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Everything posted by emmawoodhouse

  1. Isn't their house on the car lot? That would allow him to spend all day with the tyke. He's not selling cars all day.
  2. emmawoodhouse

    The NBA

    Well, he can move up one seat right away now that Mike Brown is free to head to Sacto.
  3. Great, now I have to look at the video to see her effed up brows! 😂
  4. Well, I imagine the doctors had reason to try the EEG, so there had to be something going on. I saw the seizure footage, and it was pretty terrifying and not faked. Maybe it was tied to Zade's birth in some way? Covid? They're now left with more questions than answers. But I wouldn't give her a clean bill of health just yet. What happens when the FMLA leave is up? Will Evan go back to work (he better), or will they try to make a living off SM (bad decision)? I guess we'll see...
  5. At least there was something in addition to cake (or ice cream in Jessa's case).
  6. Why? It's none of their business. Especially Amy who doesn't seem to have any relationship with any of her cousins except Jill. She's definitely persona non grata and Jill isn't that far behind.
  7. Not the way Boob tries to push his influence around. I wonder how the IBLP venture at the old Tony Orlando theater in Branson is going?
  8. I remember that! But I don't remember whose birthday week it was. I do remember the steak looking like shoe leather. It was disgusting. No cake at Jessa's wedding. Just the ill-advised ice cream bar in the freezing parking lot.
  9. Sharrell's World, with her 350,000 subscribers, put Diana on blast earlier today. African Americans are NOT amused.
  10. Jill just can't help herself. She posted a pic of some of the girls with Lydia Plath. She so wants her own show.
  11. Not to mention her plastic surgeries. Those boobs weren't freebies. 😀
  12. That's even worse. I missed that part of her story (shows how much IDGAF about her), but that makes her excuse even that much weaker. She seems pretty fluent in English from what we've seen so far.
  13. Nope. Much easier to stick a candle in a donut or serve freezer burnt ice cream.
  14. I don't expect to see G&K at the new house until the housewarming party. 🙄
  15. Gift bags can be bought on the cheap, and then REUSED. Jessa really has no excuse other than sheer apathy.
  16. Her online business must be thriving. That's a lot of stuff, even for thrifting.
  17. Yes,she posted an "apology" of sorts, but it was weak sauce. She claimed language issues, which after being in the States for as long as she has is no longer an excuse. She knew what she was saying the first time.
  18. What happens if one (or more) of her kids have cake, say at a cousin's birthday party, and discover they really like it. Will Jessa bake them a cake because the KID wants it, or will she continue to be selfish and present rock hard ice cream or donuts? And for the record, my wedding "cake" was an Italian creme puff tower. 😀
  19. emmawoodhouse

    Tennis Thread

    I just remember because it was such a shock. It came out of nowhere.
  20. emmawoodhouse

    The NBA

    I saw a list of where Kerr ranks with those 9 titles. Aside from Phil Jackson, the rest are all... Celtics.
  21. She's recycling pictures! She used that pic the other day to plug her sooper seekrit Plexus meeting.
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