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Everything posted by emmawoodhouse

  1. Bobby's production company produces the show, so if the show is back, he will be a part of it.
  2. That's pretty shameless. Anything for a buck, I guess. 🙄
  3. There's this one, detailing the lawsuit against Amy for breaking the lease and back rent. There's a counter claim that the property manager has requested be dismissed. It's a hot mess, and I am here if or it! https://www.instagram.com/p/CfSCHPOPFS3/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
  4. She's coming for Amy with new tea, so it's news here. She just posted a document between Amy's former landlord and Amy. It was notarized by Mary Duggar just days before her death. 😲
  5. I guess they're allowed to take the clothes on their back with them? What else would the jail do with them?
  6. They have BSB, but they now have several employees to support. Are they doing that well selling cheap Chinese dresses?
  7. There's a house in Deanna's name, but it's been assessed over a period of years. It's not their current place. Amy's only listing is for a place I can't determine, maybe her first store location, last assessed in 2020. Their old house was in Dillon's name only. There is no new listing in his name.
  8. I'm thinking this was last night. I think Jason and James didn't travel with Boobchelle and younger kids (and Jana) to the wedding, which was in the greater Cincinnati area.
  9. I read some of the comments on KJ's post this morning. She claimed that Amy's website for the clothing store had been down for a month. I don't know how how long it's been down, but it is down. So Amy has no source of income at present. KJ also claims that Amy is renting that huge house. That's easily enough checked with tax records. eta Checked the Assessor's records, and there is nothing new in either Dillon or Amy's names.
  10. Have those two even interacted? If they have, I totally missed it.
  11. That was only last November? I thought it was like a year ago. At any rate, I thought there had been something of a reconciliation, but I could be mistaken. And you're right. I don't know who wins a credibility fight between Amy and KJ. They're both pretty slimy.
  12. Backwoods Barbie! I keep wanting to call her Backstreet. 😀 They seemed to make up after that, so I was surprised to see WOACB going so hard after Amy (and Deanna) tonight.
  13. I haven't been paying much attention... is there a timetable for deGrom to return? Or have they shut him down indefinitely... again?
  14. WOACB also went after Deanna. I wonder what happened? They were all BFFs not that long ago.
  15. I've never been to either Florida or the rest of the Redneck Riviera. I consider myself fortunate. 😀
  16. Right. I read down to where the comments from sometime yesterday started. Brutal, and I was THERE for it. 😁
  17. I was livid when I first saw the post yesterday, but I didn't read the comments then. It must have been BAD for him to delete and disable. 😂
  18. Wow, I am reading the comments now. They are getting ROASTED.
  19. This shit is going to go viral. There's obviously no love lost between WOACB and Famy. 😱 https://www.instagram.com/p/CfP-9GwMLEg/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
  20. I had a feeling they'd head that direction. They love the Redneck Riviera.
  21. Anna's too beholden to the Duggar teat to ever go off the reservation via a tell all. I'm waiting for Derelict to make good on his promise.
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