it was only Sara that mattered, apparently. I don't think Olivia really cancelled the ambulance, just let the guy think she did. I also hope that the poor little boy is taken so far away from that family his grandchildren won't know them. I didn't see the prior episode with the black guy suing the department but gather he was arrested after some stupid woman said he was threatening her kid or something? I always like Jennifer Esposito and love that she and Fin are together, though in a previous guest role, she was close with Munch, before she got blown up. Here is something that I thought of and wondered if anyone would know. Would the men be guilty of rape by forcing the women to perform sexual acts on each other, even though the men didn't touch them?
  4. I really liked Ace of Cakes too, though I thought that Duff was an overgrown 12 year old. He had some amazing artists on staff though. I still remember, and still amazed, that there was a cake shaped like a wine bottle, and Mary Smith piped words in French and delicate lacework all around the bottle!!!!
  5. Yeah, okay. I forgot about Eddie being the acting union steward, but now I am puzzled. So an officer who gets a deserved reprimand makes a complaint against the superior who gave him that reprimand, like a crybaby, and the union rep has to go to the superior and get the guy off the hook? That sounds every kind of wrong. The guy was late 3 times in a week, it was documented, and he had also been late prior to that. What leg would he have to stand on to dispute the reprimand?
  6. I agree that Baker was trying way too hard to be "tough." I also wish they would give her more to do than to be beat up. Her interactions with Garrett and Sid are often great. I loved the show when they were trying to do each other's work. I agree that Jamie's and Eddie's work dynamic is not too realistic, and I really didn't like her going to Jamie last week to change his mind about reprimanding the guy who was late three times in one week because his wife was pregnant, and I disliked more his changing it. Who would still have a job after being late so often because his wife was throwing up? I didn't like Jamie's and Eddie's interaction this week either, though I really like both the characters. They need to not work together. I have never been an Erin fan, and I loathe Danny. I see how they are setting him and Baez up to be together and I don't like it. Danny has never treated his partners, who have always been women, or anyone else, really, with any respect at all, yet both Baez and Jackie, who I loved, would have walked over broken glass for him. I never have understood that.
  7. This reminds me of the ads that showed kids practically big enough for first grade, hiking, riding the carousel by themselves, etc with stupid pacifiers in their mouths. Also, a different one, for Skittles, that was sickening is when the guy's face is covered with them like chicken pox and a girl picks one off and eats it. I hope the person that thought that one up was fired. Ads are supposed to make you want to buy the product, not throw up!
  8. I wonder what kind of twists would be better on the show than the ones they have gotten?
  9. I thought it looked different but I didn't get a close look at it to know why. The work around the sides wasn't, though.
  10. I agree and forgot to mention the stamp detailing. The finished product was very nice but stamping is nothing, next to the amount of work it took for Derek's and Veruska's.
  11. I am glad Derek did much better this week. I was never impressed with Chiante's stuff, and not her sweater cake. I think Veruska is going to win. She seems to have a pretty high level that she has consistently stayed at. I thought that it was funny and so true that there was nothing the ladies could say to faze Derek, he is a high school teacher! I thought the lace cake was pretty but didn't look like lace. Veruska's flowers did look knitted, and lovely, and so did Keya's patchwork. Not to be harsh, but I have seen some of the kid bakers at 11/12/13 years old turn out some pretty incredible stuff, under just as much pressure, so I didn't think Chiante's sobbing "I'm only 22" was necessary. I didn't think any of their signatures looked very good. I don't think they would have taken alot of time. As said, they are getting near the end now, and just okay isn't good enough.
  12. Me too! So many interesting characters. Hey don't you wish Bob had been in the house? I just don't know why a network thought it was a bright idea to just chop it with unresolved endings. Did Pat leave Bob for good? Who survived in the doctor's house? Did Frances ever forgive Allison for ruining her company and her livelihood? Will Theresa be happy with Nick, who she married for the wrong reason? These questions and many others will never be answered because the network was stupid!
