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Everything posted by emmawoodhouse

  1. Kelly Dodd? Has she moved to NYC? Last I heard, she and Rick were still on the west coast.
  2. Jer himself is a good decade too old. 😂
  3. The TikTok is in his name. I don't even know how to look at it; I just saw a screenshot.
  4. Jesus tap dancing Christ, didn't they just go on an ice cream/bookstore date like 3 days ago? 🙄 https://www.instagram.com/p/CRcSokAl7pN/?utm_medium=copy_link And he was the one who addressed homefooling. I think he knows Jinger is not capable.
  5. So, Jer will be done with seminary in Spring '22. They said they don't have plans beyond that. Really? In the meantime, those clowns found TikTok. Only a year late. 😂
  6. My point is that they had to already pay for a wedding this year. 😊
  7. It's the youngest matchy matchy boy. Daniel, who offered to help Anna, is in his mid 30s, divorced and remarried.
  8. But he's INNOCENT!!!!!111 Ex con employee did it! Or Josiah!
  9. I think Eboni was calling Crystal's race-baiter (and others like them) deranged bigots. If you've seen the communication, you'd probably agree. It was very ugly, racist rhetoric.
  10. I don't think it's hate. It's indifference for the ASG in general. I don't remember the last time I actually sat down and watched it.
  11. emmawoodhouse

    The NBA

    Eh, JaVale will just be out there for garbage time. But sad that he's the best backup center they could find, even on such short notice.
  12. Spoke too soon about Jill abandoning her Make Your Life Count minutes. She posted two this morning, all about being self-righteous, a subject she should know ALL about. 🙄
  13. Same here. No problems since maybe an hour after I originally posted.
  14. Her caption is everything that is wrong with her writing, sans the superfluous commas. Her book is going to be unreadable.
  15. Jill's Laugh of the Day is the claim that she took a church friend out to dinner. I'm sure it was the other way around.
  16. From what I understand, no probation in Federal trials.
  17. In the Fathers Day sermon, HUNK said the Lord brought them the Stimmy checks to help build the barndo. The latest child credits are similarly sent to finance the new living room. 🙄
  18. Baby Madeline has taken a turn for the worse. ☚ī¸ https://www.instagram.com/p/CRXiUIZH8Pe/?utm_medium=copy_link Link to Chelsy's blog http://www.chelsyrenee.com/2021/07/urgent-prayer-request-for-madeline.html?m=1
  19. So, he can't see or hear, but she drops him off at the office? Her stories have more holes than Swiss cheese. 🙄
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