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Everything posted by SnarkySheep

  1. Yeah, but honestly, if Jay were inclined to learn, wouldn't he have done it like 15 years ago? Did Luke ever even mention an interest in attending college at this time? I sure don't remember it. Presumably, that's why they were living at the Dunphy's for the past couple years, so they could save up. That said, I wanted to slap Haley when Phil and Claire told the kids things were too crowded and someone needed to go. She was outraged, literally like "WHAAAT?? You can't tell us to go!" Girl, you and your family have been living in a huge, gorgeous house, with lots of extended family around to help out, for TWO YEARS. Instead of being grateful for that - lots of people in your position could only dream of it - you are downright angry that you're not being given MORE? Just ugh.
  2. While I get that we needed that unicorn sticker in order to have a quick visual clue as to which ventilator was the contaminated one...would Cain seriously not have told the little girl not to stick it on? They showed us in the flashback that he was right there in the room when the little girl did it. You'd think he would have said, hey, that's such a nice sticker, maybe we can put it on your mom's things, or whatever. Because you don't want kids sticking random crap onto hospital equipment that other people are also going to have to use...
  3. On a side note - was anyone able to get a good look at the photo of Mr. Wheeler in Dottie's office? I would swear it was just Billy Gardell with different colored hair, but totally forgot to go back and deleted the ep from my DVR.
  4. While I get that gang violence is in reality a huge issue in Chicago, I'm rather weary of the whole "Intelligence has to stop gang war from erupting" storyline. It feels like we've done it a zillion times already. And of course, when she did it, the guys were just supposed to ignore it, or take it as a joke. If they had done it to her, you know she'd have run straight to HR.
  5. Why does every single wedding on TV have to take place in a hurry? Can TPTB really not think of any other wedding-related plotline or obstacles other than "this thing needs to take place in five minutes"? Also, isn't April always acting the part of the medical expert, even contradicting the actual doctors? How stupid would she have to be, doubling up on her fertility treatment stuff? I'm no medical professional, and even I know that's not how medication works.
  6. Did anyone mention to Hermann that Casey and Severide get private quarters because they are actually active lieutenants, in charge of people and having responsibilities, whereas Hermann is a lieutenant in name only unless Casey is out for a shift or something? The whole DCFS storyline was ridiculous. It's as though the writers are stuck in 1950. I work in an urban school district, where there are lots of single parents with disabilities or illnesses - unless there is some real and true danger to the child, no one is going to take a child away from a loving parent and toss him into an already overloaded system. Why did no one even think to ask if there are extended family members or friends who help the mom? Or if a home assistant stops by? etc.
  7. She would actually have lost it way sooner than that - Elizabeth and Jack were quite obviously "keeping company" for years, as was known by everyone in town. Re: barber shops - I think that's because they were social hubs for men (think Floyd's on Andy Griffith). So it would have been considered improper for a woman to hang out in such a place. Re; overnight trips - Erin Krakow addressed it on Twitter. IMO she's looking at it from a 21st century perspective, because the whole point is that no one would know if they were sleeping separately or not. Back then, the whole thing was about appearances.
  8. She just seems so generic to me, and very obviously not meant to be around for too long. IMO it's just a waste of screen time. Sadly, I don't think so. Harper is a pretty good replacement; and the show has so many other characters with their own storylines, so it's not lacking anything. I honestly didn't even consider it til you mentioned her.
  9. And honestly, I couldn't fault him for this one. I live in a condo complex and had a baby upstairs several years ago (til thankfully the family decided to buy a house) and the kid's screaming in the middle of the night drove me nuts. And I'm a (supposedly!) normal adult, nowhere near Sheldon and his various issues. IMO the whole storyline with Pastor Jeff not realizing Mary might be hesitant to have him next door was a little off. I get that everyone has their "d'oh" moments, but overall Pastor Jeff isn't a doofus, nor is he insensitive. I guess he was just so caught up in the joy of looking for a house with his new bride (and legit does like Mary and the rest of the Coopers) that he didn't think of it from her POV. But still.
  10. Why exactly were Mitch and Cam totally unprepared for a baby they knew was due in two weeks? Are we supposed to believe that two adult men, who have already adopted a child and have been around numerous family members having babies, would not know that a due date is an ESTIMATE and the baby can arrive earlier or later? Plus, even if the baby did arrive in two weeks on the dot, did Mitch and Cam plan to just run to Target the night before? This entire family likes to drop money and buy nice things; you know they'd be hitting up all kinds of baby boutiques and websites as soon as they made the official decision to take this baby. This whole thing made absolutely zero sense. Also, I get that all the grandparents were at the Easter party simply to provide a backdrop for Phil and Claire panicking about getting older. But really, why were those people there? The party was for kids in Dylan and Haley's parent group - who by the way were all about three, and actually able to understand/enjoy hunting eggs, unlike the twins who are not even two yet - which would mean the kids would come with their parents. Maybe ONE grandparent might tag along, someone who really wanted to be there to experience the moment. But most of those people would simply have stayed home and waited for their kids to post FB pics of the event.
