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Everything posted by emmawoodhouse

  1. Camille came in hot on Twitter, saying that Erika's mascara didn't run when they went snorkeling. There was more, but I only retained this particular jab. There's obviously no love lost there.
  2. She seems to be shooting her wad now. If anyone in production sees the articles or that IG post, she's good as one and done.
  3. He was an executive in tech. I remember reading an article about him maybe a year or two ago.
  4. Tonight's Yankees./Sox game has been postponed due to positive Covid tests in the Yankee organization. eta: Just heard it's 6 players, most of whom were vaxxed.
  5. emmawoodhouse

    The NBA

    They've announced that they are trying to find a replacement for Beal. https://images.app.goo.gl/WUtrBGXTArfdZBVZ6
  6. She pushed a subscription box the other day. Not FabFitFun, but something similar.
  7. I forget what the content is, but yeah, she posted that cover with a poorly composed picture of about 5 Not Nuries on a country road. And yes, Jilly's favorite font, Comic Sans! 😂
  8. Jill just announced that after "hours and hours," she's finished with her "book." No need for a publisher; HUNK is going to print it. I guess that will keep the kids busy for a week or so.
  9. I was curious about ole Flame, so I looked him up. He's 39, released 9 albums, and has a Grammy nomination. He and Ben aren't even on the same planet, especially now that Ben no longer has a TV show.
  10. So this is how they use that inner sanctum "library" at the Masters Seminary. 🙄 https://www.instagram.com/p/CRU5wc_lfVy/?utm_medium=copy_link
  11. Sending him to jail would be a good start.
  12. But if you don't check our the stories, you get this: https://www.instagram.com/p/CRUsyBAt1Ew/?utm_medium=copy_link
  13. Just read that Trevor Bauer's admin leave has been extended two weeks to the 27th.
  14. I haven't watched either Jessa's or Jill's videos. 😁
  15. Wouldn't Chris' ex have to sign a release for the kids to be filmed?
  16. I think we're actually in agreement as to the bottom line. 😀
  17. When Izzy was maybe 3 and Jill started him in "pre-school," she insisted that he would be homeschooled. I think she came to the realization, maybe with the help of therapy, that she wasn't cut out to add Teacher to her plate as a homemaker.
  18. Yes, but JINGER is posting as much as her famewhore spouse. It's clear they're ramping up the social media to keep the cash rolling in now that there is no more Counting On $$.
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