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Everything posted by emmawoodhouse

  1. Not a peep. But I don't think an AR lay midwife can deliver her VBAC. Sadly, she could slip over the OK border and have that scumbag Venessa Giron deliver her (if OK laws permit). Hopefully, she's seeing a real OB and plans to deliver in a hospital.
  2. Lawson is too vain to get fat like Nathan. Nathan and Zach favor Gil, all are husky guys and will never be thin.
  3. Sweet baby Jesus, a 24rh woman has come out of the woodwork to file charges against DeShaun Watson.
  4. I just assumed it was a while after she'd been in the ER. You know she carries makeup in her bag. Plenty of time to touch up after her initial spell. I wouldn't put that past her at all.
  5. Wasn't she at the tee ball game when she fell, necessitating the collar? Of course she was in full makeup. 🙄
  6. Gaaah, that Mac and cheese truck can go anytime. But they're going to get sales just by being Mac and cheese. No worries about repeat business since they just move on to the next city. But man, $20 in the trash. It must have been really bad.
  7. Yes, that's why I separated night and day cremes. SPF is important, and I bet Carlin's product doesn't have it. eta It's surprising how many days cremes don't have SPF.
  8. Did y'all catch Carlin's skin care shill a couple of days ago? She had at least six steps. Come on, you're 24. You don't need much more than a good cleanser to wash off the spackled on makeup and a good day and night cremes. This goes for all of them. Worry about the peptides, retinol, etc. when you're 40.
  9. I think the abusive leaders at ALERT might have succeeded in straightening out Smuggar for a while after graduation. But deep down he's a bad seed, so no treatment he ever participates in will cure him. He's a lost cause.
  10. emmawoodhouse

    The NBA

    That's more like it! The patented 3rd quarter run is BACK! I can't believe Boston threw in the towel so early in the 4th. They could have at least tried. It's the FINALS! So many exclamation points tonight. I need a xanax. 😀
  11. So I am already watching two shows in WWHL's time slot. Who won Fan Favorite?
  12. I dunno about Smuggar not being trusted while away. They are under 24/7 surveillance at ALERT. He wouldn't have gotten away with anything. From what I understand, it's worse than real boot camp, possibly abusive to a degree. ALERT might have scared Smuggar straight for a little while. Definitely moreso than the IBLP training camp or Jesus Jail.
  13. The article fucked up in its first paragraph. Famy never appeared on CO.
  14. No mention of how the kids 3rd grade and up were self-taught on computers. Jessa oversaw the tests.
  15. When you're breeding purebreds, absolutely. I think the rules are wild wild west when it comes to breeding the Doodles.
  16. Cathy is going to be about 45 minutes away, give or take depending exactly where she lives. It won't be as easy as it has been for Jill. She does mention networking, so she is aware she can't do it alone.
  17. Oh dear. I just saw an IG post of the "girls" holding baby chicks. Jill says they're in love. I hope no chicks left that store with a Rod. 😢
  18. Just saw in the comments that Jill said they are looking at churches closer to where they are now. She confirmed that they've left Cross Church (sad to leave it behind, or something like that). I imagine Jill will have the boys in bed early and have a late dinner with Derick, whenever he gets home (remember he also has half an hour to commute each way). It will be challenging with the new baby in its own schedule.
  19. Will Derick be home in the evenings? They usually work recent law school grads to the bone those first few years. Maybe working in the DA's office is different?
  20. If they're going to the same church (Cross Church Rogers), it's about a half hour drive.
  21. @Notabug, thanks for clarifying the there was a stated reason for the cancellation. I meant that that they said nothing specifically about the Bateses.
  22. The racist comment being the reason for cancellation is only speculation. UP didn't give a reason in their press release. The mystery makes it unlikely that UP will bring back the show in any form.
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