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Everything posted by emmawoodhouse

  1. I think Deanna's been in the in-law apartment since Dax was a baby. I believe she lived with Mary in the pool house before that.
  2. No, Jessica (Ben's sister, not a typo) spoiled the birth as it happened. Pictures were posted to SM. They waited 5 days to announce Baby Brown Towel's name was SPURGEON. FFS.
  3. This article focused on Christian homeschooling. It wasn't meant to take on the topic in general. It was just meant to shine a light on a subset of society that seems to be sweeping this behavior under the rug. I thought it was great that counseling at a young age was suggested. As we've learned by following these folks, counseling is mostly frowned upon and considered a weakness. It's progress to see Christians writing to a Christian audience be so frank about it.
  4. A sweep would have really helped me out. Fuck Altuve.
  5. Looks like Katey has been grounded. This response is from her dad's YouTube. He is the one who responded.
  6. Prince William consoles England. https://www.instagram.com/p/CRNCV5ClZqv/?utm_medium=copy_link
  7. The Bateses still have a website? I thought Kelly gave that up some years ago.
  8. So, does that mean Gizelle is going to have a storyline this season? I hope she's super messy! 😀
  9. I married an Italian, so I am rather obligated to say FORZA AZZURRI! 👽
  10. And Novaxx ironically says he's "divided" about going to Tokyo.
  11. USA! USA! eta: in my best Bob Roll voice...from DURANGO, COLORADO!!! 😀
  12. @Temperance is basing the possible due date on the fact that Jessa had her ultrasound on 1/25. If she was 14 weeks, her due date would be at the end of the month. However, her recent pics show that she's ready to pop any day. She has said she gained more weight this time, but it appears she's going to have another Spurgeon sized baby. IIRC, he was well over 9 lbs.
  13. Interesting article regarding the effect of Josh Duggar's offenses in the Christian homeschooling community.
  14. I hope baby Madeline pulls through. Another side note: her premature birth makes her less than 13 months younger than Elliot. Or is it Axton? I always forget their birth order, but I do know the birthday of the second one, since I share it. 😁
  15. Even if she regrets it now, she can't admit it. She's wholly and completely stuck.
  16. I plugged in the address from the tax assessor's office and the house came up as off the market. I know I am on the right street. Help (ie send me the link 😁 ).
  17. The Clarks seem well off, but they are also marrying off their daughter this year.
  18. I have many Filipino friends. Staunchly Catholic, every one. Their family back in the Philippines? Staunchly Catholic. Sorry Mediccorps, they are not as easy to convert as you might think.
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