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Everything posted by emmawoodhouse

  1. Oh yeah, the parade of Amazon boxes and pillowcases is all Jessa. She's all about putting the least amount of effort into everything she does.
  2. She said she'd been back and forth between Rocky Top and Nashville several times while Lawson and Tiffy we're on their honeymoon. Why couldn't she have stopped by on one of those trips? Kelly loves the adventure of moving Lawson's stuff, but when things are hard, she tends to peace out. She does very little for her mother who is practically bedridden after her bout with Covid. Michael was helping her for a while. No clue who is helping her now.
  3. Red herring much Jill? These idiots couldn't debate themselves out of a paper bag. 🙄
  4. Now that you can tell is Anna. She's got the Cindy Lou Who nose going on.
  5. Yeah, I question the spa pic. A little too blonde.
  6. Mack was in a family picture in a jumpsuit over a year ago.
  7. I think Jed was a model kid, so he didn't "need" ALERT like the other Howlers did. Even Joe doubted his upbringing at one point. Poor Josiah. He did 3 tours of duty. I wonder if Boobchelle mace him pay for the extra two?
  8. Is he? I don't think he has much of an audience these days. And that's a good thing. eta Candace, OTOH, has been steadily working this last decade. She's pretty extreme in her beliefs, but nothing close to her nutjob brother.
  9. Kelly finally found a hole in her schedule to visit Carlin. I wonder what the Stewarts think about her?
  10. I vaguely remember James with a buzzcut maybe 2-3 years ago. I have no memory of Jason going.
  11. Don't forget that Derelict is a member of the Federalist Society. Depending on how serious he is about his membership, it may color his career path in the future.
  12. emmawoodhouse

    The NBA

    Draymond is actually a great guy. Intelligent, funny, and very generous with his money. His mom's a hoot. Her Twitter feed is gold.
  13. Right. They confirmed location in the blog post.(and proved our super sleuths to be correct!) 😄
  14. It's confirmed on LinkedIn that Derelict will be an ADA in Stillwell. Here's their blog post about the move. https://www.dillardfamily.com/2022/06/new-house-new-job-new-state/
  15. I wonder who wrote it? Certainly not resentful Boob.
  16. I forget the word she used, but she complained about her labor pains as well. Hey Jill, you're not the only woman whose labor was painful. 🙄.
  17. Michelle blogs on the occasion of Jackson's graduation from ALERT. https://www.duggarfamily.com/2022/06/celebrating-jacksons-big-day/
  18. It would never occur to Jessa. 🙄 Ben supposedly takes one kid out every Saturday.
  19. Without autotune, Lawson is your average singer in the shower.
  20. Ivy got a mani/pedi. https://www.instagram.com/p/CeZWw6WJFqz/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
  21. Yeah, it was a short sentence for something financial.
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