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Everything posted by zoey1996

  1. I have no idea who that is. Maybe it's better that way?!
  2. I like Burgess! And she did a good job acting as a DA. Oh, Erin! Your mother is not your friend!
  3. I'm finding myself liking Carisi a lot, but I disliked his hair on last night's epi. Has he always worn it like that - exaggerated pompadour or whatever it's called? But I do like the character.
  4. Depends on the airline - some have higher weight restrictions, and some have no weight restriction, only size restrictions.
  5. Yes, but Harry may be concerned that Grace is "marrying up" just for the money and prestige. It may be more usual for a woman to marry up than for a man, so it's logical to me that Grace would be involved with/marry Gordon, and there does seem to be a genuine mutual attraction there.
  6. Oh, gag, why? The first season was OK, but the ones after that, with newKristin, newBoyd, etc. were pretty awful most of the time. Sad that this one got renewed and Cristela didn't.
  7. I don't know about in the US, but in the UK in the county where my DD lives, a child placed with a family pending adoption can be baptized only if the family is given permission. Once the child is adopted, of course the parents can have him or her baptized. But since this was a dedication in a Unitarian church, and not a baptism, I doubt it would be a problem here in the US. Love Braugher, and it was also great to see Leonard. Also seeing Cragen made me smile. Never having watched Orange is the New Black, I had to google to find out. Wiley is beautiful, and she did an excellent job with her character.
  8. Yes, that really happens. But while I know it was necessary for Jenny to do it, I don't think it was necessary to show her doing, and definitely not necessary to linger on it that long. I feel the same way about showing other bodily functions - yes we know they urinate and poop, but I don't want to watch it!
  9. Before one of Rochelle and Mike's attempts, it was captioned 4th try, and they didn't get it that time; they had to do it at least twice more before they passed and were given the clue. I am happy that they got into the final four. Like so many, I'd like to see Blair win, but unfortunately that means that Hayley wins also. I don't really like Tyler and Laura, so I wouldn't mind if they were the team eliminated. That said, it does seem unlikely, but anything can happen.
  10. We've been watching NYPD on Audience on DirecTV. It is great to see all the cast again after so many years. I just loved how the characters evolved over the length of the series. Andy is such a complex, layered, nuanced character, and so good with Theo.
  11. Remember Brooke and Claire from a few seasons ago? I thought Brooke's screeching, Claire, Claire! was annoying. I'd hate to have her and Haley in the same race. C'mon Claire! C'mon Blair! I think my ears couldn't take it.
  12. Yes! Very interested! I found it and will be watching! And right, I had forgotten that Bread and Roses was for the textile strike. Thanks for setting the record straight. As to Trixie, I hope she and Tom reconcile. I think they're wonderful together. At first I thought it an odd pairing, with her sense of style, fashion, and fun, and he, a man of the cloth, but now I think they are good for each other, and complement one another.
  13. I loved "Shoulder to Shoulder!" I keep hoping against hope that it will be released for DVD or streaming - I would watch it again! I didn't remember Parfitt from it; it would be great to see her as a young actor. Also loved the song, "Bread and Roses." I think in the previews she was called Sister Mary Cynthia. It will be good to have her back.
  14. This may not have been a legal trial, more of a mob mentality with the charges trumped up to appease the citizens of the area. There were still witch trials in the US well into the 18th century. The last witch trial in Virginia was in 1802. In this article from The Guardian, it's stated, "James I's statute was repealed in 1736 by George II. In Scotland, the church outlawed witchcraft in 1563 and 1,500 people were executed, the last, Janet Horne, in 1722." but it doesn't say there were trials than didn't end in conviction and death, so in the 1740's there may or may not have been trials. http://www.theguardian.com/uk/2007/jan/13/secondworldwar.world
  15. Quite a few scenes from these episodes were filmed in Colonial Williamsburg. I squeed when I recognized the marching field behind the Courthouse, with the steeple on Bruton Parish Church in the distance, the George Wythe House, etc. I have trouble keeping some of the characters straight, but I'm learning. Was it Anna who got the message sewn in the shirt by Abigail? Is she pretending to be a Loyalist but is actually a Patriot? Or do I have that all wrong?
  16. They were both from Honduras. Perhaps America already knew about some of her mother's family history, so chose to focus on her father. One does wonder if he had another family in Honduras. The general was one of the most interesting relatives that have been featured. There were a lot of conflicting emotions - proud that he stood up for his people, yet also concern over whether this morphed into power-grabbing. Such a sad end for him, yet what he chose, it seems.
  17. Of course, that's correct. It was so long ago, it just seemed like a separate season to me!
  18. Since this is time travel, if Black Jack had been killed, would his descendant, Frank Randall, have been born? I think that's why Black Jack has to live. In one of the earlier season 1 episodes, IIRC, Claire and Frank visit the field at Culloden, and there are stone markers with the clan names. Either MacKenzie or Fraser (or maybe both?) were shown on the marker(s). I know there is a Fraser marker now. Italicized to denote edit...
  19. If an Anglican priest (at least in that time period) wasn't married, he (because at that time there were no female Anglican priests) was required to be celibate. However, they were allowed to court and marry, or to be married before becoming a priest.
  20. I don't know what that means - why would you think that?
  21. I thought maybe that was what it was but I wasn't sure, so thanks.
  22. I just watched "Pie Fight" and I can so relate! I've been in Weight Watchers for nearly 5 years, and I know from experience how much my weight can fluctuate day-to-day. I can easily gain 3 pounds overnight - it's not fat, it's usually water retention. Just eating a salty meal can make me gain, again, water. And it isn't easy, it's hard, and it's not fair! Love that Mike opened up to the counselor without realizing he was doing so. And Molly was great after she realized he was opening up and telling the uncomfortable truth to her. I liked Monday night's episode also. For a bit, I thought Carl and Samuel weren't going to be in it, so it was nice to see them at the bar. I really like Molly and Mike together. I'm happy that they seemed to have dialed back on Molly's pratfalls and obnoxious behavior. Not that there still aren't moments. But it's better now, IMHO.
  23. Yes, I also thought Trixie gave it to Sister Monica Joan, and I thought, what a lovely gesture! Just as I was also appalled that SMJ took the entire plate of eclairs! I remember the first episode, where Jenny was given so much cake by SMJ when she first arrived at Nonnatus house. Thanks for "cleansing station" and explanation of where it was!
  24. The mother said she worked for a licensed establishment, which could mean a number of different things. What was the name of the room at Nonnatus House where the children took the baths? And since Nonnatus House moved locations, was the bathing room in the new location also?
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