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Everything posted by SnarkySheep

  1. Sure, IRL that would be true. But at Med, literally ALL his colleagues have also done super questionable things, yet retain their employment. Remember Maggie forging Natalie's signature so she could take her dying (and contagious) boyfriend home? And apparently Sharon forgot that golden boy Choi just this past spring attacked Marcel over the kiss with April? IMO that alone would have Choi disqualified. I don't know, but yeah, that would be weird. Despite his official job capacity, I can't imagine anyone at Med wanting to spill their guts out to Charles, then pass him every day in the hallway knowing that he knows everything about you. When I was a teen, I attended a Catholic high school. We had confession regularly, but as we got older, the school would bring in "priest strangers" as naturally nobody wanted to tell all their secrets to Father Sees You Every Day.
  2. To me, this was a subtle reminder of just how young Malik still is. He's explaining his situation as though it's something unusual - which of course, compared to most teens, he is. But he's in a workplace now, where the majority of his coworkers will also have kids and outside responsibilities, so it's not any kind of excuse to a boss. For an adult to tell their employer they had to get up early with their child would literally be the equivalent of telling them you had to shower and eat, so hey, they should pat you on the back for being just a few minutes late.
  3. Certainly true, but in Chrissy/Kate's case, I imagine being thinner - even a small amount - would make some everyday life experiences much easier. For instance, remember the episode where she had to tell a hostess, amidst much embarrassment, that she could only sit in certain restaurant seating? And, every time we have seen Kate and Toby on a plane, they are in first class, as Kate would not fit easily in a three-seat row. (I'm thinking that they probably made the two-seat area subtly larger than they usually are for the scenes, too.) These are simple life things, over which certainly no one should be experiencing difficulties. It hurts my heart to think there are people for whom this is sadly a reality.
  4. Sure, but Randall's main qualification for a therapist seemed to be race. He started off rocky with his first therapist, but IMO that was more about his discomfort spilling his inner thoughts to a stranger than because of who the therapist was. To me, Randall saying that he wanted only a black therapist seemed similar to if he said he wanted only a male therapist. Yeah, you might have some level of understanding with someone who shares your demographics, but you definitely can't ASSUME that will happen, or automatically rule out everyone else in the world. If this were indeed a truth, then all black people (or all men, all straight people, whatever) would automatically be friends with one another because, hey, similar characteristics. But obviously this is not the case in real life. LOL, why does everyone nowadays act like every teen has an automatic right to a phone? IMO it's still a privilege, as Mom and Dad are paying the bills, so they can choose to give or not give one, or - gasp! - get the teen an Android instead of the latest iPhone.
  5. I live in CT, where we have been mandated to wear face masks in public since April, so even if this episode was supposed to be set in May or June, there was really no way for them to justify nobody wearing one. Then again, the Ottos live in a CT where lawns are vibrantly green all year long, so I can't really say this surprised me.
  6. I haven't noticed for sure about the photo, but if it is indeed still there, that would make sense, unlike Sophia Bush leaving Chicago PD and nobody ever again even mentioning her character's name, even her freakin' foster dad who essentially raised her... His character on The Rookie is recurring, but a pretty small role to date. Maybe DL is hoping that role will expand? IMO that isn't likely to happen, considering the show already has a large number of regulars.
  7. Actually, from what I've read, a lot of people were skeptical about indoor toilets at first - basically, they could not understand how the waste left the toilet and thus thought of the whole thing as rather unclean.
  8. My main question has long been why did DL leave a show that literally centered on him, in order to join a show where he's just an occasionally recurring character. Did he hate WCTH that much?
  9. Not to mention, Frankie dealing with the situation by telling Brick to "take them to Grandpa Mike's". WTF?? They were brand new chairs! Why not return them for the actual money spent?? Don't forget, in one of the final episodes, Frankie outright admits that she's on Facebook literally all day at work...like WTF?? It seems like she's the only other employee at that dentist's office, so she would be pretty steadily busy, serving as hygienist and probably doing billing, etc. When would she even have time for that?
