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Everything posted by emmawoodhouse

  1. She was horrible about it. From saying she wasn't an important member of the church to getting pissed when they realized they had to pick her up from the hospital. IIRC, they left her in bed with just a glass of water on her nightstand. No food, no nothing.
  2. Bobby may poach Rashad or even Don, both of whom have proven to be solid.
  3. Jill said it was Jonathan, Kaylee, and Tessie. It must have been the latter's "week." I guess the rest of the kids were left at the campground.
  4. I wonder if she still thinks she's shadowbanned?
  5. Kim and Barry are both so loathsome. IDGAF what happens to them, but I agree this is a play for pay.
  6. emmawoodhouse

    Tennis Thread

    Actually, a little summary with the link is appreciated. And actually REQUIRED in the celebrity deaths forum. I always write a sentence or two and embed my links in the text more often than not. Kills two birds with one stone. 😃
  7. I don't think he worded it that way. He said something to the effect of "If Jill wants to work, that's fine." I don't remember it being sexist at all. Remember, his mother worked full time during his formative years.
  8. Taking a quick tally, Ben is the only husband still under Boob's thumb. It's true that Derelict and Jeremy wouldn't be where they are today without their wife's money. And that money came from Boob. Credit to Austin for not taking the bait, as far as we know. Their house came from Mary. But yeah, still mostly patriarchal, although Derelict has stated that he's not against Jill working.
  9. So true. I am reminded of a guy on the reality show Family Karma. He grew up fundie, always knew he was gay. He came out to his parents when he was 19 and was basically thrown out. Now in his mid-30s, he's engaged to be married to his longtime boyfriend and hasn't told his parents. He doesn't think it would accomplish anything; it's not as if they would come to the wedding. At least he's happy and living his best life. So many gay children of fundies aren't as fortunate.
  10. Jackson's birth was featured in the very first special, 14 Kids and Pregnant Again. So, you've been with then since Day One! 😃
  11. I wonder if they'll stagger the sentences like they did with Joe and Teresa Giudice.
  12. That might be worth taking one for the team. 😀
  13. Okay, I had a fundie dream last night. Well, it was about fundies, but they weren't fundie. I dreamt that Chad and Erin were international spies. They had code names for everything. The only one I remember is Chad's correspondence was called Lucille. 😂
  14. He put his stint at Cross Church on his LinkedIn. That wasn't a job. He paid THEM. $12,000 IIRC. I can't believe it, but they've been married almost 8 years. He was at Walmart then. Aside from the law school internships, he hasn't had a steady job. I don't know what to call the "mission" stint in Danger America since he's now claiming they weren't compensated.
  15. They have employees. Carlin and Whit probably zoomed in at some point each day. Content was posted, so someone was working.
  16. I wish she would have defined "mental issues." That's an extremely broad statement.
  17. No, multiple trucks chose the same peppers. A couple trucks chose the poblanos, at least three had habeneros.
  18. Her parents pulled her out of public school in the 2nd grade, IIRC. At least her father worked, unlike Deadbeat Dave.
  19. I can't believe she chose to legally change her name to SalsaQueen. I figured that was her show name to hype her brand. I thought her original name was far more interesting.
  20. Thanks, I am happy to be wrong. As for birth centers, I am not up on what Arkansas allows in terms of VBAC, but with Jill's history, she would be best off in a hospital with experienced nurses and an OB.
  21. I believe the ALERT application has very personal questions about the applicant's sex life (among other things). I imagine this knowledge is used against the cadets as part of the abuse these boys endure for Jesus.
  22. I don't think she said she was going to a doctor for the gestational diabetes test. She just said she was going to have it. Can birth centers do VBACs?
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