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Everything posted by emmawoodhouse

  1. Oh gross. Icklan Hall can take a long walk off a short pier. I'm going to delete the recording.
  2. Tracey must have won. I have it recorded, won't watch if she's the winner.
  3. I wonder how old that pic is? In recent pics, she appears to have taken out her extensions.
  4. I think he'll stick with her until his appeal fails. He won't need the loving little woman after that.
  5. Sam may be good looking, but like the rest of them it's all ruined when he opens his mouth. The stupidity spills out in the Rods' nasal, whiney voice.
  6. The Forsyths also have a shitty track record with animals. May they never have another pet. RIP Brielle and the kittens 😢
  7. We don't know what the professionals told her to do. Maybe she is working with him beyond the alphabet and colors with Evy. Maybe she isn't. We just don't know.
  8. Gideon's only 3. Give it time. I want to see what she does to catch him up. So far, she hasn't told us anything, but she also isn't an online presence like her bestie, Carlin
  9. What won't Joy ever learn? Her one failing, aside from her abhorrent beliefs, seems to be filming her kids in their underwear/diapers.
  10. The 20 after that won't be so hot, either. That pretty much takes care of her "next 33 years."
  11. Today is HUNK's 50th birthday. Jill wrote a message and signed it "your dove, Jilly." 😂
  12. Samuel is the one who is halfway decent looking. I think the other three will be pure for a LONG time. And it goes far beyond their looks. Will any of these boys be self-supporting, like, EVER?
  13. This is JL Duggar''s senior picture. I think he looks like James.
  14. Why would they know? Famy doesn't know them and WOACB doesn't cover them. As for the cancellation, they had the full season in the can. The show was cancelled just a week before the season premiere. UP had been promoting the hell out of it, then out of nowhere, BOOM! goes the dynamite.
  15. Local reporter CC McCandless' narrative of Sentencing Day from inside the courtroom. He doesn't think much of Gelfand. 😂 TW for a brief comment from Judge Brooks. https://ccmcc.substack.com/p/sentencing-day?s=r
  16. I wonder if Sarah will go Jamaican? That would be a nice twist since I think only Tom knows that part of her background.
  17. I didn't realize Munchausens had been renamed. Because I am reading the link saying to myself, "This sounds like Munchausens." The more you know. 😃
  18. They are major extroverts. They would show up at the opening of an envelope. I don't know if they've been told to live their normal lives, but it's clear that Carlin can't keep up the breakneck pace. She needs to spend some quiet time at home, no fake graduations, ball games, Top Golf, Starbucks runs, etc. The problem is, neither of them can stand quiet time. So, here we are.
  19. Wasn't this the ER trip that Evan said the EMTs gave her anti seizure meds? They filmed this one for the gram in which Carlin wore the neck brace, and I'm pretty sure it's the visit where she got the meds. I don't think they'd been mentioned before this trip to Vandy.
  20. That old Bates blog was a goldmine. I remember Kelly quickly yanking the "Patriot Room" pics when she started feeling the heat. Pity that those pics are also all over the internet.😂
  21. She also said they've been together for 7 years, confirming that they started seeing each other when she was still a minor. This is what I was alluding to when I mentioned that Hannie would be 17 soon and possibly seeing Carver Bowers.
  22. IIRC, Kelly initially posted the cake pic on her now defunct blog. The picture has since been lifted in its original form so many times that the genie can't be put back in the bottle.
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