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Everything posted by emmawoodhouse

  1. The kids need a comb more than a brush. The latter would frizz out the curls Jessa works so hard to maintain. Speaking of Jessa, she's just beginning to reinforce a bad habit with Ivy and those stove knobs. I don't care if the gas wasn't hooked up, tell her NO!
  2. Hosanna didn't really escape. She's as fundie as ever, just living in Ohio.
  3. I wonder if we'll meet Madison's fiancee? When the show last aired, A-Rod was sliding into her DMs. Now she's engaged. Yeah, it's been a minute since we last saw the show, but it didn't take her long to latch onto a new dude. All that said, I can't stand her. Will the new guy hopefully mellow her out, or will she still be an attention-seeking famewhore?
  4. Salsa Queen needs to realize that there was going to be at least one truck from LA. It's lime that every season (save Alaska). It's not Senoreatas fault that this challenge fell into their lap. SalsaQueen would have totally taken advantage if there was a food truck competition in Utah. She just needs to shut her yap. I can't wait for the meltdown next week! 😂
  5. @Rabbittron, I'm so sorry. Hang in there. Hugs to you and Mommy Rabbittron. ❤
  6. emmawoodhouse

    The NBA

    Well, there's always Game 6 Klay. He's due for a big game. 😀
  7. Regardless of what it is, she had it very nominally pulled back when working on prep in the truck. That mop needs to be tied back.
  8. I thought she told Jackie that it came back because she told Jackie the story of the herringbone bracelet. I can't remember if that's what everyone else thought.
  9. I thought she told them that she had cancer, but it came back. I remember someone questioning that leukemia didn't "come back." It was many episodes ago
  10. I was talking about the girls. 😀 Yup, they let 17 year old Justin loose on 18/19 year old Claire. Not that big of an age gap there, a hair under 2 years.
  11. Nurie's kids will be 13 months apart if she delivers when she's due (November).
  12. The only one we know who was dating underage was Joy. However, they didn't disclose this relationship until she was nearly 19.
  13. I enjoy it because the parodies of real home shopping TV are spot on.
  14. I tried to watch it. I didn't make it past the rental car place. So annoying.
  15. Ben certainly loves it. It's probably the only time he's gotten his way in that marriage.
  16. Scary Island is CLASSIC! It does stretch into a second episode (when Zarin shows up), but it's appointment TV. sidenote: Lu tried to call it Poison Island on the second episode, but it didn't stick. 😂
  17. So Perry will do anyone who gives him the time of day. 😂
  18. The Gabriel thing is more wishful thinking on Jessica's part, I think. Jessa has kept names and genders under wraps until after the births. I don't think she to!d anyone Spurgeon's gender, let alone divulge a name. Not when the TLC stakes were at an all-time high. Jessa knew how to play that game. On camera.
  19. I think the girl in the purple maxi dress was the other graduate. I read earlier that there were just the two.
  20. It probably was clean before the reno crew got in there. The only exception I could see would be the tub. How dirty was it before? Did they really have to clean the jets?
  21. Regarding the timing, I think Jessa does the present week to culminate with the birthday. I believe Ivy's birthday was the 26th, and they were in Little Rock. Smuggar was sentenced on the 25th, so it makes sense that there were no festivities at the Big House.
  22. I just watched the graduation videos. Jill's speech was characteristically about Jill. At least Deadbeat Dave gave Phillip some guidance. They were still pretty awful overall. I can't believe the Rods basically commandeered the church last Sunday, taking over the graduation, having a party for David, and throwing in a sex reveal. I wonder what the other members of Joy Baptist think of them, especially Jill. eta While watching her stories just now, I noticed that she posted all this stuff at 2am last night. When does this woman sleep?
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