  10. My mom has a lot of mobility issues, so when we recently saw a TV ad for a walk-in tub - I forget what company - we decided to look into it. Your first red flag: When they say things like "$2,000 off if you call now!" but fail to mention the actual price. Turns out the average walk-in tub is like $15,000. Don't get me wrong, this product is awesome for those who need it. But it's definitely no small purchase, either. Nobody in any of the ads ever seems to mention this.
  11. Listen, I totally get that Dove is trying to show their deodorant is for everyone, as indicated with the flashes of all kinds of people. But rather than feel like the woman in the wheelchair is Dove's answer to diversity, I feel more like it's pandering, e.g. "Look at us! We included a woman who is disabled! We're so awesome!" (As a disabled woman myself, there has literally never been a time in my life where I demanded to see proof of disabled people using deodorant...we sweat just like everyone else, yo.)
  12. I'm sure the conditioner is also helpful, but I've never gotten it...for me at least, just the shampoo was enough.
  13. Never tried either of these, but thanks to lupus, I've gone through phases of alarming hair loss. I have found that biotin shampoo really helps, both in preventing the hair from coming out and in stimulating new growth. My favorite is by Avalon Organics, which I get on Amazon every few months and use a couple times a week as "prevention".
  14. Did you ever read his book Mostly Michael? (Michael and Ned make cameos in each other's books.) I related pretty well to a lot of Michael's issues.
  15. "Hey, guess what? I finally got around to watching Uranus last night!" Now that would be a fun office conversation for others to overhear...
  16. They figure we've been in quarantine so long, we have NO idea what month or day it is, and so they're just having fun messing with us, throwing out random holidays and seeing if anyone notices...
  17. And given the fact that the girl is the one in the bathroom, not dad, it doesn't really make sense that he's the one passing the sheets to HER...
  18. Theoretically, someone taking you on the adventure of a lifetime might also include abduction, so yeah, I would think she'd be more specific about what she actually wants in a date...
  19. I like sour cream on my baked potato as much as the next person, but I've yet to get as excited as the people in the Daisy commercial where the guy shows up bearing two - TWO! - containers of sour cream. The table is laden with all kinds of yummy BBQ foods, but everyone has eyes only for the sour cream.
  20. https://www.marieclaire.com/culture/a33339872/golden-girls-famous-tv-house-for-sale/
  21. Had Laura lived in the era of reality shows, she just might have...
  22. Oh sure, but if you know you're pregnant, you're obviously not in menopause and wouldn't be seeking products for it...
  23. Watching some old episodes on Netflix -- I have long since accepted this show's many historical inaccuracies, at least in terms of things like hairstyle and clothing, as I've read articles that state the difficulties involved in being more accurate. Ok, fine. But does the show not have interns with access to Google? It shouldn't be so difficult for TPTB to realize things like, no, Julie wouldn't be in trouble for driving without a license, because cars were still so new in 1911 that driver's licenses weren't actually a thing yet. Google is your friend, show.
  24. Finally getting around to watching the last season... Overall, I think it isn't bad. IMO most shows are pretty bad at wrapping things up; they either do nothing special or else totally overdo it (e.g. every person suddenly realizes their wildest dreams). I like how they worked in last appearances by nearly everyone who was part of the earlier seasons, even Carly stopping by the New Year's party. That said, I found the scene with Frankie surprising Brick with 7 slices of cake to "make up" for her forgetting all his birthdays not touching, but completely horrifying and sad. How awful that a teenager is so used to his family forgetting his existence that he's become totally complacent about it? And no, Frankie, buying your kid 7 slices of cake on one random day does NOT, in any way, make up for forgetting his actual birthdays.
  25. I can well imagine... My personal favorite is the one for the medication to help women with menopause, and it states "do not use if you are pregnant". Uh...
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