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Everything posted by emmawoodhouse

  1. emmawoodhouse

    Tennis Thread

    I heard that a protestor halted the Cilic/Ruud match. Did anyone see what happened?
  2. But did she cut it? Not only does she look washed out, the super long hair makes her already long face look even longer.
  3. His sisters could confront him, then their husbands finish up the job by kicking the shit out of him. Everyone wins! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ
  4. At least they have the dog with them. I was getting worried about her.
  5. From Boob's stump speech, it seems that he is most resentful about the drinking and poor money handling. He has never mentioned anything like cheating.
  6. Well, we can be thankful that the Fonuts gig was short-lived. ๐Ÿ˜‚
  7. I think it would track based on his CSAM viewing history that Smuggar prefers his women to look younger than their actual age. Especially if he has kinks like pigtails. It's disgusting, but there it is.
  8. emmawoodhouse

    The NBA

    I don't mind the Celtics. Of course, that is subject to change. Go Dubs!
  9. The mods said they wanted to keep things positive. So no eyerolls, barf, or thumbs down.
  10. From Kelly's latest IG post we learn that she's been making trips to Nashville with Lawson's stuff. No wonder she can't take care of her sick daughter. Lawson has a concert tonight. Maybe Carlin will see her there. Just more proof that Kelly avoids the hard stuff while running around like a chicken with her head cut off for the golden son.
  11. Here's Fundie Fridays take on the sentencing. Her Michelle voice as she reads her letter is hysterical.
  12. She seems to be a very normal, active toddler. I'm sure they would have milked an illness for more YouTube eyeballs if there was something wrong.
  13. Anna isn't. She'd have to work AND take out the garbage. ๐Ÿ™„
  14. I'm sure it is, but they haven't said anything about it publicly.
  15. Boob never mentioned physical abuse during his spiels against JL. Verbal abuse was implied when Boob talked about his beer drinking. From the speeches I've heard, JL was a recreational beer drinker (a couple beers while working on his cars), but Boob blew it up as if he was a full blown alcoholic. This tactic is common among the fundies who believe that any alcohol consumption is of the devil, and that anyone who drinks must be an alcoholic.
  16. Did her ๐ŸŒˆ screed get posted here? Fundies sure get their panties in a wad on June 1. ๐Ÿ™„
  17. The Bateses and Stewarts are both shorter than average families. It stands to reason that they'll have small kids. I was always the smallest kid in my class; my mother was 5'2", my father 5'6". I was doomed from the start! I only made it to 5' (on a good day)! ๐Ÿ™‚ Many of Carlin's sisters are in the 5'1" to 5'3" range, so I expect Layla to end up on the low end of that range
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