  11. I saw it as a callback to the days when he and Claire were supposedly a figure skating duo - those moves definitely seemed like they could have been adapted to the ice. This seemed like a really bizarre storyline for three people well into their 20s. FFS, if you want to throw a party so bad, move into your own place and have all the parties you want. You aren't in high school. And Phil and Claire being so happy to be "needed" by their three adult children at the end? That was absolutely terrifying. Nobody should be running to Mommy and Daddy at their ages with such petty little problems. It would be bad enough if one kid ended up that way, but THREE? It was a clear sign that Phil and Claire failed as parents.
  12. This. Til now, they mostly indicated she was a ditz, but overall I found it not really funny, but kinda veering into creepy territory... Why couldn't Kofu simply tell Christina he doesn't think it's a good idea to see one of the owners/bosses socially? (Because this is a sitcom, and open communication ends plots too quickly...)
  13. That's why I didn't like the reveal at the end, that both Angela and Doris hated hiking but only pretended in order to impress their new significant others. Would the world have ended if the two women had a legit activity or interest that Katie didn't share? Don't forget, when any people get caught on Google Maps, they blur out their faces. Obviously, if a male and female teenager were seen on the Otto lawn, people who knew them would assume it's Taylor and Oliver. But it's not like the whole world in general would know it's them on the internet.
  14. It's actually illegal to advertise prescription drugs in almost every country except the US.
  15. What I didn't get was how Max became such a recognized celebrity, considering he was in Allie's video for about five seconds... Not to mention, using that plastic wrap from the (conveniently placed) bagel on the kid's chest. I get that it was an emergency, but wouldn't he get an infection, especially if there was cream cheese or something else on it, down there for God knows how long? Also, what the heck was Reynolds even doing down there? It looked like some kind of basement or deserted ward. How convenient that we have never seen him going that way before, until an emergency struck...
  16. I remember she was looking for jobs in that episode where she couldn't find her driver's license (because Luke took it to buy booze) but not why she took that one specifically.
  17. Not to mention, what are the odds of a teenage intern "overhearing" classified info at the DoD?? I literally LOL'd when Cara casually told her coworker that she was "off to work on something for the God Account" smack in the middle of the work day! Yeah, I get that she's a journalist and has a lot more freedom to move around than most of us do, and also that that's her friend - but it's also true that people tend to stay on the down-low about doing personal stuff during work time. How does Cara know someone didn't overhear? Or that her coworker won't get jealous/upset with her at some point and rat her out to a supervisor? It's like Cara and company just take for granted that the whole world will treat the God Account as sacredly and as valid a thing as they do. Eh, I dunno...I think Miles could pull off the red sweater look quite handsomely... 😁
  18. I was too busy wondering why the Ottos still had that old stuff to notice this...the furniture would have been from around 20 years ago! Why would they have kept it, especially considering it was mostly cheap/junky, and they just moved to the Westport house a few years ago? I get sentimental value as much as the next person, but I doubt they would have lugged all that stuff from one basement to another. I was just thrilled to have this tiny bit of continuity - way too many shows drop the ball too often, and on way bigger things than this.
  19. Right, but from the snippet they showed Kate and Toby looking at pictures of lots of babies, which made me think private adoption. I guess we'll have to wait til next season when they specify more.
  20. What I want to know is just how Kate and Toby afford the adoption! They aren't cheap - and as they themselves said, they already have a huge mortgage in an expensive area, a special needs child who will no doubt need doctors and programs, and it's only Toby working. Funny how money is never really an issue in TVLand (unless the writers decide it's part of a plot...)
  21. Don't forget that Max also has a baby! (Which, strangely enough, Sharpe was obsessed with having, yet we haven't heard a single word about all season...) This show isn't as bad as some others, but what I can't stand is medical shows with the female doctors or nurses having curling-iron hair...like, sure, I am totally positive that a woman about to go to her very intense hands-on job and be on her feet for 10 hours would do that, instead of just sweeping it up in a ponytail or bun.
  22. Not to mention, Alex kept humble bragging about those shoes and her new status, like she was a kid from the projects who had succeeded in landing herself a better life. Surely the Dunphys, with their expensive home, many vacations, etc., bought their kids expensive items throughout their lives? Like Haley wouldn't have had any designer clothes or accessories? Same. IMO the point they were trying to make was that making tons of money didn't necessarily mean the person was fulfilled by their work or even enjoyed it. I never really knew what Alex's company supposedly did, but in this ep when she was telling everyone about it, she seemed almost like she was reading off a grocery list of items, like she was trying to convince her own self it was a great company doing great things. Maybe working at a university would make her happier. What I couldn't figure out why why Mitch and Cam could only see two options - getting a baby or not adopting at all. Why not look for an older child? There are lots of children who still need a home, yet will fit into their ages/lives at this point better.
  23. Despite my agreeing with all of you on the various nitpicks and problems of this show, I must add that I do really like the way all of the friend suggestions keep circling back, usually when you least expect them. On most every show, the patient/victim/client/whoever of the week is usually there for one episode, then you never see them again. It's good to get them back especially when you start to get invested in their personal story. I also like the way they keep highlighting how we are all connected in a variety of ways, such as Anna turning out to be a former member of Harlem Episcopal. That's probably more true than we realize, except of course as IRL we don't have the resources of a TV show, most of us probably never get to realize the full extent of our six degrees of separation.
  24. Was anyone thinking Everybody Loves Raymond during this conversation??
  25. They actually have been airing some of the "classics" over the past month or so - I've seen this one, as well as the woodchucks chucking wood one.
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