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Everything posted by emmawoodhouse

  1. I think they were going in for the gender check and found out that Annabel had died.
  2. She would have had to take the kids. The Duggars, including Boobchelle, Jana, Jason, James, and Jenni (assuming they didn't leave Hannie or Josie, just didn't see them in pictures) traveled to Cincinnati for a wedding yesterday. I doubt Anna made her "road trip" wherever she was going all in one day. Unless she was already at her destination before her post and she actually made it home in time to be part of the Duggars' caravan. Maybe Olivia Collingsworth (the bride) is the "bestie," and there was never a trip to OK or TX in hopes of seeing the FF (which we now know is currently impossible).
  3. That explains why I momentarily saw that Jill had posted. It was a picture of her and Derelict from when she was still a brunette. I assume it was an anniversary post. Weird that she can't post. I hope she gets this straightened out soon.
  4. Yes, I am in California. There have always been masks required at MIL's place, but now with the county wide mask mandate, they're just in line with everyone else. It's not that hard, Paul. Protect your sick mother from your trash!
  5. She looks like a brunette Josie. Addee is the spitting (or smitten, if you're JillRod) image of Michael.
  6. My MIL's facility, which runs the gamut from independent living to memory care, requires masking, proof of vaccination, and a temperature check to enter. Max is two visitors at a time. The Caldwells are trash.
  7. I thought I heard that Danni wasn't coming back. I never heard anything about Madison and Pringle. In the previews, she flashed a good size rock, so she gets engaged to *somebody.* Good lord, Kathryn gets worse every season.
  8. Co-signed. And wanted to add that she would tie this into her Gothardite upbringing and current beliefs. But what's unclear is what Gothard has to say about an incarcerated husband. All I have to go by is when another religious leader (Kent Hovind, IIRC) was in jail. Boob and other men maintained his innocence, but we never heard about his wife. But given the way this guy was martyred, I would guess that the wife dutifully waited for him. I don't think money was an issue in her support, as it might become in Anna's. I hope there is a lot of real estate stashed away in all those LLCs.
  9. I actually agree about the weight gain. I just wanted to point out that weight loss is attainable if one dedicates oneself to it. Smuggar has demonstrated that he has no impulse control, so I expect he will gain substantially.
  10. He could lose weight at the Fed Pen. Real Housewives of New Jersey's Joe Giudice lost something like 50 lbs during the 5ish years he was incarcerated. He looked like a completely different person when he was released. It can be done.
  11. It looked like him to me. He was described as bearded at his sentencing, and he was booked in the blue suit.
  12. Well, how "real" would a show with these two nitwits be? 😂
  13. emmawoodhouse

    The NBA

    Imagine a collision between Zion and Holmgren. That would be carnage.
  14. Agreed. TLC takes on bigoted lowlifes, but the Bateses already had a go with them. Not sure if they'd go with this. Maybe E!?
  15. Does anyone know the lagtime with the BOP updating their database? And @GeeGolly, Seagoville (sp?) is about an hour from Prissy and David's.
  16. Carlin has nearly 400k followers on Instagram. Their show on UP routinely only had about 200-250k viewers. Unfortunately, there may be a market for them.
  17. I don't feel sorry for her. She could have left 3 kids ago. She made a conscious choice to stay with a pedo cheater, somehow thinking it would work. Sure, she's leaning on her faith, but faith won't cure Smuggar. Smuggar is just going to mouth the platitudes as he's always done with no admission of his guilt. And Anna will continue to believe him, despite the verdict. At this point, her willful ignorance is bordering on obsessive. She's not rational, and her kids will be the losers as she continues to tilt at windmills.
  18. They were in Danger America for most of that pregnancy. If ahe had a shower, it would have been very late...kind of like what Amy is implying here.
  19. Shep's girlfriend isn't a newbie. She was on last season.
  20. Why does Jill need a shower? She probably already has all she needs for another boy.
  21. I thought that a few days ago when she didn't post on Father's Day. But now, she also missed their anniversary. It has to be the baby
  22. emmawoodhouse

    The NBA

    Bob Myers has stated that he wants to keep everyone. A healthy James Wiseman would be a huge help down low. Looney and Two Way Wiggs can't do it all.
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