  13. My two cents in regard to bad parents are the mothers in the "Mother Daughter Book Club" series, for juveniles/young adults. This group of middle school age girls were severely and endlessly bullied by this other group of girls, and their mothers knew it. In every single situation where the girls tried to stand up for themselves, they were punished. Not only that but the clueless mothers even invited the bullies into the book club, where the torture went on. It just boggles the mind why a parent would do that. One of the girls was a champion skater who had just lost her father. HER mother, a real jewel, had, within the year, married someone else and was pregnant. Understandably the girl wasn't thrilled so her mother punished her by taking away her skating and sending her to a therapist. This is all practically Gothic. Bad messages to the kids reading the books.
  14. Besides the ads previously mentioned with bratty kids, including the ones who spray pop all over the floor while Mom beams, and the one with a sword, etc, the ads I despise are the ones showing abused animals, the ones about the polar bears, and now ones about killing elephants for their tusks, showing an elephant falling dead. I despise all ads talking graphically about any body function, especially the red bears and "poise in her pants." I hate the one with the poor teddy bear chained to the front of a truck and then falling in a freezing puddle. I don't want to see anyone in their underwear for any reason. I don't know why the Tide commercial has the grandparents doing tons of laundry after their daughter and three kids moved in, while the granddaughter is standing there dribbling a popsicle all over. I do think the Geico ads with the "ants" and "clogging" are clever. I also don't mind the Limu emu, and I always thought it was pronounced e-moo.
  15. Hi Janie Jones! I remember you from TWoP! We live, or did, in the same place. Also remember Bastet. I also think that that ad for "lower calorie" ice cream product is pointed toward overweight people, as "safer."
  16. I so agree. Dimwit daughter should not be allowed to drive if she is "easily distracted." Driving is not a God given right, especially for young adults. As you say, next time it might be someone else who doesn't get home in one piece, thanks to dimwit. It is absolutely wrong of the company to say that cars should tell drivers to be careful and watchful and to put down their phones. It's the same as the "texting while driving has consequences" ad, where the girl causes an accident and then says "I wish it didn't happen."
  17. I disagree completely. Kids being required to eat the nutritious meals that they are served is important for their health, and if they don't want it, they can go without. Many kids don't like vegetables, but requiring them to eat some is "torture?" What if they choose to have cereal or a sandwich every night? Also, I grossly dislike all the ads in which kids tell the parents what they will and won't do, and the parents begging them to do what they need to do. Parents need to be in charge, not the kids. I also dislike the ones where the parent is sitting outside a kid's door, begging for forgiveness for missing something. Again, kids in charge.
  18. The worst, WORST show I watched that did that was Home Fires, a BBC show. At the end of the second season, several characters had gone into the doctor's house as one was having a baby, and a freakin plane crashed into the house..and that was the end! The powers that be just cancelled it without wrapping a single thing up.
  19. I think the Romeo and Juliet clause is ridiculous. It should not be okay for anyone to be having sex with 14 or 15 year olds, period. They don't have the maturity to consent. Also, in regard to Lonnie, he asked Ceranda if he could walk her to the bus, I think, she said no, and he was being pushy about it. He was the logical suspect to start with. I don't know why any girl would be walking anywhere late at night in NYzC, but that's just me. Fin's side was to be a police officer. He treated Lonnie like any reasonable suspect, since he had been hassling Ceranda and was the last one to see her alive. Lonnie's girlfriend was 15. Not a grown woman, and not able to make mature decisions.
  20. "More blue than black?" So black police officers aren't supposed to do their jobs, but give black suspects leniency and passes for their behavior? Why did Lonnie need "benefit of the doubt?" He was a legal adult having sex with a 15 year old. You would trust an 18 year old who had sex with a 15 year old? You do know that there are many many many college age males who are able to influence and seduce young girls, often even younger than 15, into sex? 18 year old men should be having sex with people their own age, not girls years younger than they, and who by law cannot consent.
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